Anonymous ID: 8f18cd May 9, 2018, 3:02 p.m. No.1351764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1779 >>1999

for those saying the 16 year plan is just delayed


that is not what we have talked about. if we cut the heads off of the snakes


and confiscate all assets. id say that would put


a total end to it. then set up better checks and balances.


so it never happens again.


  1. put the power back in the people hands.

  2. end the party system, it was set up to divide.

  3. term limits, no more fucking career politicians

  4. end of the fed, we print our own money backed by gold and silver.

  5. start cutting the gov. its too f big

  6. no more f lobbyist with blank checks.

  7. civilian over site on all moneys

  8. get out of the un


i do not have all the answers but these common sense things is a good start.