So RealRawNews is the only press entity on the entire fucking planet that has this story? Sorry anon. I ain't buying this bullshit. Sauce it motherfucker or GTFO and SFTU. You know the drill here asshole.
"On the advice "on" legal counsel". Should be "of". That tells one all one needs to know. And motherfuckers keep posting this shit here as "News". smfh
Is that fucking weird or what? Frank Luntz. I ain't never trusted that POS as far as I could throw him which by the way, would be pretty damn far. And he has Kevin McCarthy's ear? I don't think none of us understand just how fucked we are. Moar so by the day.
National Enquirer has a better track record telling the truth than the msdnc yaps.
KMFAO!!! You're damn idiot.
Put armed Patriot Citizens around that place and tell those democrat hack motherfuckers to go fuck themselves.
One of the worst fucking movies that I've ever seen. I want my money back for this shit film.
Been at the Bureau long?
Yea, thing about a scary movie or one that sux is that you can walk out, turn the channel, turn it off. This movie? Depicting in real time the ongoing, irreparable I fear, damage and destruction of the country. While I am fine where I'm at, very conservative area, the rest of the nation is facing flat out despotism and tyranny. Those folks down at the border having to put up with the illegal fucks running through their properties, yards, neighborhoods. My ass would be standing 24 hour guard. Armed.
I'm smart!!! I can do things!!!!!
Paid to troll here? Who gives a fuck about 107 anons on an anon board shit posting anonymously?
Still kek'n. I ain't triggered!!!!!
KMFAO!!!! Wasn't me!!!!!
Some of these tail numbers are airline. AW=America West-USAIR now American Airlines, UW is a USAir back in the Steve Wolf days, N559WN is my former employer SWA, Airplanes can are leased and the leases held by different banks.
Wasn't smoking. Dropping. LSD!!! kek
Man, I hope this anon is fucking wrong. smfh Mi? Where the fuck are you? You gonna protect this country or just sit on your fucking ass while it's destroyed?
Nancy ain't never looked that good. Both are BSC.