Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:11 p.m. No.13525708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5716 >>5725 >>5736 >>5741 >>5772 >>5778 >>5787 >>5788 >>5799 >>5815 >>5823

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Joe Kent for WA-3



I'm an America First Republican running against Rep. Jamie Herrera Beutler who voted for impeachment & no longer represents our community's values. Hear my story and more about why I'm running for Washington's 3rd District below.

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, music: Scott Holmes]


9:20 PM · Mar 25, 2021·Twitter Web App

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Joe Kent for WA-3



–America 1st Congressional candidate for WA-3. Husband of Shannon Kent, KIA 16 Jan 2019 fighting ISIS. Retired Green Beret. Bylines at




Battle Ground, WAjoekentforcongress.comJoined October 2019

1,681 Following


Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:13 p.m. No.13525716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5736




I'm an America First Republican running against Rep. Jamie Herrera Beutler who voted for impeachment & no longer represents our community's values. Hear my story and more about why I'm running for Washington's 3rd District below.

Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:14 p.m. No.13525725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5736



Washington State


Joe Kent for WA-3




America 1st Congressional candidate for WA-3.


Husband of Shannon Kent,


KIA 16 Jan 2019 fighting ISIS.


Retired Green Beret. Bylines at






Battle Ground, WA


Joined October 2019

1,681 Following


Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:16 p.m. No.13525736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5977








Who I am and why I’m asking for your vote:


My name is Joe Kent. I’m a Veteran, a father, widower, a Gold Star husband and a conservative who is deeply worried with the direction that our nation and district are heading. I am mostly concerned that the person we elected to represent our values and make our voices heard decided to listen to deceptive and divisive media and radical left instead of standing strong for the people of Southwest Washington and the over 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump.


When Representative Jamie Herrera Beutler cast her vote to impeach President Trump, she betrayed the will of our district. She showed the radical left that they can manipulate her.


Since the 2020 election and the tragic events of January 6th, 2021, we have seen conservatives and Trump supporters labeled as terrorists and targeted by social media, corporate America, and the mainstream media for the alleged crime of supporting President Trump and asking fair questions about widespread election irregularities. Let me be very clear about January 6th, those who acted violently are criminals and have no place in our movement. However, the violent actors are a small fringe group, not representative of our over 74 million strong, diverse populist movement.


Representative Beutler does not understand the significance of the times we live in or the importance of our great district. In the last four years, we saw the permanent governing class, the media, and the tech sector align against the Trump movement, leading up to the election in November of 2020. This self-described cabal’s goal was not just to get Trump out of office. It was also to silence and gain submission from every one of his supporters. Representative Beutler refused to speak out on any of these issues. Instead, she played right into the left’s hand by voting to impeach President Trump.


Representative Beutler is no longer capable of holding the line from the far-left radicals at our doorstep in Olympia and Portland. Politicians and activists who are working to change our nation’s foundations surround this district, and Representative Beutler just gave them an invitation by buying into their false narrative.


The time to push back and stand firm is now. The odds are against us with the radical Democrats in control of the White House and Congress. We cannot give them any more ground; therefore, I am running for office to fight for our nation’s future.


I live my life by asking myself, if not me, then who? If not now, when? This spirit inspired me to enlist in the US Army when I was 18 years old and kept me volunteering to serve our nation over twenty years and 11 combat deployments. I am no stranger to strife and fighting for what is right.


I grew up in Portland, Oregon, but thanks to the Boy Scouts and Explorer Scouts, I spent many summers on the Lewis River, crawling through the Ape Caves and winters snowshoeing around Mt. St. Helens. When I was 18 years old, I joined the Army and began my 20-year adventure in Special Operations. My career came to a sudden end in 2019. My wife, Shannon Kent, was killed in Syria fighting ISIS. After Shannon died, I resigned from government service to care for our two young sons. I moved to Yacolt, Washington, after briefly living in Portland and seeing how Portland had changed from being a vibrant small city into a hotbed of lawlessness and far left ideology.


I chose to live in the Third District in Clark County, because I knew the people here have strong traditional American values. As a result, I felt very betrayed when Representative Beutler chose to reject the facts and her constituents’ will to side with the far left. Now the far left and mainstream media know they can manipulate her. She cannot defend us or represent us; I cannot sit on the sidelines any longer. I am seeking the chance to serve you once again.




Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”


And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”


– Isaiah 6:8

Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:17 p.m. No.13525741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5977





I was born in a cabin in Sweet Home, Oregon, and grew up in Portland, Oregon. Growing up, I spent much of my formative years in the Cascades and Columbia River Gorge, thanks to Boy Scouts and Explorer Scouts. I have always considered the Pacific Northwest my home and wanted to fight for this nation.


When I was eighteen, I enlisted in the Army as an infantryman and earned my way into the Ranger Regiment and then Special Forces. After 9/11, I volunteered at every opportunity to serve in combat. I did this for over twenty years and eleven combat deployments. I intended to continue to serve our nation in hostile locations abroad until my world turned upside down on January 16th, 2019, when my wife, Shannon Kent, was killed fighting ISIS in Syria. At that moment, I knew I had to step away from putting myself in physical danger so I could be there for our two young sons. Shannon was killed approximately one month after President Trump attempted to pull our troops out of Syria because we had met our military objective. This attempt to end a war brought out the Establishment’s true colors as they resisted him at every step.


Seeing the Establishment’s hubris and contempt for a President that represented the country’s will and the people’s best interests, I knew I had to act. However, this time my fight was to defend America First policies. No one asked me to do this. I sought out every opportunity and any media outlet that would give me a platform to use my twenty-year expertise physically fighting these wars to articulate how correct President Trump was. Defending Trump’s policies gave me a taste of the savage fight we face against a hostile mainstream media and deeply entrenched political class. I eagerly sought out the opportunity to defend President Trump when The Atlantic, a well-known publication, printed slanderous accusations about the President.


I moved back to the Pacific Northwest to get my sons closer to my parents and family. After living in Portland for a short time, I realized that the far left had ruined that city and relocated to Yacolt, Washington. I chose to live here because I knew that this district’s people share my traditional conservative values, and it would be an ideal environment to raise my sons. I voted for Representative Beutler to stand firm for my family and our district. She betrayed that trust and made it clear that I needed to act decisively.


In over 20 years of fighting on the battlefields and through my wife’s death, I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of failed policy. The Establishment is too self-absorbed to represent the will of the people they are supposed to represent. I have also seen firsthand that you cannot persuade someone to fight when the odds are against you. Only those with the courage of conviction will continue to fight when the odds are not in their favor. No one has asked me to do this. I’m volunteering now, just like I did 22 years ago. Suppose we rely on traditional candidates that have done nothing but run for office or have no experience in a hard fight and have never been in danger. In that case, our voices and our movement will succumb to the left’s dark vision for this nation. Portland and Olympia demonstrate this with their failed policies that surround this great district.


I want to go forward and fight because I want to fight, and I know how to fight. This is for the future of our nation and the legacy that we will leave for our children. This is what is compelling me to run for office. It would be an honor to earn your vote and serve this great country once more.

Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:22 p.m. No.13525772   🗄️.is 🔗kun





To maintain the cornerstone of our Republic, we must fully adjudicate the Presidential election of 2020. Several courts should have done the adjudication. However, each court that had the chance to strengthen our system neglected its duties. Therefore, Congress must fully adjudicate the election of 2020 in a congressional hearing, subpoena witnesses, and evidence to show the American people exactly what transpired in November of 2020. The trust that we have in our system of government is sacred. We must have complete faith that all legal votes are counted and that states only count legal votes. In November of 2020, the American people’s trust was broken by widespread irregularities, fraud, and the media’s commanding narrative that Joe Biden had won the Presidency and anyone who questioned this narrative would be labeled an insurrectionist, a terrorist, and de-platformed.



We must reopen our economy, bring manufacturing back to the United States and gain energy independence. I will do everything in my power to end the COVID lockdowns on our businesses, schools, and places of worship and ensure that nothing like this occurs again. Congress must prevent federal funding from being used to bail out activist governors like Inslee, who insist on locking down their economies. Federal funds for COVID relief should protect vulnerable populations- such as the elderly- and assist small businesses that have suffered under the lockdowns. Congress must cut off the funding to force the pro-lock down governors to reopen their economies.

Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:22 p.m. No.13525778   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Resources in this district provide a thriving timber and fishing industry, but intrusive federal regulations have crippled these job-producing industries. I will work to remove cumbersome rules from these industries responsibly.



We need responsible forest management that preserves our forest and restores our renewable and sustainable timber industry. The catastrophic wildfires of 2020 demonstrate what happens when logging is limited, the uncleared undergrowth, and unmaintained logging roads in the backcountry. By allowing more responsible logging, we can preserve our forests and keep our timber industry thriving.



The fishing industry has also been overregulated by the federal government, killing jobs and excessively placing burdens on our fishermen. We must end predatory Chinese fleet fishing off our coast; these Chinese fishermen are illegally stealing our resources while our government focuses on limiting our fishermen. I will also advocate for federal funds to build more fish hatcheries and make salmon preservation a priority.



Improve roads to accommodate growth and provide broadband internet access.

Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:23 p.m. No.13525787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5977



We must have strict immigration control and a robust physical border wall to ensure our nation’s security. Illegal immigration affects our economy and the ability of working-class Americans to obtain jobs. For decades establishment Republicans and Democrats have told us that unrestricted immigration is good for our nation and will not affect Americans’ ability to obtain employment. Major corporations, who greatly benefit from cheap labor, push this narrative. This allows the corporations to circumvent minimum-wage requirements while getting richer; meanwhile, our working-class struggles to find jobs.


I will introduce and support legislation to build a border wall, push back on blanket amnesty, deprive sanctuary cities of federal funding, and enforce strict employer verification requirements for their employees to end non-US citizen labor demand.


Joe Kent is retired from the United States Army. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.



We must end our endless wars. As a congressman, I will introduce legislation to withdraw our troops from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan and push our Intelligence community to develop practical ways to combat terrorism without major troop deployments offensively.


We initially went to Afghanistan to strike back against Al-Qaeda, who attacked us on 9/11, and the Taliban’s elements that provided them sanctuary. We immediately changed course without consulting Congress or the American people to a mission focused on nation-building instead of focusing on hunting and killing those who attacked us. Shortly after, the Bush administration, with the support of establishment democrats, lied to the American people to get us into a second regime change war that dragged us into nearly two decades of failed nation-building that has only enabled Iran and our enemies. These wars must end.


Joe Kent is retired from the United States Army. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.



Our nation must retain a modern and highly skilled military, poised to strike and deter our enemies around the world at a moment’s notice. I support modernizing our force to focus on our main threat, China. For the past two decades, we have focused on ground counter-terror and counter-insurgency operations. We must support a decisive pivot to fighting a modern nation in every warfare domain, especially cyber and information warfare.



I fully support the men and women of our law enforcement community. I will fight any efforts to defund the police. I will fight to use the tools of federal law enforcement to dismantle the Antifa terrorist organization.



Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is our number one national security threat and is already at war with us. China is stealing US intellectual property and using slave labor to undercut global manufacturing. We must focus on balancing our budget to strengthen the US dollar, onshore our industries, and forbid US companies from off-shoring their manufacturing. We must build a strong coalition of nations against the CCP’s aggressive practices abroad and their genocide and human rights abuses against their people. I will push to offensively use tariffs against Chinese imports and sanction China for its numerous human rights violations. I will push our diplomats to make alliances in the Pacific against the CCP. I strongly support President Trump’s tariffs, barring of Chinese technology, and cracking down on the CCP’s infiltration of US industry, think tanks, and universities.

Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:23 p.m. No.13525788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5977



Putting this nation first will always be my guiding principle when dealing with issues abroad. We are the leader of the free world because we are strong at home. I will empower the State Department to build and retain relationships with nations that share our values and advance our interests. I strongly support the historic accomplishments of the Abraham accords in the Middle East. We must strengthen our NATO alliance and ensure that NATO shoulders its share of the security burden and does not support Russia by purchasing Russian oil and gas. To fortify our key alliances, we must not lead our allies on foolish nation-building endeavors as we have done in Afghanistan for nearly twenty years. We should only ask that our allies go to war when it is absolutely necessary.



I am a pro-life Christian. I will work tirelessly to protect the rights of unborn children. I will work to cut off federal funding for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood.



We need to get the federal government out of our schools and return curriculum development to the states. I will work to prevent Planned Parenthood, The 1619 Project, and Critical Race Theory from entering the curriculum of our schools.



The social media technocrats are monopolies and must be broken up. The internet and access to social media is a modern public utility. I am a free speech advocate; free speech is a sacred right in this nation that no one can take from us. Our technology and social media companies have crossed the line by depriving people of their ability to express themselves and operate in our society. Social media have repeatedly acted on behalf of the far left and democrats. Look no further than the Hunter Biden laptop / NY Post issue just before the 2020 election as an example of big tech that has gone off the rails. We need to examine how big tech impedes Americans’ rights and remove big tech’s ability to act like a nation-state.



I am also a 2nd Amendment advocate and do not support any new gun legislation. I most especially do not support House Resolution 127, the recent partnership/proposals and funding requests advocated by March for Our Lives with the White House, or gun platforms from the Biden Administration. I will push for Constitutional Carry/concealed carry permit reciprocity in all 50 states, so all citizens can exercise their right to bear arms and defend themselves without government interference.



The government overtaxes hard-working Americans and appears to feel little obligation to account for the money it demands. I will work to lower our individual and corporate federal income taxes and go after government excess in every aspect of the federal government.



Our nation’s debt is our number one national security threat. Our inflation and debt spending are so out of control that China and other countries may stop buying our debt; when that happens, we will lose our status as the prime reserve standard currency, which will lead to our economy collapsing. China sees this weakness and will exploit it to take down our economy without firing a shot. We must balance our budget, end needless spending, and dramatically change entitlement spending by raising the age that citizens receive social security.



Government involvement in health care has driven the cost up. We should deregulate health care, allow for more competition in the market, make medical expenses tax-deductible and allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines. We also need to remove the high-deductible insurance policy requirement to access Health Savings Accounts.



I will fight to make a federal cap on the cost of high-demand prescription drugs such as insulin to protect our citizens from the big pharma’s predatory practices.



We must put an end to career politicians. Our founders fought against the ruling class and monarchy to create a government of the people by the people. We need more regular government officials who go to DC to serve their people and return to the communities that elected them. I will push to have Congressional and Senate term limits mirror the limits placed on the President.

Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:25 p.m. No.13525799   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Republican Party


Candidate, U.S. House Washington District 3


Elections and appointments Next election

November 8, 2022





Norwich University, 2017




Service / branch

U.S. Army


Years of service

1998 - 2018


Personal BirthplaceSweet Home, OR ReligionChristian ProfessionProject manager Contact

Campaign website



Joe Kent (Washington)

Joe Kent Image of Joe Kent

Republican Party


Candidate, U.S. House Washington District 3


Elections and appointments Next election

November 8, 2022





Norwich University, 2017




Service / branch

U.S. Army


Years of service

1998 - 2018


Personal BirthplaceSweet Home, OR ReligionChristian ProfessionProject manager Contact

Campaign website


Campaign Twitter


Campaign YouTube


Joe Kent (Republican Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Washington's 3rd Congressional District. Kent declared candidacy for the primary in 2022.



Joe Kent was born in Sweet Home, Oregon. He served in the United States Army from 1998 to 2018. Kent received his bachelor's degree from Norwich University in 2017. His professional experience includes being a project manager for a technology company and working for the CIA. Kent has been affiliated with the Global War on Terror Foundation, Concerned Veterans for America, and Boy Scouts of America.[1]




See also: Washington's 3rd Congressional District election, 2022


General election

The general election will occur on November 8, 2022.

Anonymous ID: a05cac April 27, 2021, 12:27 p.m. No.13525815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5822




Joe Kent for Congress

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Joe Kent

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Joe Kent is running for the 3rd Congressional District of Washington to primary Jamie Herrera Beutler.