And when did all of these milk allergies start cropping up? All of these people becoming lactose intolerant? Was that AFTER they started messing with milk and pumping cows up with hormones to get them to produce more milk?
When you think about it, once a child is weened, that should be the end of their milk consumption. Once they have teeth, they should eat meat instead.
Think about dogs. They don't drink milk after they are weened, they eat meat. Why do people continue to consume gallons and gallons of milk. It should only be used for cooking, in small amounts. Or to make cheese, or sour cream, or butter, or yogurt, or ice cream, etc. 2% milk is just a byproduct of these items. Are we drinking garbage?
And what about all of these dried breakfast cereals that we are told we should eat swimming in milk?
Big cereal companies: Kelloggs, Post, etc.
It costs them pennies to produce a box of cereal and then they charge $4 for a box of it. What a ripoff.