Morning anons…
Any updates from pol on the carnival/dirty? That is some good work and let's relay as we get stuff…
I still like this one better anon…
Morning anons…
Any updates from pol on the carnival/dirty? That is some good work and let's relay as we get stuff…
I still like this one better anon…
watching similar anon…the solar flash is coming. This is actually documented in our history. David Wilcock, before he went full retard, a pretty good source…lots and lots of documented history in rosicrucian/zooraster, Indian, and chinese texts…
interesting thoughts on the vax…
I watch the Schumman everyday as I also feel it is a good indicator. We cannot increase our vibration without a planetary increase in vibration…
are we SURE we are using the right kind of clock?
"Some predecessors to the modern clock may be considered as "clocks" that are based on movement in nature: A sundial shows the time by displaying the position of a shadow on a flat surface. There is a range of duration timers, a well-known example being the hourglass. Water clocks, along with the sundials, are possibly the oldest time-measuring instruments. A major advance occurred with the invention of the verge escapement, which made possible the first mechanical clocks around 1300 in Europe, which kept time with oscillating timekeepers like balance wheels.[1][2][3][4]"
buy gold…
>How do we help our brothers and sisters start this process?
By BEING…hold the light. For me, this is realizing that regardless of my intense FEAR, the resources I need to complete my task will be provided. Whatever you are being challenged with right now that is trying to bring your vibe down…just hold the light, keep the Faith…and LOVE…
Hand in fren…many of us going through this right now.
Old world..STATUS defined as education/money/etc…
New world…STATUS defined by WHO YOU ARE…hold the light :-)
Are any anons following:
-DC habben's (per notables)
-AZ habben's (per notables)
I have a bad feeling about today…something up…anyone else?
>Fire festivals
Mayday, big deal for the commies, also big deal on the devil calendar…
SOMETHING is coming, we all know and feel that…
clockfags are missing something…just sayin'
>Q was more for an awakening of minds and souls of the sleeping starseeds
Consider…(you) may know your role or just be waking up to it…all us seeds in the same boat. We will bring the change here. My lane is HEALTH and I already have a completely new health paradigm established with better diet and far better health…all seeds working on or toward something…
What is Q? Every consider some of us are driving this? Worth the time to consider. Could we be feeding back with foreknowledge of events?
WHO you are will soon be determined in a far different way than it is now…our light will SHINE soon :-)
DC is existing as a separate country right now…so it actually was AT THE BORDER…oh, the irony…
watch the squawks too anon…
you cannot bring your 5th dimensional spirit into this cesspool without also being concerned about the diet of your vehicle…
Eat more omega 3 and 6 fatty acids…more omega 3's than 6's ideally. Look at EVERY SINGLE label of food you eat and steer clear of corn syrup and sugars. Eat more turmeric, eat more greens…red clover really good!
These might help:
have you guys every tried different kinds of clocks? Like an ASTRAL clock? Then look at the planetary alignments? Or would that be too complicated?