Anonymous ID: 1ab9ed April 28, 2021, 1:06 p.m. No.13533697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3711 >>3723 >>3728 >>3745 >>3752 >>3769

I'm Starting to Lose Faith in the Cyber Ninjas

In Arizona, a farcical "audit" of the 2020 election is beginning to come unstrung.

By Charles P. Pierce

Apr 28, 2021


Things are getting a little unstrung down in Arizona. The extended farce that is the “audit” of the 2020 presidential election is starting to get to even the clowns doing the bidding of the clowns in the Arizona Senate who green-lighted this nonsense. Apparently, the secret Ninja skillz of the Cyber Ninjas are beginning to fade. From 12News:


"In order to complete this audit in the limited time remaining," attorney Alexander Kolodin told the court, "Mr. Kern has been working back-to-back 20-hour days … even passing out on the floor." Roopali Desai, representing the Arizona Democratic Party, later responded: "Mr. Kolodin is admitting that the workers are sleep deprived and rushing to meet an artificial deadline. That … does not instill confidence in the voters of Maricopa County."

The source of the stress became clearer later in the day, at Bennett's news conference. The audit has hand-counted almost 100,000 ballots, he told reporters. Putting the current rate at 50,000 ballots a day, the audit volunteers would have to count more than 140,000 ballots a day every day through May 14 to finish the hand count.

Meanwhile, the Arizona Democratic Party got its lawsuit to end the entire burlesque before a judge on Tuesday, and the judge, while conceding that the state senate had the power to commission the “audit,” said he had some qualms about how it was being conducted. In expressing his doubts, the judge bravely risked the wrath of the Cyber Ninjas.


"I am not yet persuaded that there has been a showing that the rights of the voters in Maricopa County are being protected," Superior Court Judge Daniel Martin said toward the end of a one-hour hearing. He had said at the start of the hearing that the "heart of this case" was the policies and procedures for handling election materials put in place by Florida-based Cyber Ninjas, and Ken Bennett, the Senate Republicans' audit liaison.

Judge Martin’s concerns seem to be well-founded.


Lawyers for the Senate argued their client's audit wasn't bound by state election laws or regulations. Bennett said at a news conference Tuesday that the Senate was pursuing the audit because half of all voters don't trust the election results. Pew Research polling done in January showed 65% of all voters accepted the results, but most Trump voters didn’t.

Also on Tuesday, reporters were allowed brief and limited access to the proceedings. Apparently, once the ballots are counted, then things get a little strange. From the Arizona Republic:


After the ballots were counted, they went to an inspection table with three people. There are many questions about what the workers there were doing and what they were looking for, but here is what we know about what each one was doing:

The first person lines up the ballot under a Canon camera hooked onto brackets.

The second person lines up the ballot under a device that displays a portion of the ballot onto a computer screen. One of the images displayed on the screen is a filled-in bubble, and it is magnified and examined.

The third person holds the ballot inside a box set up on the table. The person takes a UV flashlight and shines it on particular areas of the ballot. As The Republic observed, the ballot was being examined on one side in particular, and the middle.

It is unclear what the business with the UV lights is all about. Maybe they’re protecting themselves against COVID.


Anon interpretation "It's Scared."

Anonymous ID: 1ab9ed April 28, 2021, 1:12 p.m. No.13533728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3754 >>3764


QAnon fans are obsessed with Arizona vote "audit," still hoping for Trump comeback

Unofficial election audit in Maricopa County — which will change nothing — now the focus of QAnon and MAGAverse


APRIL 28, 2021 7:07PM (UTC)

There is a storm brewing in Arizona. For the past week, Maricopa County — the state's major population center — which narrowly favored President Joe Biden during the 2020 general election, has been holding its very own election audit following demands from a Republican-led coalition to recount the ballots.


Stoking the fire behind the audit is an army of online QAnon conspiracy theorists, who have taken it upon themselves to fastidiously monitor live streams of each and every auditor in the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, where the recount is being held, according to VICE. Any suspicious activity seen in the streams is reportedly being flagged by QAnon fans, who then spread word of such activity on various fringe pro-Trump forums and QAnon Telegram channels, often attached to grandiose claims of election conspiracy.

Several prominent members of the MAGAverse have already taken the reins of the surveillance campaign, as VICE reported. Ron Watkins, the former administrator of the message board 8kun, which has been called "ground zero for QAnon," recently shared a series of videos alleging foul play by various auditors. "We are watching the auditors," Watkins wrote. "No shenanigans will get through the sharp eyes of the watchers." Watkins is believed by many to be the original architect behind Q, the anonymous leader whose online "drops" launched the QAnon conspiracy theories.


The audit is being conducted by Florida-based tech company Cyber Ninjas, owned by Doug Logan, a known QAnon conspiracy theorist who, in advance of the recount, speculated that it would garner an extra 200,000 votes for Donald Trump, according to the Huffington Post. Logan himself has widely spread false claims on Twitter that Trump lost the election due to systemic fraud, without of course supplying any evidence.


Arizona Republican officials had reportedly never heard of Cyber Ninjas, which has no known experience in auditing elections. On Friday, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury demanded that the firm provide more transparency regarding its recount procedures. Cyber Ninjas has so far refused to hand over such information, claiming it would "compromise the security of its recount," according to The Arizona Republic. The company also alleged that divulging the details of its recount procedures would threaten its trade secrets.

Members of the MAGAverse have also bandied unsubstantiated fears that the left will attempt to physically shut down the recount in order to prevent Trump's miraculous return to office. (Which, to be clear, is a legal and constitutional impossibility.) According to the Daily Beast, many watching the auditors have expressed fear that the Arizona Rangers, a civilian law enforcement auxiliary that has been patrolling outside the recount premises, cannot provide enough security to ward off a leftist attack.


One MAGA influencer by the name of Joe M. stoked fears that Arizona Gov. Greg Ducey, who refused to fortify the audit's security detail at Trump's behest, speculated that Ducey's refusal indicates the presence of "domestic paramilitary paid mercenaries, cunningly named 'Antifa'" who "are on standby and will be deployed against American civil servants, and the public at large, when political and media subterfuge is no longer effective, and the true result is finally revealed."

Trump's former national security adviser, the Q-curious retired general Michael Flynn, claimed in a speech last month to have "intel" that antifa and Black Lives Matter activists "from Portland and Seattle" planned to come to Arizona "to disrupt finding the truth." No such invasion has occurred to this point.


The Arizona Rangers themselves attempted to allay security fears by sharing an article from the right-wing fringe news site Gateway Pundit, which only added fuel to the fire by claiming: "The Coliseum is well guarded and there are contingencies if someone tried to bully their way in. But the Democrats are desperate and will do anything — even steal an election to gain power."

On Thursday, the Arizona Democratic Party, along with the sole Democrat on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, filed a lawsuit against Republican State Senate President Karen Fann and Cyber Ninjas in a last-ditch attempt to put an end to the audit, according to AP News. The suit alleges that Fann and another GOP state senator have outsourced the recount to an "inexperienced third party with clear bias" who will cause "irreparable harm to the integrity of Arizona's election systems."


Q-curious! kek

Anonymous ID: 1ab9ed April 28, 2021, 1:16 p.m. No.13533754   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fact check: No evidence Maricopa County election audit has found widespread election fraud

Devon Link USA TODAY 3:41 PM APR 28 2021

The claim: The Arizona recount has found 250,000 fraudulent votes

Maricopa County, Arizona, began its election audit on April 23. Nearly six months after President Joe Biden won Arizona by nearly 10,500 votes and Maricopa County by over 45,100 votes, auditors are set to hand count 2.1 million ballots in the county.


This audit is unprecedented and heavily contested by Democrats, some Republicans and election officials. State Senate Democrats say that the audit will amplify baseless claims of voter fraud and diminish public trust in Arizona’s election system. A County official and the state Democratic Party argue the recount procedures violate state election laws and pose a security threat.


Despite numerous county audits that confirmed the initial election results and several fruitless lawsuits from former President Donald Trump's campaign and its allies, the Republican-led state Senate said it would conduct the audit to ensure the integrity of Arizona's election system.

The Senate has said the audit's findings will not be used to overturn the 2020 election outcome.

The Arizona Senate and Cyber Ninjas, the private company hired to oversee the audit, have kept the proceedings and findings private. Members of the press have not been allowed access to the Veterans Memorial Coliseum where the recount will take place through May 14.


Cyber Ninjas' involvement in the recount is controversial since its founder, Doug Logan, promoted unfounded claims of election fraud on social media and supported an effort to overturn the election results in Michigan.


Neither the Senate nor Cyber Ninja has announced a discovery of widespread election fraud, but that hasn’t stopped social media users from making false claims online.


“A quarter of a million illegal votes found in Arizona’s audit…so far!” claims one April 27 post.


USA TODAY requested comment from several accounts that posted the widely-shared claim.


Arizona Senate confirms it hasn’t announced that finding

Ken Bennett, Arizona Senate liaison and former Arizona secretary of state, told USA TODAY claims that the audit found 250,000 fraudulent votes were “absolutely not” true.


Our rating: False

The claim that the ongoing Maricopa County election audit has found 250,000 fraudulent ballots is rated FALSE because it is not supported by our research. The Arizona Senate liaison for the audit confirmed to USA TODAY that no such announcement has been made. Numerous prior county audits and lawsuits have confirmed the initial 2020 election results.


Our fact-check sources:

The Arizona Republic, April 22, "Arizona Democrats sue to try to stop Senate's election audit just before it begins"

The Arizona Republic, April 26, "All observer shifts full for now as Arizona election audit continues Monday"

USA TODAY, Nov. 3, "2020 Arizona Election Results"

Associated Press, April 27, "Results have not been released in Arizona election audit"

The Arizona Republic, April 23, "First day of Arizona Senate election audit nearly stopped before it began. Here's what happened"

The Arizona Republic, April 24, "Arizona election audit: Here's what you're seeing on the video feeds as counting continues Saturday"

USA TODAY, March 31, "Founder of company hired to conduct Maricopa County election audit promoted election fraud theories"

USA TODAY, April 27, interview with Kenneth Bennett, Arizona Senate Liaison, accessed April 27

USA TODAY, Nov. 17, "Fact check: What's true about the 2020 election, vote counting, Electoral College"

USA TODAY, April 27, "Fact check: Dominion attorneys did not try to stop Arizona ballot audit"



Anonymous ID: 1ab9ed April 28, 2021, 1:31 p.m. No.13533857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3861 >>3890 >>3908


The kek is too strong!



Yer new here huh?



Double meanings!

1: We put watermarks in our worthless $1 fiat notes but putting watermarks in our Ballots is just too costly and laborious!

2: UV Sunlight Kills Covid.



Charles Pierce wins the Q reseach Golden Watch Award for exellence in Journalism!



Anon has gotta admit that watching [their] desperation is excellent anon entertainment?!

Hurry! Do something! Arrest Rudy! kek