Anonymous ID: 3b9e23 April 27, 2021, 9:28 a.m. No.13524677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4711

Meet the new Milo YiannopouIos! Catholic, celibate, opening gay conversion therapy


A few days ago, I was reminiscing about a time 40 years ago when it became next to impossible to talk about ridding oneself of the urge to be homosexual.


Such a transformation was nearly impossible, we were told. It just doesn't happen. It would be a cold day in hell when someone turned straight after spending any time in the gay lifestyle.


Of course, it was a lie then as it is today. Many thousands of people have turned away from homosexuality with help from God. It may be difficult, but it's not impossible.


Milo YiannopouIos, perhaps the most unlikely person to do so, has done just that.


Yiannopoulos, the 36-year-old British-born political commentator, has gone further than that. He's done more than renounce sodomy. He's become a Catholic and embraced a gay conversion therapy clinic.


Famous for his speeches and writings ridiculing "political correctness," social justice and feminism, he's no longer gay, but "sodomy free." He's now leading a daily consecration to St. Joseph.


He recently told the whole hard-to-believe story to radio talk show host Eric Metaxas and LifeSite – two of first settings to be so brave.


Milo has a lot to live down. He once said that sex between 13-year-olds and older adults can be "life-affirming."


"Of course, I was never wholly at home in the gay lifestyle – Who is? Who could be? – and only leaned heavily into it in public because it drove liberals crazy to see a handsome, charismatic, intelligent gay man riotously celebrating conservative principles," Yiannopoulos said. "That's not to say I didn't throw myself enthusiastically into degeneracy of all kinds in my private life. I suppose I felt that's all I deserved. I'd love to say it was all an act, and I've been straight this whole time, but even I don't have that kind of commitment to performance art. Talk about method acting."


It wasn't easy for Yiannopoulos to break this scoop. It never is.


"Four years ago, I gave an interview to America magazine which they declined to print," he said. "It's taken me a long time to live up to the claims I made in that interview, but I am finally doing it. Anyone who's read me closely over the past decade must surely have seen this coming. I wasn't shy about dropping hints. In my New York Times-bestselling book 'Dangerous,' I heavily hinted I might be 'coming out' as straight in the future."


Yiannopoulos added that "over the next decade, I would like to help rehabilitate what the media calls 'conversion therapy.' It does work, albeit not for everybody. As for my other aspirations and plans, well, no change: I've always considered abortion to be the pre-eminent moral horror of human history. I'll keep saying so – even more loudly than before."


As far as his personal life, Yiannopoulos said of his husband: "The guy I live with has been demoted to housemate, which hasn't been easy for either of us. It helps that I can still just about afford to keep him in Givenchy and a new Porsche every year. Could be worse for him, I guess."


"I have been, for some time, very unhappy and unsatisfied with some of the things in my private life, some of the things that were a large parts of my public persona," he told Metaxas. "I took a decision recently to set some of them aside, most specifically physical interactions with other men because it was something I identified as a being a product of childhood trauma, something that was holding me back spiritually and emotionally."


Cancel this guy. That's my advice to the media and the tech tyranny. They can't keep up with him. He's not done with himself yet. He has wound up at 36-years-old with regrets, repentance and return to his former faith – which never quite left him.


He's a self-portrait in the works.


With a mind as quick as his, Milo's got years to entertain us – and to continue to tweak the bad guys.

Anonymous ID: 3b9e23 April 27, 2021, 9:37 a.m. No.13524735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4761 >>4812 >>4887 >>5060 >>5092 >>5117

Social Order beginning to break down? Police not respected? Irregular Warfare by Dems/RINOs?


Massive Brawl Breaks Out at Mississippi Seafood Restaurant – Chairs, Glasses and Fists Go Flying!


A Jackson, Mississippi restaurant was turned upside down over the weekend after a massive brawl broke out between two families. The fight inside of Juicy Seafood Kickin’ Crab in Jackson started off as two angry families exchanging insults. Then things quickly escalated to tables flipping, chairs flying and the two groups started swinging fists. Young children were in the middle of the melee but no one seemed to care. “I was really concerned for the children,” Assistant Manager Stella Jones told WJTV. “It was two separate families that were arguing amongst each other, and the little children nearby could have easily been hurt.” According to WJTV, no customers or employees were injured. Jackson police are asking the public for help identifying the people in the video. The fighting families fled the restaurant before the police arrived and the employees were forced to clean up a totally trashed dining room.