If you hate chan culture so much then get the fuck off the boards and never come back. Go back to faceberg you insufferable closet communist fucking newfags niggers
>but i was here since 2017
yea, a fucking newfag.
If you hate chan culture so much then get the fuck off the boards and never come back. Go back to faceberg you insufferable closet communist fucking newfags niggers
>but i was here since 2017
yea, a fucking newfag.
you ever get tired of being a miserable fuck, fungus?
you stupid son of a whore.
the best parts of you ran down the crack of your whore mother's ass and ended up on the sheets of that cheap $5 a night motel.
and out come the consensus cracking mos niggers
>haven't lurked long enough by relentlessly mocking their intelligence and competence.
that part right there
i lurked the chans a good 2 years before ever making a post
some of the best redpills ever found was on 8ch /pol/ as half is just a cesspool of shitposters and sjws
it is what it is though
maybe they'll get bored enough eventually to go back to their social media platforms so they can share what they're having for lunch and get those dopamine hits from the reacts as if anyone gives a shit
if the shoe fitsโฆ
aflb is spamming the fucking loli
it's always that goddamn leaf
aflb is also the same one spamming the 5 imgs at a time
i know it's you, you piece of shit
now next bread you'll be posting your usual spam trying to claim you're a patriot
i'd neck you my fucking self if i ever saw you in person
believe that
i wasn't talking about you, retard.
are you the one posting the loli? no.
don't think i know how to check and follow id's?
try a little reading comprehension sometime.
and maybe stick to the ways shit used to be done around here and only put shit in notes that are nommed and maybe you wouldn't catch as much goddamn flak.
fuck this place.
โฒย โฒ
i'd go to a previous bread where they slipped up and posted their same copypasta spam on the same id instead of hopping while posting the pentagram memes.
fuck all of you.
sure thing, because being here 18+ hours a day due to being neet doesn't mean i notice patterns or anything like that, nawww.
oh, no fucking shit sherlock?!
any retard can go to tor browser and put the link in here to get a diff id as opposed to using a vpn or having the 0's
who's the only shill since /cbts/ that openly admitted to having multiple ip's at their disposal to spam the breads if..and i quote.."any of you piss me off again"...yea, it was fucking fungus.