And then they’ll nuke it.
What about the neighbors kid? Would you standby when they come for the kids? Your post is mildly retarded.
Shut the hell up with that movie talk. Real lives, real children and real futures are being ruined. Fuck your movie bullshit, that’s some placating PsyOp nonsense.
Thats my jam homie.
Or he was talking about the Tree of Liberty, Patriots and Tyrants…
Trumps a fucking Freemason that was assigned a role to put a Nationalist Face on the start of the Great Reset. No sauce except the dirt from the Freemason 5 hour movie going around. Only thing that makes sense when analyzing our current situation to date. What the future holds, who knows?
Naw, your right. I’m an idiot. You got it figured out.
Imagine how much harder you’d fight if you had everything to lose and were completely exposed to government coercion, and knew it.
The Freemasons, before Jewish subversion of the Lodges, were based.
Thank you for affirming I am a crayon-eating moran. Can you sauce your counter-position with valid data explaining why the Country is being fucked raw by Communists as we speak?