Anonymous ID: 9a4945 May 9, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.1351860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1875


LOL, I said I wasn't going to post about those youtube personalities making bank off easily fooled (plus I have no idea who the last two are, unirock and defango because fuck yt), but I think you're right about calling out 'C"' here. He claimed once he hadn't looked at chans. Then'' he claims he cracks code.

> I still think he's mainly wannabe with dementia but he's got a following. I think beanz has bigger following?

They both get the shekels for reporting bipolar shit about Qanon and famefagging. Not sure about the others; I like that Lionel dude though. Very positive dude.

Anonymous ID: 9a4945 May 9, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.1352143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2297


It's the followers of the beanz and others that get all division-faggy. Then you look at older vids, and that 20 year shit doesn't hold up. (Corsi's been around, he's got to be over 100. Beanz though, she begged for the shekels then questioned Q and others, though she says she never did. Want link? I could dig it up. Says "I never call out other YTers" but top search for her has her calling out GWebb, Q "Controversy", DBongino, etc.) WTF? Why call out ppl and get followers to attack "fellow patriots"??? Plus she did that "march", like commies do.

There are reasons to question somma these people; if they have devout followers and lie, just be careful. Don't get fooled. She's gone down some wrong rabbit holes, actually a lot like Drunk Webb.