Not with the MSM we have, AFAIC.
Say, for example, it was a logistics day and new ballots were brought in to be ready for counting the next day. The only thing the MSM would report for that day would be. "0 fraudulent ballots found, today It's a boondongle. Shut it down."
Vietnam body count and covid-19 deaths counters all over again. Better to save the best for last.
Anyhoo, new Jovan Hutton Pulitzer video is good, Funny as hell, he is, too. Trashes Madcow from all four directions, then predicts they'd be best friends if "he" put him on her show.
Video shoves everything back on GA and, "Don't take your love to town", Miss Ruby.
Don't want to say more because he let's you watch a Bllomberg election night in GA clip a couple of times before he tells you what the big problem is.
2nd part is thermostat's as an access point. Someone had a smartphone apps that sniffs wifi signals. Sounded like a good guy mole at work, to me.