Anonymous ID: edcb1d April 29, 2021, 11:03 a.m. No.13542584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2618 >>2716 >>2804

Prime Creator: Current Experiences (4-29-2021)


Greetings My Beloved Children,


I am Father, Prime Creator and I am pleased to be here. I would like to speak to you today about the transformations that Mother Earth is undergoing now. Your world keeps changing and evolving with every nanosecond. I deliberately changed the time flow more than once to expedite your Ascension Process. The Divine Plan is coming to fruition to bring peace and happiness to humankind.


You are experiencing daily many hardships such as financial struggles, health issues, relationships problems and etc. All of these imbalances and obstacles in humanities existence have been brought by the Darkness, which has been dominating your planet for a long time. The Negative Ones kept orchestrating their ‘’perfect’’ scenario of constantly putting barriers in the way for every human being in their every day lives.


They created a cycle of misfortunes for everyone on Earth. These souls crossed the line too many times, and they forgot one big detail that Universal energies always naturally rebalance themselves by bringing back the balance between the Darkness and Light.


Also, I have been reminding and warning these corrupted souls that their negative behavior is going to be dealt with or punished. Their arrogance of being invincible blinded them completely, they think about themselves as Gods. They are going to have a rude awaking, their time of being Queens and Kings are coming to the end with no return.


The tortures and miseries they put mankind through are all recorded, their souls are going to be repurposed or vanished completely depending on their remorse and willingness to change. Most of them are not showing any remorse and continuing to harm all life on Mother Gaia. My patience with them is on thin ice, I gave full authority to Ashtar and Galactic Federation to use full force of eliminating the Darkness from this part of the Galaxy.


Some of you have been questioning, why is it taking so long to get rid off all of these negative entities. The main reason is we need to be careful by not destroying the planet when we are going after and chasing the Dark Ones around. They have been attacking and occupying other worlds in different parts of the Universes, Galaxies and Planets for a long time.


I am tired of their behavior, and I am using my authority as Prime Creator by warning them for the last time, if they are not going to willingly leave this planet, they are going to face heavy consequences.


I would like to also to talk about that some of you are loosing hope and desire to be here. Please, remember you can’t give up, no matter what is going on around you. This is not your first life, most of you had thousands or more reincarnations. Low energies always get replaced by higher ones.


You can’t give up now as better times are coming, and prosperity is going to be given to everyone. This 3D Matrix is cracking everywhere and nothing can sustain it anymore. Stay in Divine Flow and do daily meditations to raise yourself to high vibrations, which is essential right now during these times.


The old system is falling apart left and right, so you need to stay balanced and not give up on yourself and others. All of you have a lot strength and courage within you, please never forgot that. Open wide your heart and see through all of the chaos around, and you are going be surprised by what you are going to see.


My Dear Children, I am always around and watching over you, please remember WE ARE ONE nothing can ever separate you from me.




Prime Creator


**Channel: Erena Velazquez

Anonymous ID: edcb1d April 29, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.13542618   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The tortures and miseries they put mankind through are all recorded, their souls are going to be repurposed or vanished completely depending on their remorse and willingness to change


repurposed or vanished completely


(holding back my laughter for them)

Anonymous ID: edcb1d April 29, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.13542780   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is it somehow possible as they feed on our negative energy that some of us feed off of their destruction as well? It brings me great joy to see them RAGE and FLAIL about. Like a drug, they somehow make me stronger.

Anonymous ID: edcb1d April 29, 2021, 11:43 a.m. No.13542806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is it somehow possible as they feed on our negative energy that some of us feed off of their destruction as well? It brings me great joy to see them RAGE and FLAIL about. Like a drug, they somehow make me stronger.>>13542801

>We never saw that before Trump took office


>& before Q appeared.



Anonymous ID: edcb1d April 29, 2021, 11:57 a.m. No.13542891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2897

You are in the midst of the last preparations for what you have known as the event. As your world is growing more chaotic with every day we want to remind you that worlds are indeed built out of chaos. This world too was once built out of the great Chaos.


The event will be a moment in time that will blast earth with photon gamma light beams coming straight out of the central sun piercing its way through every last cell of your being. This will be a moment that everyone will experience differently.


Those who did not raise their frequency, did not take care of their physical bodies, did not do the inner work, did not connect to nature, and did not connect to their higher selves will be overwhelmed by this volcano eruption of 5D frequency, metaphorically speaking.


Many, if they haven’t already until then, will exit the planet at that moment and others will experience an almost overwhelming feeling of joy and bliss like they had never imagined in their wildest dreams.

In order for this event to arrive sooner rather than later planet earth’s collective consciousness must rise and the number of awakened individuals must reach the so-called critical mass.


You all know about the tremendous timeline split that is taking place on your planet as we speak. It’s like you’re having two opposing teams competing with one another over the territory of earth.


By now it has become evident to you that there are many who will not make the shift into a higher reality with you at this time. It is clear to most at this stage of ascension that a vast portion of the surface population chooses fear over love. These individuals will not ascend at this time.


However, they are not lost. The souls exiting planet earth and transitioning will be incarnating on a version of earth that continues to play out the 3D drama. It will be as if nothing changed for them and they will be given as much time as they need to awaken, evolve, and ascend. Eventually, all will re-join together on 5D new earth.


Meanwhile, you have also realized that these beings who think, feel, live, and speak completely different than you are living in a totally different reality. This outworn 3D matrix system of control and abuse that they are so desperately clinging to is just as dense and heavy from negativity as those who keep re-creating it through believing it is the only reality.


Starseeds, do not underestimate your role on this planet!


You have come to save an entire race from going extinct. Without you, humanity would not have a chance of physical ascension. You will be the pioneers. You will be the first ones who will dwell in the fifth-dimensional reality of heaven on earth Earth.


“But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first”. Do you now understand what Yeshua meant when he spoke these words? People who played the 3D game well were always put first within the negative frequency of earth but the tide has turned. Those who were considered the black sheep of humanity are now the first to ascend in frequency and enter a new reality. Those who mastered the third-dimensional existence by fitting in perfectly into a negative and dense reality will be the last.


Keep working diligently on all your five sacred bodies. Your emotional body, your mental body, your physical body, your spiritual body, and your astral body, all shall be addressed, healed, and upgraded as the ultimate preparation for the event through which you will be catapulted into the 5D new earth reality in just a single moment of time.


Understand that the madness currently taking place on your planet is serving a divine purpose. A vast portion of the inhabitants on planet earth have chosen fear to be their primary frequency from which they operate.


Every being has free-will choice. Their souls have decided that they need more time in a negative reality in order to gather certain experiences they deemed important for their own souls’ evolutionary path.


They might make the free will choice to take an injection and check out from this reality leaving all higher vibrating beings behind to do the divine work of conscious evolution and ascension. Thus, they are contributing in their own way to the ascension process on earth. With fewer fear-based vibrations present on the planet the critical mass of positive vibrations can be achieved and the final event timeline accelerated.


You have volunteered to come here, to take humanity by the hand and show them that the impossible is possible indeed. You are the ones who guide others to heaven on earth as their new place of residence.And in the same way, these other more negative based beings have volunteered to surrender the territory of earth to you. They are aware that they are too immature at this time to do this massive shift and they are leaving the planet to you.

The time that has been spoken about has finally arrived.

Anonymous ID: edcb1d April 29, 2021, 11:57 a.m. No.13542897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We know that you are worried, sad, and even angry towards your world. We also know that you don’t remember it at this time but when you got your chance to come to this planet you felt as if you won the lottery -AND YOU HAVE.


Prepare all of your five sacred bodies and fear not dear ones. This is the victory of light. It is God’s plan. God always wins and you are the army of God.


We want to close our message to you today by suggesting you make the following words your daily mantra. These words will anchor your higher powers into the remains of the third-dimensional world that is falling like a house of cards:






We love you. We are here with you. We are your family of light.