1.the shekels were so gape
>>1.the shekels were so gape
>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
and daniel gaped like ken
>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>3. and daniel gaped like ken
and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>16. and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
so daniel decided to leave the shire with walrusjew josh for four frickin novels of validations
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>>16. and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
>17. so daniel decided to leave the shire with walrusjew josh for four frickin novels of validations
and they wandered gondor and minas tirith seeking old oval gapes to larp cause tendies and feels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>>>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>>>16. and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
>>17. so daniel decided to leave the shire with walrusjew josh for four frickin novels of validations
>18. and they wandered gondor and minas tirith seeking old oval gapes to larp cause tendies and feels
soon they learned of old gape sourman temple baking babies, and they knew gape shekels fortune telling must be larp harder or walk back to shire <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>>>>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>>>>16. and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
>>>17. so daniel decided to leave the shire with walrusjew josh for four frickin novels of validations
>>18. and they wandered gondor and minas tirith seeking old oval gapes to larp cause tendies and feels
>19. soon they learned of old gape sourman temple baking babies, and they knew gape shekels fortune telling must be larp harder or walk back to shire <for shekels
20 sourman had itch from lederhosen and saurkrauter and was interested in larpers storys of foreskin suckin in the shadows cause candelstick stolen and the exotic nipple clamp nozzels of fake church
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>>>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>>>>>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>>>>>16. and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
>>>>17. so daniel decided to leave the shire with walrusjew josh for four frickin novels of validations
>>>18. and they wandered gondor and minas tirith seeking old oval gapes to larp cause tendies and feels
>>19. soon they learned of old gape sourman temple baking babies, and they knew gape shekels fortune telling must be larp harder or walk back to shire <for shekels
>20 sourman had itch from lederhosen and saurkrauter and was interested in larpers storys of foreskin suckin in the shadows cause candelstick stolen and the exotic nipple clamp nozzels of fake church
"no longer will monkeys fly out my asshole on this yellow cake road" said sourman lederhosen saurkrauter itching
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>>>>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>>>>>>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>>>>>>16. and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
>>>>>17. so daniel decided to leave the shire with walrusjew josh for four frickin novels of validations
>>>>18. and they wandered gondor and minas tirith seeking old oval gapes to larp cause tendies and feels
>>>19. soon they learned of old gape sourman temple baking babies, and they knew gape shekels fortune telling must be larp harder or walk back to shire <for shekels
>>20 sourman had itch from lederhosen and saurkrauter and was interested in larpers storys of foreskin suckin in the shadows cause candelstick stolen and the exotic nipple clamp nozzels of fake church
>21. "no longer will monkeys fly out my asshole on this yellow cake road" said sourman lederhosen saurkrauter itching
if only the old forrest of faggots knew the larpers were trying to sell nozzels and nipple clamps with their larps to old oval gapes lederhosen saurkrauter sourman itch with fortune telling larps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>>>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>>>>>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>>>>>>>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>>>>>>>16. and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
>>>>>>17. so daniel decided to leave the shire with walrusjew josh for four frickin novels of validations
>>>>>18. and they wandered gondor and minas tirith seeking old oval gapes to larp cause tendies and feels
>>>>19. soon they learned of old gape sourman temple baking babies, and they knew gape shekels fortune telling must be larp harder or walk back to shire <for shekels
>>>20 sourman had itch from lederhosen and saurkrauter and was interested in larpers storys of foreskin suckin in the shadows cause candelstick stolen and the exotic nipple clamp nozzels of fake church
>>21. "no longer will monkeys fly out my asshole on this yellow cake road" said sourman lederhosen saurkrauter itching
>22. if only the old forrest of faggots knew the larpers were trying to sell nozzels and nipple clamps with their larps to old oval gapes lederhosen saurkrauter sourman itch with fortune telling larps
our hero daniel was ready to stick his tongue in it to help get over old oval gapes unrequited mangina hopeium coCIAne of sorosanon colon blow pony show lucas bet on ponys with <for shekels
>โถsourman gape angry jewish buttstuff monkeys flying out asshole book of daniel gapes
soy lotions available at macys for fartnoises and manginas and old oval gapes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.the shekels were so gape
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2. the old gapes were loaded with shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3. and daniel gaped like ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4. and ken paid fortune tellers to larp his gape like a daniel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5. and daniel learned to fortune tell old gapes with larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6. and old oval gapes far and wide came for daniel larps gapes fortune telling <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>7. soon daniel got involved in the foreskin sucking in the shadows cause ancestor lost candelstick griefer gape larps <for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8. eventually they encountered the fake church of volcano doucheing as prophecized by sodom who'ssane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>9. and it was up to daniel to lead the gape larps through the peanut butter canyon larps to seek the douche fake church for nipple shockers <and for shekels
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>10. fake church of volcano douche sold nozzles and nipple clamps and learned of the shadow foreskin suckers great wealth of lies and spam
>>>>>>>>>>>>>11. soon daniel was a shadow foreskin sucker and a old oval gape larper fortune teller of unimaginable nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>>>>>12. daniel got to larp a old gape mangina one day and changed life
>>>>>>>>>>>13. daniel found fronthole mangina fartnoises fortune telling was more than just peanut butter canyons and nipple clamps nozzles
>>>>>>>>>>14. than daniel got hooked on coCIAne and trannys
>>>>>>>>>15. dudes with bewbs were not doin it for daniel after that old oval gape life changing larp
>>>>>>>>16. and that old oval gape mangina daniel larped did not love daniel the same way <for shekels
>>>>>>>17. so daniel decided to leave the shire with walrusjew josh for four frickin novels of validations
>>>>>>18. and they wandered gondor and minas tirith seeking old oval gapes to larp cause tendies and feels
>>>>>19. soon they learned of old gape sourman temple baking babies, and they knew gape shekels fortune telling must be larp harder or walk back to shire <for shekels
>>>>20 sourman had itch from lederhosen and saurkrauter and was interested in larpers storys of foreskin suckin in the shadows cause candelstick stolen and the exotic nipple clamp nozzels of fake church
>>>21. "no longer will monkeys fly out my asshole on this yellow cake road" said sourman lederhosen saurkrauter itching
>>22. if only the old forrest of faggots knew the larpers were trying to sell nozzels and nipple clamps with their larps to old oval gapes lederhosen saurkrauter sourman itch with fortune telling larps
>12. our hero daniel was ready to stick his tongue in it to help get over old oval gapes unrequited mangina hopeium coCIAne of sorosanon colon blow pony show lucas bet on ponys with <for shekels
daniel was ready to sacrifice his forked tongue larping fortune telling skills for a lederhosen saurkrauter sourman itch that had temple of baked babies like the shadow foreskin suckers profitized with the fake church of nipple clamp nozzels all biblical tongue in butt <for shekels
soy lotioins help mangina fartnoises with cocanut smells
>soy lotioins help mangina fartnoises with cocanut smells
>>soy lotioins help mangina fartnoises with cocanut smells
>>>soy lotioins help mangina fartnoises with cocanut smells
u.k. wankers $ent their best pony riders to fight cocanut smells
>>>>soy lotioins help mangina fartnoises with cocanut smells
>u.k. wankers $ent their best pony riders to fight cocanut smells
duke of harry gasket tested gapes cries bout trannys to oprah
>>u.k. wankers $ent their best pony riders to fight cocanut smells
>duke of harry gasket tested gapes cries bout trannys to oprah
<for shekels
sourman bitter over jew pasta FAGioli
>sourman bitter over jew pasta FAGioli
insists FAGioli is causing monkeys to fly out asshole from yellow cake road