they faking covid tests
the tests for covid are all fake
they faking covid tests
the tests for covid are all fake
you want to go shopping
you need a test
just give your name and adress
give your mobil nummber and get
a fake result on your whats app
faked from official site
how many positive test where faked this way?
how far can they go
how far will people let them go
at what point will they cross the line
do people even make a line in the sand to cross
honest question
these fucked up freemasons, these fucked up satanic retards
they worship E.T's, Demons
connection all over the place, from the satanic church to C_A, Crowley to Hubbert, mk ultra and what not… all the dots, all the same people
one goal
worshipping space niggers.
Plan B
Blast these motherfuckng ayys from the sky, sent them some nuclear laser straight into their ships