Anonymous ID: ab8d8a April 27, 2021, 3:36 p.m. No.13527052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7078 >>7088 >>7106 >>7166 >>7215 >>7242 >>7265 >>7297 >>7377

Audit Continues – In Arizona Court Today New Judge Expresses Concerns with “Constitutional Rights of Voters in Maricopa County – What?!


The court case in Maricopa County continued today in Arizona with the new Judge hearing arguments from the Democrats trying to stop the audit and the audit team trying to perform the audit.


The Epoch Times is reporting on today’s hearing with Judge Martin:


“I think this was a very productive and useful hearing. I still have some thinking to do about the requested relief from the plaintiffs. I will do that between now and tomorrow morning,” Martin said.


Democrats last week filed a last-minute lawsuit seeking to block the audit in Maricopa County, hours before the audit was slated to start. They claimed contractors hired by the Arizona Senate, which ordered the election review, were not properly securing ballots and equipment.


The audit of over 2 million ballots and dozens of electronic tabulators started on April 23.


Arizona’s Senate subpoenaed the election documents and machines in January and a judge the following month ruled the subpoenas were valid and must be obeyed.


Defendants, including the Senate, say that since the process is already underway, along with an alleged lack of standing and substantive claims, means the judge should not stop the audit.


“An injunction of even a day may derail this audit,” Alexander Kolodin, an attorney for Cyber Ninjas, one of four firms conducting the process, told the court.


Kory Langhofer, an attorney for the Senate, told Martin that the Senate “has always intended to follow the law” but that the case raised the question of what the law requires.


The Senate believes everything plaintiffs want either does not apply or is already being done, he said, adding: “There is no need for an injunction at all.”


Per liberal reporter Brahn Resnik, who spews liberal talking points that this audit is a “rogue audit”, the former Perkins Coie attorney and now Arizona judge, Judge Martin, claimed he was worried about the rights of the voters in Maricopa County. Brahm also shares that the auditors are working very hard to get this audit done by May 14. (These distractions and efforts to stop the audit from Democrats no doubt don’t help.)

Anonymous ID: ab8d8a April 27, 2021, 3:38 p.m. No.13527063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7078 >>7088 >>7106 >>7166 >>7215 >>7242 >>7265 >>7297 >>7377

Judicial Watch: Documents Show California State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech and Biden Campaign to Censor and Remove Americans’ 2020 Election Posts


How many times have we heard the argument that social media censorship is not an attack on the First Amendment because “it’s not the government doing the censorship”??


We have more than enough proof that (Democrat) government officials are indeed calling the shots and silencing Americans with whom they politically disagree.


Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Tuesday announced it received 540 pages and additional documents from the California Secretary of State revealing how state officials pressured and coordinated with Big Tech to censor and remove Americans’ 2020 election posts to help the Biden campaign.


“Included in these documents were “misinformation briefings” emails that were compiled by communications firm SKDK, that lists Biden for President as their top client of 2020,” Judicial Watch said.


“The Office of Election Cybersecurity in the California Secretary of State’s office monitored and tracked social media posts, decided if they were misinformation, stored the posts in an internal database coded by threat level, and on 31 different occasions requested posts be removed. In 24 cases, the social media companies agreed and either took down the posts or flagged them as misinformation, according to Jenna Dresner, senior public information officer for the Office of Election Cybersecurity,” the watchdog group wrote.


“We don’t take down posts, that is not our role to play,” Dresner said. “We alert potential sources of misinformation to the social media companies and we let them make that call based on community standards they created.”


The California Secretary of State actually flagged a video from Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton discussing dirty voter rolls and ballot harvesting schemes.


The newly uncovered document shows California state officials contacted YouTube directly and told them to remove Fitton’s video. YouTube responded by deleting Fitton’s video on September 27, 2020.


More from Judicial Watch:


A 30-page “Misinformation Tracking Sheet” lists social media posts that the office disagrees with and has asked social media companies to remove.


In an internal email on January 12, 2021, Deputy Secretary of State and Chief Communications Officer Paula Valleemails Chief Counsel Steve Reyes and Jenna Dresner in the Office of Cybersecurity, as well as Press Secretary Sam Mahood stating that she is uncomfortable with CalMattersreporter Fred Brewster’s questions about the office’s tracking and censoring efforts:


Hi Steve – Please see below – the reporter at Cal Matters who PRA’d us is doing a follow-up story. We asked him to send us his questions. I am not necessarily comfortable with his line of questions and the additional doors that this will open. I want to get your feedback I would simply like to give him a statement about what our goal is and leave it at that. Thoughts?


Brewster’s questions, which include concerns from citizens who were targeted by the “Misinformation Tracker,” were sent on January 12, 2021:


I reached out to the users on page 7 and page 21 of the Misinformation Tracker request I received. Both individuals wanted to know how their posts ended up being labeled misinformation and how, given their relatively small following, they came to the attention of the Office of Election Cybersecurity?


Another user named “DC O’Bryan” had his post taken down (page 5 of the Misinformation Tracker). In an email, you highlight a report sent to the state that says, “I don’t know if this is hot air meant to provoke. If it is, a call from an official might get the point across that you don’t joke about election fraud.” Was O’Bryan called to confirm that his post was a joke?

Anonymous ID: ab8d8a April 27, 2021, 3:40 p.m. No.13527077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7078 >>7088 >>7106 >>7124 >>7166 >>7215 >>7242 >>7265 >>7297 >>7377

Biden’s Navy Fires Shells At Iranian Vessels In International Waters


U.S. patrol boat Firebolt fires multiple warning shots at aggressive IRGCN vessels in the north Arabian Gulf


Warships belonging to the U.S.. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard fired “warning shots” at Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy vessels in international waters during a heated close encounter on Monday, the U.S. Navy revealed this week.


A statement released by the U.S. Navy stated, “The IRGCN armed speed boats rapidly approached U.S. Navy patrol coastal ship USS Firebolt (PC 10) and U.S. Coast Guard patrol boat USCGC Baranoff (WPB 1318) to an unnecessarily close range with unknown intent, including a closest point of approach (CPA) of 68 yards to both U.S. ships.”


“The U.S. crews issued multiple warnings via bridge-to-bridge radio and loud-hailer devices, but the IRGCN vessels continued their close range maneuvers,” the statement continued. “The crew of Firebolt then fired warning shots, and the IRGCN vessels moved away to a safe distance from the U.S. vessels.”


The relationship between the U.S. and Iran, while rocky to begin with, has rapidly deteriorated under Biden. Other foreign policy blunders have also occurred in Europe, Syria and China under the Biden regime, as reported by National File:


Since Joe Biden assumed the office of the President of the United States, China has grown increasingly hostile against Taiwan and India, Europe has snubbed the United States repeatedly, and the United States is once again invading Syria. This has led the Supreme Leader of Iran, one of the United States’ top geopolitical adversaries, to declare that the “post-US era has started.”


Only one day into Biden’s administration, the United States launched a fresh invasion into Syria with 40 trucks and armored vehicles, also only one day after Syria expressed hope that the Biden regime would continue President Donald Trump’s foreign policy that saw somewhat of a withdrawal from costly nation building.


At nearly the same time, China announced it now has the ability to manipulate the planet’s weather over a geographic region the size of India, which happens to be their nearest unfriendly neighbor. Days later, China flew fighters into Taiwan’s airspace, in an extremely hostile move. The Biden administration did nothing, with the media largely reporting that noted crack addict Hunter Biden urged his father to act with caution.


Before his inauguration, Biden was snubbed by nearly the whole of Europe, provoking even the pro-Democrat publication Politico to declare that “Europe gives Biden a one-finger salute.” In return, he snubbed Brussels, the seat of power for the European Union.

Anonymous ID: ab8d8a April 27, 2021, 3:48 p.m. No.13527134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7166 >>7215 >>7242 >>7265 >>7297 >>7377

FISA court doc shows FBI looked for domestic terrorists without warrants, report


The FBI’s warrant-free queries were related to criminal investigations including those on domestic terrorism.



The FBI has without court orders looked through troves of National Security Agency foreign communications for information on American "racially motivated violent extremists," according to a news report based on a recently declassified report.


The agency conducted the reviews despite being warned several years ago by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which approves warrants for such investigations, that such inquiries were constitutionally alarming, according to the Daily Beast.


The FBI’s warrant-free queries, known as backdoor searches, were related to criminal investigations including those on "domestic terrorism involving racially motivated violent extremists."


The court's Judge James E. Boasberg found what he referred to as "apparent widespread violations of the querying standard."


Seven FBI field offices were implicated in violations, according to a November 18, 2020 FISA Court opinion declassified Monday and signed by Boasberg, the Daily Beast also reports.


An FBI analyst once ran a multi-search-term "batch query" on Americans "in connection with predicated criminal investigations relating to domestic terrorism" that returned 33 foreign-surveillance results, the Daily Beast also reports.


The expansion of surveillance in 2008, known as Section 702, is largely based on permitting NSA to intercept communications from suspected terrorists, the U.S. has only designated foreign entities as terrorists, not domestic ones.


In an opinion released in 2019, the FISA Court warned the FBI that its backdoor searches were potentially unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment, which protects people on U.S. soil against unreasonable government searches and seizures, also according to the Daily Beast.


FISA goes both ways