Makes me wonder.
I thought there was going to be a fake peace.
Only way I see that happening now is in the
event of the trump card, oceans 11, full house
beats flush scenario.
Which has a lot of flesh on its bones, it was always a possibility.
That the return of the King of the North in Daniel
would be reflected by the return of donald trump
I put a lot of thought into it. I would think, that if
he were to do that, and do it in the way described in Daniel
He would have to have more physical gold than the democrats. And Q said we have the Gold.
So the idea is, that Congress already passed bills
to reinstate the gold and silver standard over the
US Petro dollar, and they passed those bills in
like 2008-2013 - I think it had to do with the 100
dollar bill
then the jesuits are all hopped up on the silver
shortage, and from what I hear the silver shortage
will become an entirely real phenomena.
So this is what I think. It sais TKOTN will have his
Heart set against the Holy Covenant.
I think the markets will crash during a silver shortage scandal, gold and silver will hit bitcoin prices, and tons of people will immediately conform to it because they want money
the west will totally screw the east on the deal,
and then sneak attack the crap out of them and
destroy israel with like, egypt. Russia and Iraq
might go against israel alone.
Allwhile, China creates a massive biden and hunter biden scandal, and criminals
actually start getting arrested. Biden resigns and Trump returns a trillionare in Gold and Silver everybody buys it because they think America is rich now. But then
It turns out it wasn't really the world wide US gold and silver standard.
It was actually the world wide US gold and silver CRYPTO standard.
And nobody can actually use it, or their money, unless they go digital.
With the mark of the beast.
Then when I die, Trump will probably die too, or more likely disappear. And Biden
will probably become president again for like a few days
Or someone, its a guess
I thought it go down suddenly, but during a fake
peace that emerges like the calm before the storm
right after the tribulations we experienced before the
Great Tribulation seem to magically vanish.
Fake peace.
All oil in the world has to be traded in US dollars or its useless.
Thats what backed by gold, backed by petroleum means.
Somehow we convinced the world they had to buy and sell all the oil through us
We also convinced them to do that with Gold and Silver back in the day until the
Gold standard ended.
I think thats how they'll do it. Just like it sais in their papers. Gold Silver Crypto backed
US Dollar, throw out petro dollar.
Which is probably why the east will be mad. Their Oil will be useless, and the Middle East
and Africa have less gold and silver mines by far than all the rest of the world.
Who owns Heart Intercivic? A bunch of brittish
dudes from the privy council of the monarchy
of london, and Mitt Romney
Heart intercivic is apart of dominion and smartmatic, because all of their technology
is included in our voting machines.
Why did the steal Jesus Christ's robe, and tear his clothes into four pieces
for four dividends, when they crucified him.
I did I was pointing out that the American Government has been split into two, the real one
and the corporation. And that the Monarchy of
London, the Holy Sea, TPTB, and Satan own the
Corporate part.
So England uses its banking arm to enslave the
world while they hold america hostage, and use
it as their military arm, for keeping all of the oil
in babylon, and all of the currency in babylon,
and all of the wage slaves in babylon, under
their control
They let America hold the standard, and they
benefit more off of it than we do.
Because mofo's would destroy england, but they
are all controlled by engalnds infinite money and
blackmail, secret societies, satan ect.
So instead everybody has to suck up to england
for sheckles. And America does its dirty work,
because Americans are experiencing what the
Bible called, the great falling away
When a woman gives her first child, he is stronger
than her second, and her 2nd than her 3rd, so on.
So it is with the generations of the Earth.
But the least is the greatest so.
its the world bros. Its mystery babylon.
The flood was like the baptism, and this is like
the rebirth in the blood.
3 days of darkness, then traveling through the
red sea in Israel. The water breaking
the first is the last.
Israel was in egypt for 400 years
the Mayflower landed 400 years ago
Now, theres going to be 3 days of darkness on earth
and the sun will be smitten, and a third of the stars will
be cast down