Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 7:08 p.m. No.13528434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8574

MBS taking the piss?


Saudi Crown Prince: Kingdom at 90% Agreement With Biden Administration Policies


Saudi Arabia has remained one of the US’ largest trading partners in the Middle East, with business ties linked to the founding of the oil-rich kingdom in 1932. US-Saudi ties saw a boost under former US President Donald Trump, who saw his presidency rise alongside the 2017 ascendancy of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman recently highlighted the importance of the US as its strategic ally, claiming that the kingdom agrees with US President Joe Biden on nearly 90% of his administration's policies.


The crown prince spoke more in his interview, which aired on Al Arabiya English, about Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan. He brought up recent efforts by Saudi Arabia to oblige by objectives put in place by the global move towards addressing climate change.


The crown prince spoke more in his interview, which aired on Al Arabiya English, about Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan. He brought up recent efforts by Saudi Arabia to oblige by objectives put in place by the global move towards addressing climate change.


“The last was our adherence to the new group that has important objectives for clean energy and environment. Saudi Arabia was one of the countries that joined,” he added, speaking of recent reports that the country had announced it would join the US, Canada, Norway and Qatar in talks about oil and gas production as it relates to the Paris Agreement on climate change.


Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest crude exporter, but the crown prince has announced efforts by the country to reduce carbon emissions by generating the use of renewable energy under standards set by the UN sustainable development goals initiative. He announced that the country would sell 1% of its state oil firm Saudi Aramco, the world’s biggest oil company.


“The US is a strategic ally to the kingdom, they are our partners for more than 80 years and this has quite a big impact on the US as well,” Crown Prince Mohammed emphasized, referring to the increase in oil and gas prices, as the country makes efforts to move towards sustainable development.


“You could imagine if the $10 million of oil, cheap oil goes from $3 million to $6 million if their contracts were to go to the UK, the US wouldn’t be in its current situation today.”


The crown prince spoke more on the changing need for oil during the interview, and emphasized Saudi Arabia’s attempts to remain a part of the global efforts. His remarks come after Biden spoke with the King of Saudi Arabia in lieu of the crown prince before the release of a US intelligence report that assessed that the crown prince approved the operation to "capture or kill" journalist Jamal Khashoggi - a longtime critic of the royal family - in October 2018.


In the past, the crown prince has maintained that as the killing took place under his watch, he would be held responsible, but denied any involvement. Still, many see this as a blatant disregard for human rights, which Biden has threatened to bring to justice. The crown prince also spoke on the kingdom’s strategic partnerships with Russia, India and China, but wishes to continue efforts in increasing ties with Iran.


"We are working with our regional and global partners to find solutions to these problems and we hope to overcome them for good relations that benefit everyone," he added, but claimed that his country would not accept interference in its internal affairs.


According to reports, senior Saudi and Iranian officials had direct talks in efforts to improve relations between the neighboring countries. This comes after months of both countries having played a game of drone wars. The crown prince reinforced his efforts to fight against extremist ideology.

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 7:12 p.m. No.13528451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8473 >>8547 >>8738 >>8864 >>9007 >>9144

Scott Morrison unveils $747 million defence facilities upgrade as China brands Australia ‘sick’


China has branded as Australia “sick” as the PM prepares to unveil a nearly $750 million upgrade to Australia’s defence facilities.


The Prime Minister is set to unveil a nearly three-quarter-of-a-billion-dollar upgrade to Australia’s top-end defence facilities, days after his Defence Minister hinted at the possibility of war with China.


Scott Morrison will announce the massive cash injection to boost Australian Defence Force training facilities in the Northern Territory today, The Daily Telegraph first reported, with a focus on better integrating Australian troops’ training with key allies including the US.


According to the newspaper, the new investment will boost ADF training facilities, providing for upgraded firing ranges, weapons training simulation, combat and urban shooting ranges, aviation facilities, support facilities and accommodation.


The announcement comes days after Defence Minister Peter Dutton said war with China over Taiwan should not be “discounted”, and Home Affairs Secretary Michael Pezzullo used his Anzac Day message to warn that the “drums of war” were growing louder.


“Our focus is on pursuing peace, stability and a free and open Indo-Pacific, with a world order that favours freedom,” Mr Morrison told newspaper.


“Working with the United States, our allies and Indo-Pacific neighbours, we will continue advance Australia’s interests by investing in the Australian Defence Force, particularly across Northern Australia.”


The projects, which are expected to be completed by 2026, will allow Australian troops to conduct simulated and reality-based war games and military training exercises with major allies, especially the US, according to the report.

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 7:17 p.m. No.13528476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8738 >>8842 >>8864 >>9007 >>9144

3 minors rescued, 11 arrested during Los Angeles-based operation combatting human trafficking


On behalf of The Los Angeles Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force in the San Gabriel Valley, the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office, Kristi K. Johnson, and Chief Michael Ellis of the Pomona Police Department, announced the results of last week’s multi-day operation, which included the recovery of three children.


During the week of April 19-23, members of the Los Angeles Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force in the San Gabriel Valley conducted an operation along the East Holt Avenue corridor in Pomona, a known “track,” a term commonly used to describe a location for commercial sex trafficking. The Task Force is comprised of members from the Pomona Police Department’s SET Team (Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking Team), the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, and the FBI, The operation focused on the identification, location and recovery of human trafficking victims with an emphasis on those suspected of having been trafficked.


On Monday April 19, 2021, two females who appeared to be very young were observed as they engaged with vehicles occupied by lone males. Both were contacted by members of the Task Force. One of the females was identified as a fourteen year old who had been reported missing; she is six months pregnant. The second female was identified as a sixteen year old. A third juvenile female whom investigators determined had been reported missing, is seventeen years old. In one case, the victim told investigators she had been working as a prostitute since the age of twelve. All three juveniles were reported missing from cities outside of Pomona. All juveniles were turned over to the care of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.


The Pomona Police Department Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking Team (SET Team) conducts enforcement and investigates cases of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. SET Team Officers initiated the First Responder Protocol (FRP) to activate the multi-agency response team, which ensures that resources and services are provided to victims.


The First Responder Protocol is an agreement between the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), The Department of Probation and local law enforcement, all of whom work cooperatively to provide a victim-centered approach to juvenile victims of human trafficking. Three DCFS employees and three victim advocates responded during last week’s operation.


Throughout the remainder of the week, enforcement operations were conducted along Holt Avenue. In total, seven females and four males were arrested for commercial sex trafficking-related crimes, in addition to the recovery of the three juveniles. Five of the seven females accepted services from victim advocates.

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 7:19 p.m. No.13528491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8738 >>8864 >>9007 >>9144

Ombudsman reports reveals AFP's unlawful use of telecommunications data


The Australia Federal Police (AFP) have been found to have unlawfully accessed telecommunications data as part of investigations dating as far back as 2007, a report from the Commonwealth Ombudsman revealed today.

The findings follow an investigation focused on the ACT Policing's handling of requests for location-based services (LBS), also known as "pings".

The investigation revealed a "cavalier approach" to the AFP's use of LBS information resulting in a "culture that did not promote compliance" with the law around access to telecommunications data.


"This means location-based services could have been accessed unlawfully," Commonwealth Ombudsman, Mr Michael Manthorpe PSM said.

"The privacy of individuals may have been breached and we have been unable to rule out the possibility that unauthorised location-based services may have been used for prosecutorial purposes."

The investigation identified that many of the authorisations made by ACT Policing for LBS between October 2015 and 2019 were not properly authorised or reported.

For the majority of years between 2009 and 2019, ACT Policing records including information on thousands of authorisations to access LBS data were excluded by the AFP.


"Law enforcement agencies rely on a wide range of covert and intrusive tools to do their work, but to maintain public trust these tools need to be properly deployed," Mr Manthorpe said.

"A critical factor in effective oversight of such powers is that law enforcement agencies need to report to the Ombudsman about how the powers are being used, so that compliance can be assessed and publicly reported. In this case full reporting did not occur to the Ombudsman for a considerable period of time."

The report comes amid current debate in Parliament over new legislation which could further extend the powers of law enforcement agencies, in relation to being able to detect and disrupt criminal activity.

The report makes eight recommendations to assist the AFP in addressing the issues including a more detailed look into reporting processes and the full extent of the misuse of data.

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 7:25 p.m. No.13528524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8738 >>8864 >>9007 >>9144

Another Democrat ‘Non-Profit’ Has Inserted Itself Into the Maricopa Election Audit, This George Soros Connected Entity Is Only Involved in Major Democrat Efforts


There is yet another George Soros connected crooked nonprofit involved in the attempt to stop the Maricopa County election audit.


We already reported on how the “Protect Democracy Project” joined three legal teams in threatening the auditors who are attempting to perform an audit in Maricopa County.


But today we can report that another Democrat nonprofit is involved in the audit in Maricopa County. This nonprofit is from the top of the Democrat, Not-for-profit (NFP) heap. This tells you the Democrat socialists are really, really worried about the Maricopa audit, to have deployed this weapon.


The NFP now entering the Maricopa County election audit is American Oversight. Its president, Dominique Bravo, is from New York State (NYS) and is strongly affiliated with the Working Families Party (WFP), the country’s most powerful socialist political party, started in NYS in 1998 with a party presence now in 21 states. The WFP always hooks up with the Democratic Party.


American Oversight fancies itself the Judicial Watch (JW) of the far left. Whereas Tom Fitton, at JW, is interested in getting the facts by utilizing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) mechanism, American Oversight uses FOIAs to get the dirt on political opponents and take them down.



Influence Watch states: “American Oversight (AO) is an activist and litigation organization focusing on filing open records requests targeting Republican interests, especially the administration of President Donald Trump … it claims to be “the top Freedom of Information Act litigator investigating the Trump administration,” with more than 1000 open records requests and 56 lawsuits filed in 2018 … While promoting itself as a “non-partisan” watchdog, American Oversight frequently appears explicitly partisan in its choice of investigative projects.


You can see their list of current litigation here.


You can see their 2019 tax filing and list of Board members here.


This NFP is yet another one from the Democrat stable which is a 510(c)(3) and, although it is required by law to be strictly nonpartisan and charitable, it is anything but. It is a well-funded, cold, and calculating legal hit team, initially designed to attack President Donald Trump. Now, it is involved in Maricopa County Arizona, attempting to sabotage and halt the forensic audit being conducted by the Arizona Senate.


Located in Washington, D.C., this charity had gross receipts of $3,732,681 in 2019. These alleged nonpartisan charities – which are legally allowed to pass along tax exemptions to their donors – must disclose all their donors who give over $5,000 on their yearly tax forms, the Form 990. However, the government then must redact that data when it posts these public documents.

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 7:27 p.m. No.13528542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8559 >>8738 >>8864 >>9007 >>9144

Count of Illegal Alien Population Excluded from U.S. Census Data


An estimation of the number of illegal aliens living in the United States is excluded from early data released this week by the U.S. Census Bureau thanks to executive orders from President Joe Biden.


Census Bureau officials released population totals this week, revealing that the U.S. population stands at about 331,449,281 residents, adding more than 22,700,000 residents since 2010. Still unknown is how many of those nearly 331.5 million U.S. residents are illegal aliens.


In March 2018, former President Trump’s administration announced that it would seek to put the American citizenship question back on the Census to determine how many citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal aliens reside in the U.S.


Then, in June 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the administration could put the American citizenship question on the Census. But the Court sent the case back to a lower court that did not hold a hearing before the cutoff for the printing of the 2020 Census forms.


Likewise, Biden signed an executive order that stopped the Census Bureau’s collection of citizenship data that would have helped determine the illegal alien population living in the U.S., as well as the citizen population.


A report in early January, before Biden took office, revealed that the Census Bureau had already stopped attempting to tally the illegal alien population in each state and U.S. territory.


Now, Americans are left with only a handful of illegal alien population estimates from organizations and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) — all of which differ.


The latest Pew Research Center estimate, based on 2017 data, states that about 10.5 million illegal aliens live in the U.S. Data from DHS, as of January 2018, states that the illegal alien population stands at about 11.4 million.


Those tabulations are far off from other estimates. In 2018, for example, Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers estimated that there were about 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), meanwhile, estimated this year that the illegal alien population is at 14.5 million, having grown by 200,000 since 2019.

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 7:49 p.m. No.13528688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8717 >>8743

European Investment Bank Issues €100 Million In Digital Bonds Using Ethereum


The European Investment Bank will use blockchain technology to issue two-year digital bonds, the latest sign of growing mainstream adoption for crypto only this time Ethereum is taking the spotlight courtesy of the EIB.


In an article published earlier on Tuesday, Bloomberg detailed the European Investment Bank’s plans to use Ethereum to register €100 million (~$120M) worth of digital notes. Goldman Sachs, Banco Santander, and Société Générale will manage the sale. According to a Bloomberg the source the notes may be priced as soon as today.


As CryptoBriefing notes, the European Investment Bank using Ethereum to register digital bonds would help reinforce Ethereum’s value proposition as a “global settlement layer.” The project’s biggest evangelists have long discussed Ethereum’s potential to act as the base layer for transactions of various forms. Ethereum processes its transactions using smart contracts; it’s the biggest and most used smart contract platform today, recording about 1.5 million transactions daily.


In recent years, the network’s activity has been characterized by the DeFi and NFT booms, but Ethereum still has to earn wider recognition among institutions like banks. If the European Investment Bank and other financial giants are to start issuing payments on Ethereum, mass adoption may be on the horizon.


Though Ethereum is not as widely known as its predecessor, Bitcoin, it has had its fair share of mainstream attention recently. CME Group, the world’s largest derivatives exchange, launched ETH futures in February. Like BTC, ETH is now supported by PayPal. This year’s NFT explosion has also inspired digital creators and major pop artists like Eminem and Kings of Leon to start using the network.


ETH jumped this afternoon, possibly in response to the Bloomberg report. It traded as high as trading at $2,651 at publication, a new record high, before retracing to $2,625. It has gained over 20% in the past three days, and is up 267% YTD, vastly outperforming bitcoin.

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 7:52 p.m. No.13528704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8738 >>8864 >>9007 >>9046 >>9129 >>9144

Biden to Nominate Former Pentagon Official Frank Kendall to Top Air Force Post


President Joe Biden plans to nominate Frank Kendall, a former top Pentagon official, to be the next Air Force secretary, the White House announced Tuesday.


Defense News first reported the news of Kendall's expected nomination.


Gina Ortiz Jones, a former Air Force captain, has also been nominated to be the under secretary of the service, the White House said. Jones, an intelligence officer who deployed to Iraq and is openly gay, ran as a Democrat for Congress in 2018 and again in 2020.


John Roth is currently the acting Air Force secretary. Barbara Barrett, who served as the fourth female Air Force secretary and succeeded Heather Wilson, was the last person to officially fill the role.


Kendall currently holds a number of positions, including senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and senior adviser to the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the White House said.


"Frank Kendall is exactly the kind of public servant we need at the helm of the Air Force at a time when the service is navigating so many unique challenges, including effective acquisition to meet our nation's future threats," Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said in a statement. "With more than 40 years of experience in defense and national security, and with a particular focus on acquisition policy during his tenure in the Obama administration, I cannot think of a better, more equipped leader to tackle these issues head on."


Smith also praised Biden's nomination of Jones, who would be "the first woman of color to serve as Under Secretary of the Air Force, marking yet another historic nomination as the Biden-Harris administration continues to prove their commitment to building a diverse Department of Defense that reflects the American population."


Kendall spent 10 years on active duty and retired as a lieutenant colonel from the Army Reserve. Under the Obama administration, he served as the under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics at the Pentagon between 2012 and 2017. He is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and also received a degree in aerospace engineering from the California Institute of Technology and a law degree from Georgetown University.


Kendall was instrumental in facilitating an expensive overhaul of the Pentagon's military health system in 2015. The Defense Department that year awarded a $4.3 billion contract to a team that included Leidos Inc. and Cerner Corp. to modernize the military's digital medical records system.

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 8:19 p.m. No.13528898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8901 >>8921 >>9007 >>9147

Fauci: Infections Are Too High to Let Kids Go out Unmasked – ‘We Have Children Wearing Masks’ Outside Until They’re Vaccinated


On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that the level of infection is high enough that both he and the CDC “would feel very uncomfortable” saying children can go out unmasked and “You want to keep getting those numbers down. That’s why we have children wearing masks when they’re outside until they can get vaccinated.”


Fauci said, “I think it’s the same context that we just discussed about the level in the community. Right now, there’s a level high enough that the CDC would feel very uncomfortable, as do I, about saying, no problem, let the kids go out without masks. Because we can say, and it’s been said and it’s true, that children, when you talk about it statistically, have a much lower chance of getting infected to the point where they would get seriously ill. That’s true. But they could still be part of the dynamics of the spread. So, you don’t want children to get infected. A. Because you don’t want them to get sick, even though it’s a low chance that they will. But you don’t want them to be a part of the spread and the dynamics of the outbreak. You want to keep getting those numbers down. That’s why we have children wearing masks when they’re outside until they can get vaccinated.”

Anonymous ID: fa295d April 27, 2021, 8:22 p.m. No.13528916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8937 >>8955 >>9007 >>9009 >>9068 >>9147

380 Vax Deaths in 1 day!!! Between April 25th, 2021 and April 26th 2021 — Per CDC Website: Up to 3,848 Deaths in USA now


Here is where the data is summarized, 3,838 Deaths as of April 26th


But on April 25th I posted the CDC numbers of 3,486 deaths


In 15 years in the USA with over 290,000,000 vaccinations per year, there were a total of 3,445 deaths reported related to all the vaccines.


But in just 4 months, the COVID Vax is associated with 3,848 deaths. And 180 happened just yesterday