Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:17 a.m. No.13542682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>3246

CBS’s Junk Poll Claiming “85% Approved of Biden’s Speech” Interviewed Only 169 Republicans Out of 1,000 Viewers


“If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.”


Fake News CBS proudly released a poll Thursday claiming 85% of Americans approved of dementia Joe’s address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday night.


“Most viewers who tuned in to watch President Biden’s speech liked what they heard and came away feeling optimistic about America.” CBS reported.


The poll is a big lie.


CBS interviewed 10,420 US adults and then cut it down to about 1,000 viewers for their sample.


Of the 943 people, 54% were Democrats (510 viewers), 25% were Independents (235 viewers) and 18% were Republicans (169 viewers).


In other words, CBS made sure their “poll” gave them their desired results favorable to Joe Biden.


Via The National Pulse:


In a stunningly duplicitous story aimed at shoring up the response to Biden’s speech, CBS claimed on television and on their website: “Most viewers who tuned in to watch President Biden’s speech liked what they heard and came away feeling optimistic about America.”


What they didn’t tell their viewers, nor readers, is that the poll was wildly biased towards self-identifying “Democrats” and traditionally left-leaning “Independents” and self-described “Moderates”.


They polled 510 Democrats, and just 169 Republicans. They added 235 “Independents” to the methodology, which also usually skew left. A further 3 percent were not identified.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:19 a.m. No.13542690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Special Assistant to President Trump, Boris Epshteyn: “A Freight Train” of Election Audits Are Coming!


Former Special Assistant to President Trump Boris Epshteyn joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Thursday morning following Joe Biden’s speech to a limited joint session of Congress on Wednesday night.


Boris has been following the ongoing forensic audit in Maricopa County, Arizona.


During his discussion on Thursday Epshteyn told the War Room audience that, thanks to the courage of the Arizona patriots, a “freight train” of election audits are coming.


As far as we are concerned at The Gateway Pundit this is THE ONLY priority and the MAJOR ISSUE for America’s future.


If Democrats are allowed to continue their theft of national elections we are no longer a free country. Period.


And the way the Democrat-Marxist party is behaving today, they must believe they can continue to steal elections with impunity.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:25 a.m. No.13542725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>3246

Dr. John Eastman to Hold Press Conference Thursday at Noon MDT – After Being Fired for Speaking at a Trump Rally


On January 6th, Dr. John Eastman went on with Rudy Giuliani and spoke to over half a million patriots in Washington DC at the ‘Stop the Steal Rally.’


This was before President Trump spoke to the crowd.


And it was hours before rogue elements stormed the US Capitol over a mile away.


The crowd of several hundred thousand cheered Dr. Eastman and his remarks on election fraud.


Dr Eastman shared the following:


…The old way was to have a bunch of ballots sitting on a box on the floor and when you needed more you pulled them out in the dark of night. They put those ballots in a secret folder in the machines, sitting there waiting until they know how many they needed… “


Dr. Eastman went on to share that the machine then matches the un-voted ballots with the un-voted voter and put them together in the machine. Eastman concludes:


We saw it happen in real time last night and it happened on November 3rd as well.”


After the riots at the US Capitol Dr. John Eastman was fired from his position as law professor at Chapman University.


According to a group of current and former law students Dr. Eastman was wrongly smeared and attacked for allegedly inciting violence at the US Capitol hours later.


Today Dr. Eastman will speak out.

Dr. John Eastman, the Director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, will hold a news conference to discuss his representation of Donald Trump in election challenges, his subsequent suspension by the University of Colorado Boulder from his duties as the Visiting Scholar of Conservative Thought and Policy, and a new legal development in the overall controversy.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.13542740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2751 >>2757 >>2876 >>3246

Biden DOJ "Actively Considering" Domestic Terrorism Law To Target White Supremacists


On Wednesday night, President Joe Biden told a Congress that "white supremacy is terrorism," after claiming that US intelligence considers it "the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today."


Hours earlier, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) set the stage for the new narrative by telling MSNBC's Nicol Wallace that "The predominant part of that domestic threat " is white nationalists, adding "We can’t ignore that because of a political sensitivity that some of the folks are part of the Trump base."


Less than 24 hours later, Bloomberg is reporting that the Biden DOJ is "actively considering" whether to seek a new law which would allow prosecutors to bring specific charges for domestic terrorists who plot and/or carry out attacks, according to a senior department official.


"One of the things we’re looking at is would we need new authorities," said deputy assistant attorney general for the department's national security division, Brad Wiegmann, during a Thursday House hearing.


Weigmann added that while the department has been successful using existing laws to fight domestic terrorism - including bringing charges for offenses involving weapons or explosives violations, hate crimes and arson, there have been more than 430 arrests made in connection with the Jan. 6 assault on the US Capitol "carried out by extremist supporters of then-President Donald Trump" (as Bloomberg puts it).


The FBI has warned that domestic violent extremists pose a heightened threat for carrying out attacks in the U.S. in the near future, with white supremacists being the most lethal threat.



Currently, no U.S. law lets the government designate domestic extremists as terrorists or bring specific charges for domestic terrorism. That contrasts with laws to combat international terrorism, which allow the government to designate groups and bring charges for providing those groups with material support. -Bloomberg

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:31 a.m. No.13542751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2761 >>2876 >>3047 >>3246

>>13542740 Today's talking /attack point


Schiff: 'We Can't Ignore' That Some Of Trump's Base Are 'White Nationalist Domestic Terror Threat'


On Wednesday night, President Joe Biden went on to say during his first joint address to Congress: "We won't ignore what our intelligence agencies have determined to be the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today: White supremacy is terrorism."


Hours earlier, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) appeared on MSNBC's "Deadline," where he telegraphed Biden's comments - arguing that the predominant domestic threat faced by America comes from white nationalists, and that "some of the folks are part of the Trump base."


When asked by host Nicole Wallace if working on the intelligence committee is "different now that the intel chiefs testified to the tragic new reality that the gravest threats to the country are domestic violent extremists?"


Schiff responded: "It does affect the work of our committee certainly. I think all of the domestic agencies with a portfolio with domestic terrorism have to prioritize it like FBI and DHS. We have the responsibility of overseeing the intelligence component of that. We were already doing an investigation last year into politicization of intelligence at DHS where one whistleblower was alleging that instructions were being given essentially to downplay the seriousness of the domestic terror committed by white nationalists and hype the threat of Antifa."


He continued: "We saw that from Bill Barr and others in the leadership of the last administration. We just had a hearing on this subject. I can tell you one of the ongoing challenges is a lot of the Republican members didn’t think that our committee or the intelligence agencies, even those like the FBI and DHS with responsibility here, should be looking at this. That’s quite remarkable. You know, if we were looking at the threat of Islamic terror, the threat from within there would be no reservation about that among my GOP colleagues. But they were very uncomfortable clearly with the FBI and DHS looking at the problem of white nationalism and domestic terror."


Wallace then said: "I was a member of the Republican Party in good standing after 9/11. I can’t fathom the Republicans having that hear no evil, see no evil do nothing about the response to 9/11. You are right. When the threat was foreign terrorism, there was not enough that they could do. There was no measure too aggressive. My question is, can you protect this country with one of the two major political parties refusing to recognize the threat?"


To which Schiff replied: "We ought to be able to find common ground that the predominant terrorism threat facing the country right now is a domestic threat. The predominant part of that domestic threat is white nationalist threat. That has international, transnational links as well. We can’t ignore that because of a political sensitivity that some of the folks are part of the Trump base. So I hope we can find common ground. We need to make sure we protect the country."



Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:35 a.m. No.13542767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2789 >>2876 >>3246

Keynote speaker Snowden crashes ‘elite’ business investment seminar, urges public NOT to give organizer money


Edward Snowden completely derailed an online investment seminar where he was invited to speak about his NSA whistleblower days. He called out the organizer instead, humiliating him in front of his own audience.


Snowden was booked as a keynote speaker at last Saturday’s get-rich-quick online conference hosted by the Canadian-based Private Investment Club (PIC), which promotes itself as “the largest elite real estate investment club in North America.” The group was founded by Sunil Tulsiani, who is described on PIC’s website as a former police detective turned-real estate investor, best-selling author, and business coach. He uses the handle ‘The Wealthy Cop’ on Twitter.


According to Vice Magazine, before Snowden joined, Tulsiani urged the Zoom audience to buy $47 tickets to a VIP session of the conference, waved around a $100 bill and asked people to “dance” for it, and said that Snowden’s story should inspire the attendees to “kill the virus” of “I can’t afford it.” At one point, another speaker reportedly walked onstage with a stack of bills and threw some of it into the air.


Tulsiani’s chat with Snowden began with a question about the accuracy of the former NSA contractor’s portrayal in a 2016 biopic directed by Oliver Stone.


After a few minutes of talking about whistleblowing, Snowden unexpectedly pulled up a headline image of Tulsiani in a 2017 CBC news story titled ‘Man named in $4.4M Ponzi scheme keynote speaker at Winnipeg event’. The story detailed how Canadian financial regulators previously cautioned investors against dealing with Tulsiani.


“As a whistleblower, it’s my obligation, both personally and professionally, to ask: Is this you?” Snowden said.


Tulsiani responded, “Yes.”


Snowden said the story about Tulsiani made him feel “very uncomfortable with this event,” and urged everyone to “really question, is this the kind of association that they want to have?”


“Are you going to be able to deliver on the promises that you’re making them?” he asked Tulsiani. “I hope to God that you will. But my advice to everyone on this call tonight, everyone looking at this, is [to] look up what you’re getting involved in. If you spend money, are you sure that you want to spend it?”


“Think hard if you want to take this, because for me, ladies and gentlemen, tonight – I don’t,” Snowden said and abruptly logged off.


A visibly baffled Tulsiani muttered, “Wow… wow…” and remained silent for a few seconds. “This is totally unexpected, and I’m so sorry that this has happened,” he told the audience before taking a short break.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:39 a.m. No.13542785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>3246

‘4 presidents have been assassinated’: Biden condemned for calling Capitol storming ‘worst attack on democracy’ since Civil War


President Joe Biden received heavy criticism after describing the January 6 storming of the Capitol as “the worst attack” on democracy since the Civil War.


During his speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, Biden said that he “inherited a nation in crisis,” including “the worst pandemic in a century,” “the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression,” and, most notably, “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”


Biden appeared to be making a clear reference to January 6, when supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol in protest of Biden’s 2020 presidential election victory.


Though the storming of the Capitol caused several deaths, property damage and also led to looting, social media users condemned Biden for calling it the worst attack on democracy since the Civil War over more serious incidents like the assassination of four presidents, including President John F. Kennedy, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Americans also listed other major incidents, including the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, President Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal, the NSA’s mass surveillance on US citizens, the Red Scare, 2020 Summer arson attacks on government buildings by left-wing rioters, and the June 2017 mass shooting at a congressional baseball game by liberal activist James Hodgkinson – which left House Majority Whip Steve Scalise seriously wounded.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:42 a.m. No.13542800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2823 >>2876 >>3246

State Department Warns Americans To Leave India As Deaths Surge - "It's Like A Mass Killing"


As India reports growing numbers of COVID-19 deaths every day, the US and other nations are sending critical supplies while cutting off travel links. But Washington has just taken its first steps toward an evacuation as it warns all Americans still in India that it's time to get out of Dodge.


Bloomberg reports that the US has - via the State Department and local consulates - warned any Americans in the country to start making arrangements to leave as soon as possible, while also advising anybody with travel plans "not to travel to India or to leave as soon as it is safe to do so."


There are still 14 direct daily flights between India and the US, and others that connect through Europe, according to the State Department


It's particularly urgent for Americans to leave since shortages of beds and oxygen at Indian hospitals have led to sick Americans being turned away, according to the State Department. "US citizens are reporting being denied admittance to hospitals in some cities due to a lack of space," the website of the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India warned in a health alert. "US citizens who wish to depart India should take advantage of available commercial transportation options now." All routine US citizen services and visa services at the US Consulate General Chennai have been canceled.


But before they can return to the US, anybody traveling from abroad - whether they're citizens, or not - must have a COVID-19 test done between three and five days before travel. Those who ahven't been vaccinated should also stay at home and self-quarantine for a week, the embassy urged. Which is why individuals should start working on plans to leave now.


The latest numbers out of India continued to set new records for most cases reported in a single day anywhere in the world. Indian authorities confirmed 379,257 cases over the past 24 hours, while another 3,645 infected patients died, pushing India's death toll further past 200K to 204,800.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:44 a.m. No.13542811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2864 >>2876 >>3246

Russian FM Lavrov: US Relations Now Worse Than Cold War


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that the state of US-Russia relations is now even worse than during the Cold War. His Wednesday comments during a televised interview might be easily dismissed as hyperbole, given there's not something that's quite equivalent to the Cuban missile crisis happening right now, but it does accurately convey things in terms of lack of simple communications at a diplomatic level. He said it was the "lack of respect" in the current climate that makes things worse.


Lavrov explained Moscow has a desire to normalize ties with Washington but that should the Biden administration refuse respectful dialogue, "we would live in conditions of a ‘Cold War’ or worse."


"During the Cold War, the tensions were flying high and risky crisis situations often emerged, but there was also a mutual respect," he said as cited in The Associated Press. "It seems to me there is a deficit of it now."


Whether or not this dangerous trajectory in lack of "respect" and communications will continue is likely to be determined on whether the proposed Biden-Putin summit actually takes place this summer. In the past days there's been multiple reports from both sides signaling the meeting is in preparation for a European country for mid-June.


The latest on Russia's view on summit progress comes via the AP as follows:


Speaking in an interview with Russian state television, Lavrov noted that Moscow has had a "positive" attitude to U.S. President Joe Biden’s proposal to hold a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but added that Russia still needs to analyze all aspects of the initiative.


Indeed US-Russia relations have reached a low point arguably even when compared to the height of the Ukraine and Crimea crisis of 2014 and 2015…


Amid a flurry of claims that Russia was building up troops in preparation for some kind of Ukraine action or offensive last month into this month (claims that Kiev officials have been pushing hard), the White House slapped sanctions on Moscow for the SolarWinds hack and 'interference'-related charges, while also expelling ten Russian diplomats.


The Kremlin responded in kind with the expelling of American officials, including a blacklist of top government and intelligence officials who are banned from travel to Russia.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:45 a.m. No.13542820   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK head teacher prompts outrage, heated debate after revealing her school ban on ‘sexist’ expressions like ‘boys and girls’


A UK primary school headmistress has kicked off a storm after revealing that she has instructed her teachers not to use a number of “sexist” phrases, including ‘let’s go, guys’ and ‘boys and girls’.


Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson, who heads the Anderton Park primary school in Birmingham, told the Good Morning Britain show on Thursday that students as young as three are taught to reject the use of the banned expressions by holding up posters.


The program – which has stoked fierce debate among parents – rewards the two students who flag the ‘best’ instances of such usage with certificates at the end of the week.


“If our boys and girls grow up and in school we don’t challenge this sexist language and boys are told, ‘man up’, ‘grow a pair’ and ‘boys don’t cry’, it’s very damaging for them…abusers later on potentially, or bullies, will also use this fear,” Hewitt-Clarkson said.


Children at a primary school have been taught to reject the use of “sexist” language by teachers. Phrases banned include “man up”, “grow a pair” and even “boys and girls”. But should we really be teaching toddlers about sexism?

— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) April 29, 2021


“Fear is the biggest weapon that abusers have and if boys are told, ‘boys don't get scared’, ‘boys don’t talk about their feelings’, then where are they going to go when they are afraid and they are frightened?” she added.


“Fast forward a little bit to when the children are older just to see why this is so important because it’s a tiny part of a huge jigsaw,” said Hewitt-Clarkson, who had previously said that there was a thread tying tragic outcomes like the murder of Sarah Everard to casual ‘banter’ and the examples adults set.


When asked how the school handled the resulting issues in addressing students in a classroom setting, Hewitt-Clarkson said that the preferred greeting should be “good morning everyone” since that does not create a gender divide and includes people who might not identify as either sex.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:46 a.m. No.13542824   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sex Pistols’ Johnny Rotten says cancel culture, political correctness is about to ruin America


Sex Pistols frontman Johnny Rotten — real name Johnny Lydon — says he believes America is near total ruin because of cancel culture and political correctness pushed by universities and much of the mainstream media.


During a recent interview with Britain's Times, the outspoken U.K.-born punk rocker said that cancel culture is a blight upon humanity.


He also said that college and university students were at least partially to blame for the ultra-woke, politically correct movement surrounding cancel culture.


"These people aren't really genuinely disenfranchised at all," the 65-year-old performer said. "They just view themselves as special. It's selfishness and in that respect, it's divisive and can only lead to trouble."


Of the media, Lydon added, "I can't believe that TV stations give some of these lunatics the space."


“Where is this 'moral majority' nonsense coming from when they're basically the ones doing all the wrong for being so bloody judgmental and vicious against anybody that doesn't go with the current popular opinion?" he continued. “It's just horribly, horribly tempestuous spoilt children coming out of colleges and universities with s**t for brains."


What else?


Lydon, who is now a U.S. citizen, also savaged President Joe Biden, saying that the president only respects "the latest woke fashion trend." He also said that Biden is — or will be — the catalyst for the country's utter collapse.


The punk rocker also expressed his love and appreciation for the country he now calls his home.


"I love being on a tour bus because I just stare out the window. I'm utterly amazed and transfixed by the difference of scenery from one state to another," he explained. "The forests up north and the swamps down south, all of it, it's lovely. The people are very, very varied and very forgiving. A new country, new open-mindedness I suppose. Like they're not really stuck down and nailed to the floor by class warfare."

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:49 a.m. No.13542838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>3246

US Grand Jury Adds WMD Charge Against Men Accused of Plan to Kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer


WASHINGTON—A federal grand jury added new charges on Wednesday against three men charged with conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, saying they planned to use weapons of mass destruction to destroy a bridge, the Justice Department said.


Adam Fox, 40, of Wyoming, Michigan; Barry Croft Jr., 45, of Bear, Delaware; and Daniel Joseph Harris, 23, of Lake Orion, Michigan, were charged with knowingly conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction against persons or property, the department said, in addition to a kidnapping conspiracy charge in October.


The superseding indictment on Wednesday alleges that the three planned to destroy a nearby bridge, which would have harmed and hindered Whitmer’s security detail and any responding law enforcement officers, a Justice Department statement said.


The new indictment also alleged that Croft and Harris possessed a “destructive device” that was not registered as required by U.S. federal law. It said Harris also possessed an unregistered semiautomatic assault rifle.


Fourteen men were accused of taking part in a plot by right-wing militia extremists to abduct Whitmer. One of them broke ranks with his co-defendants in January and pleaded guilty to a federal kidnapping conspiracy charge.


Prosecutors have said all 14 suspects targeted Whitmer in retribution for public health orders she imposed placing restrictions on a wide range of social and business activity to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:50 a.m. No.13542846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>3246

Democrats Intro Bill To Strip Federal Grants From Employers Conducting Criminal Background Checks.


House Democrats introduced a bill to block forms of federal grants from going to employers that conduct criminal background checks, or even “inquire” about the criminal history of an applicant.


The bill, introduced by Representatives David Trone and Maxine Waters, seeks to “amend” the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 by “conditioning eligibility for grants” under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program.


JAG grants, according to the Department of Justice, compose the “leading source of federal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions.” The program “provides states, tribes, and local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas” including crime victim and witness initiatives, mental health programs, and crime prevention.


The bill would amend the program by introducing an “eligibility” clause for private employers, excluding grant recipients from requiring applicants to disclose their criminal records. What’s more, businesses aren’t even allowed to “‘inquire” about the matter with applicants or “conduct a criminal background check”:


‘‘ELIGIBILITY.—Beginning with the third fiscal year that begins after the date of the enactment of the Workforce Justice Act of 2021, to be eligible for an allocation under this section, a State shall have enacted and be implementing legislation that prohibits private employers from—


‘‘(A) requiring an applicant to disclose whether the applicant has a criminal record;


‘‘(B) inquiring about the criminal record of an applicant prior to a conditional offer of employment; and


‘‘(C) conducting a criminal background check on an applicant prior to a conditional offer of employment.’’


Bills 117hr1598ih

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:51 a.m. No.13542855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>2879 >>2907 >>3246

TEXAS: Bill Preventing Businesses From Firing Those Without COVID Vax Stalled By Republican Legislator


The bill would prevent employers from discriminating against non-vaccinated employees or job seekers.


Texas Rep. Angie Chen-Button has thus far slow walked a bill that would prevent businesses in Texas from firing employees because they have not received one of the controversial COVID-19 vaccines. Thus far, the bill is stalled in a committee with only days remaining in the legislative session, according to Current Revolt.


Texas House Bill 1687, which would ban discrimination by employers based on their COVID-19 vaccination status, is currently stuck in the International Relations & Economic Development committee. This committee is chaired by Rep. Angie Chen-Button. Multiple calls to Chen-Button’s office were made. No comment was given and we were told to send an email.


Unconfirmed rumors are circulating in Austin that Rep. Chen-Button refuses to move this bill out of office due to a request by Texas Instruments to require vaccinations for employees. Rep Chen-Button is a former employee of Texas Instruments and Texas Instruments headquarters also happens to be located in one of the largest parts of her district.


Currently, Houston Methodist Hospital is saying it will fire workers who refuse COVID-19 vaccinations. It seems this may be a common issue if this bill does not pass. Many Texans have voiced frustration with Rep Chen-Button this session as she abstained in a very important vote on constitutional carry for Texans.


She was also one of a handful of Republicans that voted with Democrats against an amendment that would have added pornography addiction to the list of addictions that the Brain Institute of Texas would be charged with studying.


While the Texas legislature drags its feet on this bill, the Florida legislature recently passed a bill that bans businesses, governments, and educational institutions from requiring a COVID-19 vaccine passport in the state only weeks after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order doing the same. The bill will now need to be signed by DeSantis to become law. When reached by National File, Florida Rep. Anthony Sabatini suggested Republicans around the country should use the legislation as a model, and “Pass the same exact bill. Take the bill and pass it in every state in the country.”


House Bill 1687 is not the only bill that appears to be stalled in the Texas legislature. National File recently reported that Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller appeared in a radio ad slamming Texas Rep. Dustin Burrows for slow walking a bill that would ban chemical castrations for minors in the state, suggesting voters call Burrows and make their dissatisfaction heard.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:52 a.m. No.13542861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Heritage Action Staff Endorses Pro-Red Flag, Abortion-Expanding Candidate for Virginia AG


Heritage Staffer points to Heritage Employment as reason for endorsing the pro-red flag abortion advocate.


Melody Himel Clarke, a Heritage Action Regional Chair, has endorsed a pro-red flag, abortion expanding candidate for Attorney General of Virginia, issuing a lengthy written endorsement in favor of Virginia Beach Republican Delegate Jason Miyares, who before being elected to office himself, served on the staff of never Trump ex-Congressman Scott Rigell.


“Melody Himel Clarke, Virginia Conservative Leader, Entrepreneur, and Conservative Talk-radio host endorses Jason Miyares for Attorney General,” Clarke, who also serves as a Heritage Action Regional Chair, wrote in her endorsement of Miyares.


Touting Miyares as a pro-life, pro 2nd Amendment candidate, Clarke went on to claim that Miyares, “will lead the fight to restore integrity in our elections…He will protect our Second Amendment rights and will protect LIFE from conception to a [sic] natural death.”


Despite Clarke’s endorsement, Miyares has compiled a legislative record often at odds with his party’s grassroots, conservative base. In 2019, a year before Virginians organized a massive 2nd Amendment “sanctuary” movement to oppose the Democrats’ radical gun control agenda, Miyares introduced a red flag gun confiscation bill almost identical to the one passed by Democrats in 2020, though the bill failed to make it through the then-Republican held House of Delegates. A year later, in the face of massive public opposition to red flag laws, Miyares voted against the Democrat version of his 2019 bill.


During that same legislative session, Miyares voted with Democrats on a bill allowing for the expansion of abortion, voting in favor of HB 1979 amending the state’s assisted contraception statutes. Despite protections for the unborn being booted from a list of amendments to the statute, Miyares voted with Democrats to provide for gender-neutral terminology, while the bulk of House conservatives stood opposed to the measure. Under the statute, unborn children are considered property and are not protected from “termination” in the event of contract disputes or other legal issues involving surrogacy. The action came the same year that Virginia Democrats launched massive legislative attacks against the unborn, with Governor Ralph Northam ultimately going viral in a disturbing video clip describing infanticide.


Also in 2019, Miyares voted for the expansion of no-excuse absentee voting, allowing for no-excuse absentee votes up to 45 days ahead of an election, beginning with the 2020 General Election cycle. Expanded no-excuse absentee voting in 2020 was credited with causing massive election integrity issues, including in Virginia, and has been cited as a major source of election fraud.


Earlier this year, amidst what’s been called a left-wing “cultural revolution,” Miyares voted alongside Democrats to rename all portions of U.S. Route 1 in Virginia named for Confederate President Jefferson Davis amidst the massive assault on Virginia and the nation’s history spearheaded by Governor Ralph Northam and the Democrats. Under the bill Miyares supported, the road will be renamed “Emancipation Highway.”

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:55 a.m. No.13542877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2911 >>2957

Ransomware Hackers Threaten to Expose D.C. Police Files – Including List of Informants


Ransomware hackers have reportedly breached the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department’s computer network in a targeted cyberattack and are threatening to release sensitive data including lists of police informants if the ransom is not paid.


BBC News reports that the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department recently revealed that its computer network was breached in a targeted cyberattack. A ransomware group known as Babuk is reportedly threatening to release sensitive information on police informants if not contacted within the next several days.


The FBI is reportedly investigating the breach. Washington DC’s Police Department stated that it was “aware of unauthorized access on our server.” The department added: “While we determine the full impact and continue to review activity, we have engaged the FBI to fully investigate this matter.”


It is unclear whether not the hackers managed to lock the police out of their systems. Babuk, a Russian ransomware group that rose to prominence earlier this year, stated that it had downloaded “a sufficient amount of information” from the police department’s internal network.


Screenshots that were allegedly posted to the dark web by the group and shared on social media suggest that it gained access to information on criminal gang activity and police intelligence reports.


James Smith, the head of the UK-based cybersecurity consultancy firm Bridewell Consulting, commented: “With these types of attacks, the data has probably been stolen already, before it was encrypted, and the likelihood that the data will be sold or stored by the hacker is great.”


Earlier this month, Babuk targeted the Houston Rockets basketball team with ransomware and claimed to have documents including player contracts and financial data. A spokesperson for the Houston Rockets stated that while the group had accessed some information, it failed to install the ransomware because of a security system.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:57 a.m. No.13542892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Establishment Media Focuses on Tim Scott’s ‘Inspiring and Hopeful’ Rebuttal of Joe Biden’s Speech


America’s establishment news media were unable to ignore Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s joint address to Congress Wednesday.


Just after the speech, Jake Tapper called Scott’s speech “inspiring and hopeful.”


“You heard there an inspiring and hopeful and at times even religious message from the man perceived to be a rising star in his party,” Jake acknowledged.


CNN later wrote of Scott’s speech that “rebuttals typically offer the opposing party a chance to critique the President’s message,” but recognized “Scott‘s speech directly called out Biden and his party, as the Republican senator touched on a wide range of issues… slamming Democrats as divisive.”


CNN’s Brianna Keilar on New Day credited Scott’s rebuttal in an interview with White House press secretary Jen Psaki by asking if President Joe Biden is working with Scott on police reform.


Psaki, despite casting Biden as bipartisan in press briefings, said she did not have any calls between the two to of which to speak.


“I don’t have any calls with Senator Scott to read out for you,” she quipped. “The President will stay engaged. He very much cares about signing this into law. He thinks it’s long past time to get police reform in place,” she said.


Over on MSNBC, anchor Nicolle Wallace criticized Scott for articulating facts. “This is a speech delivered from a planet where facts don’t matter,” she said. “If you’re so proud of a lie, tell the truth about it,” she said about Scott’s comments on Georgia’s voter ID law.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13542915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2970

Italian Migrant Shelter Founded by Priest Helps Migrants Cross into France


An Italian shelter for migrants near the French border founded by a priest has been helping illegals cross into France, with some claiming there is no future for them in their home countries.


The “Fraternità Massi” shelter has been operating in the Italian town of Oulx since 2018. It is managed by the NGO Talità Kum, which was founded by parish priest Luigi Chiampo, who claims to respect the work of the French border police.


“The French police are doing their job. They are trying to stop the migrants,” Chiampo told the Agence France-Presse (AFP) news agency and added: “Sometimes agents go into the woods in search of migrants in transit to stop the flow. At other times, the police simply guard the main roads. Everyone does their job.”


Most Tunisian Migrants Given Citizenship in Safe Italy Use EU Free Movement to Move to France


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 27, 2020


The news agency spoke to migrants using the shelter, with a Tunisian named Taher commenting: “I want to go to France because I have a family member who lives there. In Italy, there is nothing for me.”


“Why didn’t I stay in Tunisia? Because I am 30 years old and there was no future for me in Tunisia,” the migrant added.


A report from November revealed that many Tunisians have left Italy for France in recent years and that 56 per cent of the Tunisians who have gained Italian citizenship from 2012 to 2017 have used European Union freedom of movement to migrate to France.


A bar owner in the border town of Ventimiglia noted that many Tunisians did not bother to stay in Italy and headed straight for France.


Adel Chehida, chairman of the Association of Tunisians in Italy, added that many leave for France due to a lack of job prospects in Italy.


A 20-year-old Kurdish student from Iraq named Zana, who used the services of the Fraternità Massi, also spoke to AFP, saying he was willing to go anywhere safe but added: “Maybe my dream is to reach the UK, but it’s enough for me to be safe.”


Two pro-migration activists are being prosecuted for helping Afghan migrants illegally cross the Italian border into France in November of last year.


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) April 26, 2021


Last week, French prosecutors charged two pro-migrant activists with aiding illegal migration on the Franco-Italian border. They had been accused of helping an Afghan family cross into France last November.


Thibault C., 28, and 31-year-old Alexandre W. are said to have helped the family cross in the commune of Montgenèvre, where police spotted them and subsequently arrested them.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:02 p.m. No.13542938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2950 >>3246

GOP ELITES DUMP TRUMP! Weakling Kevin McCarthy and RINO Lindsey Graham Push Tim Scott for President After His Rebuttal to China Joe




Weakling Kevin McCarthy, the House GOP leader who is afraid of Liz Cheney, and Senator Lindsey Graham spoke with Sean Hannity on Wednesday after Tim Scott’s rebuttal to Joe Biden’s speech.


McCarthy immediately pushed Tim Scott for US President following his 15-minute speech. Lindsey Graham urged FOX News viewers to go Tim Scott’s website and donate to his campaign because he is getting attacked tonight.


And on Newsmax, Sean Spicer plugged Tim Scott as front-runner for the GOP nomination for president after his speech.



It was a clear sign the GOP elites are moving on from President Trump.

That didn’t take long.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:04 p.m. No.13542949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3246

Ukraine Confirms Joe Biden Corruption With Bank Records, Witnesses, Says They Want Money Back


The Ukraine has released a one hour long video of a press conference confirming that Joe Biden committed tax-evasion in their country stating that they want their money back.


During the press conference, multiple witnesses were interviewed and bank records were released confirming the information. This bombshell report implicates Joe Biden as an international criminal and that Joe Biden had been under investigation in Ukraine on felony bribery charges. These allegations are now confirmed.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.13542983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3246

Pfizer: Inhalation or skin contact with a vaccinated person can transmit disease through spike protein pathogen to the non vaccinated:


"Can the unvaccinated get sick from the vaccinated?‍


The vaccine produces many trillions of particles of spike proteins. The vaccinated can shed some of these particles to close contacts. The particles have the ability to create inflammation& disease"


The continued rollout of COVID-19 vaccines moves along without due consideration of patient side effects and post-inoculation complications. AFLDS calls on state and federal health regulators to release more adverse-event-related data and conduct additional follow-up studies before the FDA fully licenses any of the vaccines currently administered under emergency use authorization. The growing body of evidence is too compelling to ignore.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:11 p.m. No.13542995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Apple reports RECORD revenue of nearly $90 billion and Facebook's sales nearly double as tech companies reap the pandemic rewards


Apple and Facebook reported sharp increases in quarterly revenue Wednesday as both companies continue to take advantage of pandemic trends that have devastated other parts of the economy.


At Apple, revenue rose to $89.6 billion - good for earnings of $1.40 a share, which beat Wall Street analysts' expectations, which called for 99 cents.


That was a 54 per cent jump in revenue from the first quarter of 2021. Sales of iPads leapt by 79 per cent, while iMac sales grew by 70 per cent, and iPhone sales rose by 65 per cent.


Profits for the quarter surged to $23.6 billion, more than double the year-ago period, the company said on Wednesday.


Apple's main revenue driver continues to be the iPhone: Revenue for the iPhone rose 65 per cent to $47.9 billion. That beat the expectations of Wall Street analysts, who were expecting a 42 per cent increase.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:14 p.m. No.13543023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Law Firms Representing Purdue Pharma Agree to Relinquish $1 Million in Settlement with U.S. Trustee Program


Settlement Addresses Failures to Disclose in the Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Cases

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:16 p.m. No.13543032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3246

Texas Man Arrested And Charged With Sex Trafficking Of A Minor

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:17 p.m. No.13543039   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fugitive Sought On Child Sex Charges Nabbed By CBP Officers


TORNILLO, Texas – A man being sought on multiple sexual assault/abuse of a child charges was apprehended by CBP Officers working at the Marcelino Serna/Tornillo port of entry on Tuesday. He was one of 27 wanted people U.S Customs and Border Protection Officers from the El Paso Field Office arrested during the last week.


“The work CBP Officers do is vital to protecting our communities and our country,” said Marcelino Serna/Tornillo Port Director Eric Fernandez “Some of the individuals arrested were wanted for heinous crimes, it is our duty to ensure that they are turned over to the appropriate authorities to face charges.”


On April 27 just before 12:30 p.m. a 74-year-old Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States arrived from Mexico at the Marcelino Serna Port of Entry. He was a passenger in a vehicle and was seeking medical attention.


During processing, CBP Officers received confirmation that the man had an active warrant issued by the El Paso Sheriff’s Office, for multiple counts of Sexual Assault-Indecency with a Child, Sexual Abuse of a Child-Continuous abuse. In addition, the man had a warrant for avoiding prosecution or giving testimony and was convicted of murder in Mexico in 2008.


In addition to this case, 26 additional subjects were arrested for outstanding warrants for serious crimes to include, aggravated assault, larceny, robbery, prostitution, fraud, possession of heroin, marijuana smuggling, forgery of financial instruments, and possession with intent to distribute-cocaine.


All subjects were arrested by CBP Officers and turned over to appropriate authorities to face charges.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:19 p.m. No.13543049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3246

Air and Marine Operations and Partners Seize 1.2 Tons of Cocaine in Eastern Pacific


WASHINGTON — An Air and Marine Operations (AMO) National Air Security Operations Center , P-3 Long Range Tracker crew partnered with federal authorities to disrupt a smuggling attempt in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and seized 1.2 tons of cocaine, denying narcotics traffickers almost $44 million USD in illicit proceeds.


An AMO P-3 crew and international partners disrupted

a 1.2 ton cocaine smuggling event in the Eastern Pacific

in early April.


On April 4, a NASOC P-3, LRT crew, located a suspected smuggling vessel near South America while on patrol in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. The aircrew continued to monitor the vessel and vectored the Royal Canadian Navy’s HMCS Saskatoon small boat teams to intercept the suspect vessel. After an unsuccessful attempt to evade the Canadian small boats, U.S. Coast Guard teams boarded the vessel, detained 3 people, and seized approximately 2,315 pounds of cocaine.


NASOC P-3 capabilities continue to prove essential to law enforcement in support of SOUTHCOM Operations. On April 1, 2020, SOUTHCOM began what is now known as Enhanced Operations in the Western Hemisphere to increase the disruption of drugs. This increased presence bolstered support to the U.S. and partner nation law enforcement by sharing information and intelligence to help expand target packages. Key partners have been involved in over 60% of drug disruptions since April 2020 (up from 50% in 2019).


AMO has two P-3 NASOCs, located in Jacksonville, FL and Corpus Christi, TX. These P-3 aircraft operate throughout North, Central and South America in defense of the borders of the United States and to prevent attempts to smuggle persons or contraband.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Air and Marine

Operations (AMO) operates the P-3 LRT aircraft which

perform a wide variety of operational missions,

especially those that require long station time overhead,

hemispheric range, and missions throughout all weather

and environmental conditions

AMO safeguards our Nation by anticipating and confronting security threats through our aviation and maritime law enforcement expertise, innovative capabilities, and partnerships at the border and beyond. With approximately 1,800 federal agents and mission support personnel, 240 aircraft and 300 marine vessels operating throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, AMO serves as the nation’s experts in airborne and maritime law enforcement.


In Fiscal Year 2020, AMO enforcement actions resulted in the seizure or disruption of 194,220 pounds of cocaine, 278,492 pounds of marijuana, 15,985 pounds of methamphetamine, 952 weapons and $51.5 million, 1,066 arrests, 47,872 apprehensions of undocumented migrants.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:22 p.m. No.13543070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Propaganda Push: White House Chief Of Staff’s Wife Made Frequent Appearances On CCP-Owned News Outlet


Monica Medina, the wife of White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, repeatedly appeared on Chinese Community Party-owned news outlet China Global Television Network (CGTN). Each time she joined the propaganda-pushing network, she talked about climate change, thanks in large part to her credibility as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and her environmental e-newsletter, Our Daily Planet.


Medina is now part of the Biden administration, where she serves as Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Science Affairs, which falls under the State Department.According to the Council on Foreign Relations, Chinese President Xi Jinping launched the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, which includes a “vast collection of development and investment initiatives” that “would stretch from East Asia to Europe, significantly expanding China’s economic and political influence.” The project is believed to be China’s latest infrastructure project aimed at obtaining an economic advantage over the United States.


In an October 2019 appearance, Medina praised teen Greta Thunberg for bringing attention to the issue of climate change.



“I do think there is something about Greta Thunberg’s leadership,” Medina said about Thunberg’s activism. “In the last year, she’s empowered a lot of young people, but predominantly women and young women, and I think it’s because they see her as having an effective voice. And, again, they’re thinking ahead. They’re more attuned to the issue of climate themselves so they are thinking about the future they want to create.”



A few days later, on June 27, 2019, Medina made yet another appearance on CGTN America. During that segment, she talked about the impact festivals and concerts have on the surrounding environment, particularly with regard to how much trash events produce. She praised the UK and a few individual states in the U.S. that have made more “climate-friendly” moves, like banning plastic straws or taxing plastic bottles.


“The generation that attends these festivals are the perfect ones to educate about this issue and help them because they want to be more sustainable in everything that they do,” Medina said. “So they’re ready and willing, to change their ways, to not bring things in and just leave them there. They just need help.”


Interestingly enough, that segment failed to mention China’s pollution affecting the oceans.



According to The Wall Street Journal, researchers in the U.S. and Australia found that “China and Indonesia are likely the top sources of plastic reaching the oceans, accounting for more than a third of the plastic bottles, bags and other detritus washed out to sea.”


Medina’s involvement in the United States government presents three major issues. First, it violates President Biden’s promise to keep family members from being involved in government decisions.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:27 p.m. No.13543104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3164

REVEALED: 'Pedophile ring at Virginia summer camp founded by famed psychic Edgar Cayce raped eight girls - and forced one victim into a "forgiveness circle" with her abuser'


A pedophile ring raped eight underage girls while they stayed at a Virginia summer camp founded by a psychic called Edgar Cayce, a lawsuit claims.


The victims - who are now adults - say they suffered sexual harassment, abuse and rapes at the hands of male workers while attending the Association for Research and Enlightenment's (ARE) summer camp in Virginia Beach.


One victim, who gave her name as Lynsey, told of how she was forced to participate in 'massage trains' with adult staff after first attending the summer camp in 2008, when she was 12.


The lawsuit says that when Lynsey was 12, a male camp counselor aged 18 or 19 forced her to play 'Spin the Bottle,' forced her to touch his genitals and placed his hands under her clothing and digitally raped her.


'The first time I was raped by an adult counselor, I was 13. I reported it to the camp manager and nothing was done,' she said, according to WTKR.


'ARE spiritual teachings set the stage for a silent epidemic of sexual assault and violence against young children and women, including myself.'


The lawsuit says she told the camp manager what happened, but her alleged abuser was allowed to stay at the camp and no report was made to authorities.


When she was 17, she returned to the camp for a young adult retreat, where she said she was forced to embrace her abuser and tell him she forgave him, the lawsuit states.


'I returned to camp and I was forced to participate in a so-called 'Forgiveness Circle,' which meant I had to hug my abuser and say I forgave him. It was a horrible, degrading experience,' she said, according to WTKR.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:28 p.m. No.13543109   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Covid vaccine concerning side effects brought up by local news station, doctor came on saying many coming to his office suffering post shot!


New concerns are rising about the available COVID-19 vaccines throughout the area. Butler County resident John McCool said that he has been dealing with issues on the left side of his body since getting the shot about eight weeks ago.

Anonymous ID: cf8d25 April 29, 2021, 12:30 p.m. No.13543121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3264

Canada On The Precipice of Dictatorship


Vaccine passports coming, lockdowns harsher than ever. And now they want to control who and what gets posted on YT and other social media. I just hope I can get out before the iron curtain closes.