Top o' the mornin', anons. If anyone didn't previously understand the strategic, military concept of "Hurry up and wait", I guess you get it, now, right? But we still work at this, while we wait and polish our knobs and other essential gear. Maybe, I’m filing down puzzle pieces to make them fit, but a major plot in Pedo Polanski’s film, CHINATOWN is the quest of a private detective (Jack Nicholson’s character) to uncover a set-up and conspiracy, by the patriarch of a wealthy pedophile family who is depriving much-needed irrigation water from Southern California farmers, while secretly diverting the abundant, fresh water into the Pacific Ocean, under the cover of night. Everyone knows that natural disasters, like droughts, are moneymakers and a way to control specific populations of people. We see it, every day. A subplot belongs to fugly John Huston’s character who raped his own daughter (Faye Dunaway’s character) at a young age, resulting in a baby girl who is being raised in secret. This is a story about the stealing of natural resources in Cali, dark-money, corrupt politicians, incest, pedophilia and the power of the wealthy. Sound familiar?
I’m not saying that John Huston raped his own daughter, IRL. I’m just saying that the physical resemblance and lifestyles of the two women are uncanny. And, there are some interesting overlaps between Angelica Huston’s real-life, English upbringing and Ghislaine Maxwell’s childhood. There is a 10-year age difference, between the two women. Girls enter into puberty between the ages of 10 and 12. Girls don’t have to already have their periods, to become pregnant. One of the most famous dialog exchanges from the movie: “She’s my daughter.” SLAP “She’s my sister.” SLAP “She’s my daughter AND my sister!”
It just seems, so much, like the revelation of method. It’s like they’re laughing at us and taunting us by showing us what they do and how they really behave, IRL.
Butthay, for all I know, Angelica could have been born Angelo Huston and can’t even have kids. I mean, let’s face it, she’s nearly doomed in the feminine-beauty department. Even her own father and Franco Zeffirelli knew she was no Juliet. Tough break, kid.