are the late night cunts still here shittin' and splittin' up the breads?
>as my father would say.
your father is a wise man. the poster was just a joke. i see the clown shills have taken to posting CP again today.
so we're still in a holding pattern "over the target?" to quote randy newman, "they all hate us anyhow, let's drop the big one NOW."
>-The Galactic Federation-
the good ETs departed earth a while ago. those that remain here have only evil intentions for humanity. do not be deceived.
>Have you actually looked at the board log?
>FEMA's been working his arse off with this Uncle Joe Faggot.
TY anon. some of us non-IT anons don't know how/where to find this info. good to have confirmation that patriots are still in control.
>Stop Fren.
what say you about this, then?
>They can't shut this board down. Why? They control the internet? They control 186 Governments? Then why is this board still here?
TY anon. you're right, of course. the mere existence of this board is proof that PANIC in DC must be true.
sometimes we forget to look right under our noses, and hence, concernfag, and disillusionfag, and nowfag.
i'm as guilty as anyone, but when i go out into the real world, i'm overwhelmed by the sheer number of sleeping normies.
thx for the battery recharge. holding the line (even if impatiently) and praying with all my heart for patriots everywhere.
>If they somehow make vaccines mandatory, then what?
course of least resistance: a child can counterfeit the vax ID card.
course of greatest emotional appeal: lock and load.
the choice will be yours.
>Why do Christians LOVE Jews so much??
IDK… relentless jewish brainwashing, bribing, and intimidation?
i thought it funny a week ago when that old movie started popping up on YT recommended list.
>Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish!!!
who came to REFORM the jews, because their "religion" had become debased and corrupt.