…and then the ED came on and a dark depression set in.
Anime is like the platform shoes of art. So stupid it freezes time, while making its fans look utterly ridiculous.
They want to protect their methods because other states are yet to be counted and the bad guys might put counters in place.
Never tell them how you catch them. Tell them something else until their caught. And even then, tell them as little as possible until court or discovery forces it.
Dindu Nuffin
The 'special' properties of the legitimate ballots likely started out as a very close hold Special Access Project, and has been unveiled and progressively down classified on a strict need-to-know, right-to-access basis until now, where it's probably Law Enforcement Sensitive…unclassified, but confidential investigative work products. The keys to the country…literally. More important than Manhattan Project in some respects.
Interesting. Just don't tease sauce. If you got it, drop the links. Much more efficient than ping pong.