MM 1106
'Exact same structures, only 10 feet taller.'
Older code…
Fyi keep your heads out of infinity shit ages a lifetime in a day when pushed in the wrong direction
Surprising the amount of folk who dont notice the differences inside out / WH
Gotta love those <doors
In the interest in saving everyone a bit of time and being ultra pissed off finally;
"Everything ends with Africa" [C_A]
Reconcile India (q + islands) : South Africa (+ islands)
What is a MAP
What is a LEGEND
What do you do when the c_a openly tells you they're going to try to steal her with a "golfer" 5 years in advance? (Not even a real one?)
What do you do when the protestors get masked by rioters?
What do you do when an electrical virus leads politicians and BAD actors to lock you in masks or under curfew?(bolt cutters in my unlocked Raptor yo open your parks back up)
What do you do when civilian courts& institutions prove untrustworthy & unconstitutional?
We have the GOLD the TIME the MAP the LEGEND and the highest ranking is revolving with some to be high flying assets & un funded opportunities
NSA release that shite
Backed up my drives have took room for vid and jfk dump can send thru archives again (still have eyes anand ears in the 9/11 radar center recording) ([langley research center]_saw_that)
Re ships
They are correct
Already here
Running down an a dream
Cross time and space find out the heal trick is size difference to a point of light
Love (you
How bout hyper dimensional beings transcending time space and a digital analog 5g brainwave interlay with most the earth already faraday caged and ai coding generating ai cgi effects and upconverting signals …..
Anyone notice the birds since POTUS and I and half of us probably kicked off twitter?