Anonymous ID: 5bcb90 April 29, 2021, 6:40 a.m. No.13540762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0767 >>0818 >>1168 >>1536

Meet Jennifer Pritzker 1/2




is a male-to-female transgender American Jew who served in the US military. She is a member of the Pritzker family, heirs to the Hyatt Hotel. They use their estimated $29 billion dollar fortune to speculate on the stock market, dodge taxes, buy politicians, and rip people off with predatory banking schemes.


Brief Pritzker Family Background


Over a dozen years ago, Gus Russo, an investigative journalist nominated for a 1998 Pulitzer Prize and former lead reporter for the award-winning PBS Frontline series, published a pair of massive volumes on the history of organized crime; "The Outfit" in 2001 discussing Chicago and "Supermob" in 2006 dealing with California. By the 1990s declassification of a vast quantity of government documents, including FBI wiretaps and Congressional files, allowed Russo access to this previously unavailable material. An early introductory summery in "Supermob" is reproduced below:


Two types of power dominated the twentieth century: the visible, embodied in politicians, corporate moguls, crime bosses, and law enforcement; and the invisible, concentrated in the hands of a few power brokers generally of Eastern European and Jewish immigrant heritage. Operating safely in the shadows, these men often pulled the strings of the visible power brokers. Although they remained nameless to the public, they were notorious among a smattering of enterprising investigators who, over decades, followed their brilliant, amoral, and frequently criminal careers. The late Senate investigator and author Walter Sheridan dubbed them the Supermob.


Many dozens of the pages of Russo’s book document the underworld associations of several generations of Pritzkers, which began not long after the founding father opened his Chicago law firm in 1902. The enormously diversified current assets of the Pritzker family are listed in Russo’s Appendix B, which occupies nearly six full pages, and the Pritzkers today remain one of the wealthiest families in the USA, with total assets of nearly $30 billion, and an enormous record of involvement in recent politics.


The Pritzker Family Today


The Pritzkers are heavily invested in the world of pharmaceuticals and science. Through the Tawani Foundation, Jennifer has been able to corrupt and influence the direction of the ACLU, various military academies, medical institutions (including for children) and universities.


Other members of the Pritzker family donated $25 million to University of California at San Francisco’s child health department, which under the auspices of two Jews, predictably advocates for confused or ill young children to be given irreversible transsexual surgeries.


This money guarantees, in the very best case scenario, a veto on science that questions the validity of transgenderism, but often times just incentivizes these universities to produce pseudo-science in favor of it. UMN has a whole clinic dedicated to advocating in favor of and entertaining transgender insanity, targeting kids in particular


The ridiculous “controversy” over whether the military should allow transgenders is another product of Pritzker money. It is hard to believe that retired and current military men think it is important to include transsexuals in the armed forces, but 10s of millions of dollars can get many of these careerists “woke.”

Anonymous ID: 5bcb90 April 29, 2021, 6:40 a.m. No.13540767   🗄️.is 🔗kun



==Meet Jennifer Pritzker 2/2


Jennifer Pritzker is a life-long GOP donor, but the billionaire last year decried its “marginalization” at the hands of the Trump administration’s “rhetoric.” In its op-ed, Pritzker demands the GOP go back to focusing on low taxes for billionaires and defer to “experts” on issues like transgenderism – presumably the “experts” Jennifer personally funds to say what it thinks.


The Pritzker family is intimately involved with the Democratic establishment, especially in their home city of Chicago where they enjoy close ties to the Israeli Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama.This family was very influential in Washington during the Obama years, where the Pritzkers, through bundling and personal donations, were able to collect $800 million dollars for Obama’s campaigns and inaugural funds.


Obama’s administration was important in using federal power to impose transgenderism in the public space, with pushes to integrate transsexuals into the military, creating “gender neutral” bathrooms in public schools and facilities, and increasing state funding to groups like the Tides Foundation, which in turn funds pro-transsexual activist groups. Penny Pritzker’s close relationship to Obama led to the government looking away as her and her family cheated the estate’s tax system, paying $9 million on their inheritances rather than the $150 million they should’ve owed.


Obama in 2013 appointed his handler Penny Pritzker, who ran his campaign’s finance wing in ’08 and chaired his campaign in ’12, to oversee his Department of Commerce, which allowed her to set the terms and priorities on new government initiatives like NIMBL, a program that allocates R&D grants for research on biopharmaceuticals.


Like Jennifer, Penny’s private “philanthropy” is obsessed with influencing what children are taught as well as the university system. Her Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation has funneled millions into Harvard’s Medical School, which has purchased her a spot as a member of the Harvard Corporation. Harvard is known for institutionalizing an extreme form of gender ideology that it submerges future elites in.


Penny’s brother, fellow billionaire and Governor J.B. Pritzker, has turned the state Illinois into a free for all, often with a tranny bent. He has signed executive orders and bills on immigration that ban local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE to deport criminal aliens, give wide swaths of Illinois’ illegal immigrant population amnesty, and developed a special incentive program for illegal and transgender students to receive public grants from the Monetary Award Program.


Governor Pritzker has also signed an executive order giving transgender and “non-binary” students special privileges in school, along with free access to an arsenal of lawyers that effectively controls the direction of sexual education and erases the First Amendment rights of fellow students.


The Pritzkers are only one, relatively small branch of America’s hereditary plutocracy. If you’re wondering why Presidential candidates like Elizabeth Warren or Great Wall Street Hope Pete Buttigieg have made the absurdity of transgenderism front and center in their campaigns, it’s because the Pritzkers are paying them to.

Anonymous ID: 5bcb90 April 29, 2021, 7:32 a.m. No.13541165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1201 >>1222 >>1253 >>1261 >>1265 >>1294 >>1546

The Origins of Q?


President Dwight Eisenhower created Q Tier Security Clearance SPECIFICALLY to weed out traitors, and those not loyal to the US. (COMMUNISTS)


By denying them intel, and slowly but surely pulling their grip from the throat if lady liberty and in turn choking them out.


This means that all members of Q Plus are THE most trustworthy people in the entire country. The ONLY TRUE patriots in our government. ALL of them vetted, and trusted American heroes who would not turn their back on their country or her people for any amount of money!


Which is obviously the reason Joe Biden is not privy to this information.


I'm sure you can guess who is tho….

Anonymous ID: 5bcb90 April 29, 2021, 7:36 a.m. No.13541201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1222 >>1536 >>1545 >>1611



Did you guys know that there's a Q-tier security clearance?


(In case you were wondering where I get all of this information, it comes from the PIDB. Whose chair is named Ezra Cohen, he is a card carrying member of this Q clearance and a Trump Admin Appointee) Granted only to a very few select Patriots you must be vetted in order to receive this security clearance. Anyone that has even once turned their back on their people and sold us out to the first foreign power that offers them a dollar, is denied access… It was started by Harry Truman I believe… I know a few of the people that have this clearance, anybody take a couple of guesses? HintTip: Not Joe Biden, obviously. He was excluded on face….. LMMFAO