the ring
the ring
the ring
the ring
my forked tongue can defeat your waterboarding
my precious JEWelery
tredeau costume fools
but someone is not wearing peanut butter
frpnthole manginas from canadain nambla strongholds have seized your oval by the old peckerwood
peter pan wonderland creamy african nut batters smear larp
my new professionally mutilated genitals fartnoises have come here to judge your old peckerwood nambla siezed in the oval
with free candy
fronthole mangina exposed
in alex jones robo turd wars
artificial underwear streak machine is GO
pigdosi's forty year old facejob looks better than mangina
mighty manginas
are professionally mutilated
and fed whoremoans the-rapistsy
and it makes fart noises
too much candelstick
tucker was banging zane the whole time
what is the point of free expression
when your bots are so busy impeaching each other
elongapes hides secret double gasketed prizes on mars for young boys to get in the van
tredeau gets jealous of trump staring at putin's trouser schlong
kim jung ill fires red rocket peepee jokes at flat earth QehyCOWBOY silly hats tendies
h00$ and h00m00$ everywhere go dickbutt and circle jerk to new gaspump swampgasses gaspipe pony show fart jokes higher prices
danielINGUS changes name to BiDanielingus
the lingus is silent cause foreskin sucking in the dark fake church had a candlestick stolen when their ancestor whined for centuries again
heaven is so full of assholes right now
the real problem is
date's inferno
was your hell
not my story
not my fetish
not my idols
not my flock
go kkkys