can report clear skies in west germany for at least 3 days now. dark blue skies and high temperatures
Hitler was a drug addict, nothing more nothing less.
and the germans of that time where opposed to a combination of scientific/occult/psychological manipulation coming from the outside, not within.
Thule, Theologische Gesellschaft, many more occult/esoteric societies in that time.
The hate for the Jew doenst stem from the germans, whole europe was involved.
So Hitler did plenty wrong, but not because of his bad intentions but because of his bad sorroundings.
i know the speeches,
but the decisions speak for themselfs.
im not speaking about the jews, just take the military decisions he made.
Russia speaks for itselfs, and that he has been played is obious.
i don´t see hitler as a messia in one way as another,
just another drug addict (of power) in the collection.
so gofuckyourself and pray for anyone you might imagine as your savior.
i thought you would be able to go one level deeper.
Do you think Trump alone could stem this ?
Who is the true power behind all?
What does a leader use to enforce his will ?
Who are you?
I know that Americans are stupid in general, are you ?