Anonymous ID: ee9deb May 9, 2018, 2:54 p.m. No.1351706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1725 >>1735

Avenatti Accuses The Wrong Michael Cohens Of Making ‘Fraudulent’ Payments


Michael Avenatti, porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, released a seven-page dossier on Tuesday containing a list of payments purportedly made to Michael Cohen, the lawyer for President Donald Trump.


But there is one problem with the document: two of the allegedly “fraudulent” payments were made to men named Michael Cohen who have no affiliation with Trump.


Avenatti’s report includes a section listing “possible fraudulent and illegal financial transactions” involving Trump’s lawyer. One of the payments is a $4,250 wire transfer from a Malaysian company, Actuarial Partners, to a bank in Toronto.


The other is a $980 transfer from a Kenyan bank to Bank Hapoalim — the largest bank in Israel.


Zainal Kassim, a representative for Actuarial Partners, told The Daily Caller News Foundation Avenatti’s report is a case of mistaken identity. He forwarded an email the falsely accused Michael Cohen sent to Avenatti requesting the lawyer “correct this error forthwith and make it known publicly” there is no connection to Trump’s Michael Cohen.

Anonymous ID: ee9deb May 9, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.1351716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1721 >>1765 >>1873

D’OH! New election poll suggests Nancy Pelosi should REALLY keep talking about raising taxes


In a recent interview, Nancy Pelosi answered “that’s accurate” to a question about Democrat intentions to raise taxes should her party regain control in DC. That kind of talk seems to be having an effect, albeit not the one Pelosi and the Dems are hoping for:


Big drop in the generic ballot for Dems, down to just a three-point advantage over the GOP and within the margin of error, according to new CNN poll. Had been 16 point advantage in February, per CNN poll at time


— Manu Raju (@mkraju) May 9, 2018


NEW POLL: Dems' lead in generic House ballot falls to 3 points


— The Hill (@thehill) May 9, 2018


She wants your “crumbs” back!


Plot thickening.


— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) May 9, 2018

Anonymous ID: ee9deb May 9, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.1352109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2164





Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Owes Over $5 Million In Back Taxes


The lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti, has found his own fame working the left-wing media circuit, being hosted on CNN 59 times in less than two months. But while Avenatti has been trying to claim moral high ground over Trump, a few skeletons in his own closet have come to light.


As it turns out, Avenatti owes $5 million in back taxes!


Not only that, but Michael Avenatti has come under fire for shady business dealings relating to a failing coffee chain his company purchased. After his investment firm bought Tully’s Coffee for $9.15 million, he has been named in over 50 state and federal complaints for a number of violations, including breach of lease actions and warrants for unpaid taxes.


A complaint filed with the California State Bar Association also states that Avenatti carried out an illegal “pump and dump” scheme using the firm that purchased the coffee chain. In that complaint, it also contends that Avenatti fleeced nearly $6 million in Federal and State tax withholdings from the paychecks of Tully’s employees, and fraudulently transferred $100,000 from the Tully’s operation to retain lawyers for an unrelated legal matter in California.


Troubles for Avenatti relating to this coffee venture go even further. After failing to pay $500,000 in licensing fees, Avenatti’s company lost the rights to use the name “Tully’s.” Since then, a number of the coffee shop’s locations have been evicted, including their corporate office.