Anonymous ID: e18f19 April 29, 2021, 6:21 a.m. No.13540595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0623

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Infiltration instead of invasion!

The Khazarian Mafia is the core rotten thing in this world! You can put all together in one basket and call them all Khazarian! The rest (Bilderberg, Skull&Bones, CFR, etc.) is just a thing to give them the department code, they work for! To make it more complicated for the masses! Why? Look up the things the Khazarian have done, before they infested the world with their evil! - Changing characters all the time? Betray? and so on?

If you think about who has created the constituion of the US, maybe you can see, that are some good individuals were masons. I don´t say they are good at all, but infiltration works both ways! We have Family members from Rothschild and others, working for the whitehats! They are not all bad and evil!

Is DJT in a secret society? In my opinion, for sure (PlvsUltra). Just look up his family tree!

Is he a bad player, I don´t think so! Will they bring another evil reign over us all? I don´t think so either!


Why the effort to change everything? Why Q? Was it not good enough to torture us through Clinton? To bomb the shit out of me after her cheated win? Did they really need millions of awaken Patriots, worldwide, who found the way back to God? And that is the reason why I trust the mission! It is God! Not Trump, not Q… God! But Trump and Q, because they started this wake up call earthly. The rest is on you!