Anonymous ID: 510c6b April 29, 2021, 8:25 a.m. No.13541577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1587

Plasma waves are being sent to earth via the sun's solar flares. Look at how many solar Observatories are closed to avoid the sheep from seeing UFO's around the sun.


These plasma waves are healing our DNA. Humans originally had 12 DNA strands and 10 were cut a long time ago to weaken us and make it easier to enslave us.


Waves and waves of plasma light energy is hitting the planet preparing us for the Gamma rays from the Galactic sun.


The Humans on earth that are vibrating with a high positive frequency / vibration will already have their DNA prepared for the gamma waves that are coming. It is very important to get your vibration higher right away.


18 ways to raise your vibration:


  1. Smile and laugh

  2. Do what makes you happy

  3. Eat a healthy alkaline diet

  4. Working out

  5. Meditation

  6. Let go of a grudge

  7. Let go of something not serving you

  8. Give to others, offer to help everyone.

  9. Retain your sexual energy, avoid porn

  10. Watch encouraging videos

  11. Play an instrument

  12. Start a garden

  13. Spend time around uplifting people

  14. Sun gaze

  15. Barefoot grounding

  16. Speaking positive affirmations

  17. Learning to say "no"

  18. Show gratitude for what's here and what's coming