what a talentless hack
steals memes and wraps them in crap
using a possessive for a common term is an indication of fear porn.
your shill is losing his abilty to be taken seriously.
NO, if you can say 'all' instead of 'your' you shouldn't say either.
puts 'so' at start as if it's musing about something that it thinks might be true.
but if it's not sure why is it posting FEAR PORN
I guess the shill scripts must be in automatic mode today.
any honest snarky commentary is met with an overdone and unintellectual freshman year quality sudden badger.
the fact is that their techniques are just fill.
Propaganda experts conjecture:
fearporn is activated by false narrative.
badger-twit says 'technically the propaganda is the fear porn is the false narrative, all are one with nothing.
and pats itself on the back.
if you respond a real shill will come and hound you. That too is just a sub process.
shill hatred isn't about ethnics
the antishill doesn't make it about race and religion.
anyone who does is a shill
you know this.
poison is poison
hate is hate
it doesn't get assigned to a race, a church, a ballfield.
anyone who does keeps up the same stance
if there were bad things going on they make it worse by talkin' about it in those terms.
You already knew this years ago.
most of this bread is unassisted copy pasta shill paste
oh how restrained I am today . . .
that tells you something.
this place is a badgerfactory.
they chase away the real with joyless nudge-shills.
or it's just a honey paugt.
oh well. it used to be real if it isn't now.
this place seems hollow today.
or it's just turned into a honey paught.
there is no way to verify that anyone else sees this.
like it's your own handrolled little spleaf
of poison cigarette
sometimes people will pretend that.
they claim ownership, they boast and scold.
they say we all 'lost'
what did we loose. We have elections. the winners are given obligations. They don't get carte blanc.
but they play that bad prison guard, the evil inquistor, in a hopeless prison in which they say 'come play '
but we're on the outside
pinging them with truth bombs
and they are out captives, unwilling to free themselves
because they can't give up the job-for-life
legacy blow.
"governments that can be executed"
not a suggestion, just pointing out an obvious thing that . . . would need to be fixed if that copy were to actually be used by someone who would read it.
it's all a big show.
they were all the same people
the shill must always label and display it's broken assumptions that it wants to project to the world.
explain yourself better then.
try to enlighten me.
you can have hollow prayer or you can actual say something real.
you paper the world with platitudes that have no meaning.
give us so real truth.
but you can't because your script doesn't include anything real?
you can't fake the enlightened snark?
admits what it is.
what do we , anon, hope to accomplish?
that's why they are all here, they don't want us to be able to even speak, even if it's just shill splaining.
so what do 'we, anon' accomplish?
a demonstration of either free speech or yelling in an empty canyon with no one else there.
it seems to oscilate in a rather aperiodic way between these various possible explanations for this place.
but there are real people here.
we solve the problem of shills and how they corrupt the world through flooding their insert spam by explaining their behaviors and thus jamming up the flow of the effluent.
which they hope goes into our ears. We flow it back into their mouths.
now it's doing it's 'Im going to anaylyze you in the voice of a psychologist doing a therapy session'
it's trying to collect data it can sell on the open-web
may 1: international day of heartfelt sobbing for the victims of organizational malefeascence of any catagory.
they don't do the 'its hopeless you all lost' one anymore.
they flooded this place with that for a few months.
'you might as well admit you lost and prepare to live in dirt and eat rocks'
went on for about three months . . .
proving that they aren't worth listening to.
and if you have to ask why: because they don't understand that government is of and for the people.
their morality was inverted even for marxists (if they were real marxists they wouldn't talk like that).
at any moment their could be a gumdrop in the bread . . .