Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:16 p.m. No.13560753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0858 >>0930 >>1054 >>1077 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

North Korea Says Joe Biden Made “Big Blunder” and Insulted Kim Jong Un – Threatens “Corresponding Actions”


North Korea on Sunday said that Joe Biden made a “big blunder” after he insulted Pyongyang’s nuclear program during his joint address to Congress and threatened “corresponding actions.”


Yonhap News Agency reported that Pyongyang said the US is preparing for an all-out showdown with the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).


“The DPRK Foreign Ministry vehemently denounces the provocation from the U.S. as a vivid manifestation of the hostile policy toward the DPRK to tarnish its image and as a crude violation of its state sovereignty,” it said.


North Korea warned that the U.S. will “surely and certainly regret for acting lightly, defying our warnings.”


Yonhap reported:


North Korea said Sunday that U.S. President Joe Biden made a “big blunder” after he called Pyongyang’s nuclear program a serious threat, warning the U.S. will face a “worse and worse crisis beyond control.”


Kwon Jong-gun, director general of the Department of U.S. Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, made the remarks after Biden pledged in his first congressional address last week to work with allies to address “serious threats” from the North and Iran through diplomacy and stern deterrence.


“It is certain that the U.S. chief executive made a big blunder in the light of the present-day viewpoint,” Kwon said. “Now that what the keynote of the U.S. new DPRK policy has become clear, we will be compelled to press for corresponding measures, and with time the U.S.”


The official also said that the U.S. “will face worse and worse crisis beyond control in the near future if it is set to approach the DPRK-U.S. ties, still holding on the outdated policy from Cold War-minded perspective and viewpoint.”


“Diplomacy” and “stern deterrence,” which Biden pleged to used to address threats from the North, are “a spurious signboard for covering up its hostile acts” and “a means for posing nuclear threats” to the North, respectively, the official said.

Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:26 p.m. No.13560814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0824 >>0833 >>0858 >>0930 >>1054 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

Candidate Caitlyn Jenner Opposes Trans Biological Boys Competing in Girls Sports, ‘It Just Isn’t Fair’


Caitlyn Jenner, candidate for California governor, opposes transgendered biological boys competing in girls’ sports, TMZ relieved Saturday.


When asked by a reporter what Jenner thought of certain states that have passed legislation to protect girls’ sports from transgender biological boys participating in them, Jenner said, “This is a question of fairness.”


“That’s why I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girls’ sports in school,” Jenner said.


“It just isn’t fair. And we have to protect girls’ sports in our schools, Jenner reiterated.

Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:33 p.m. No.13560854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0858 >>0930 >>1054 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

Coronavirus Crackdown: Judge Orders Canadian Church Locked to Prevent Sunday Worship Services


A judge in Woolwich Township in Ontario, Canada, has ordered parishioners at Trinity Bible Chapel to be locked out of the church to prevent Sunday worship services.


Judge John Krawchenko ruled on Friday that the church, its pastors, and elders were in contempt of prior court orders to halt in-person worship by gathering as the church last Sunday.


The Toronto Star reported on the development:


“The court granted interim relief in the form of an Order directing the Sheriff to lock the doors of the Church on a time limited basis,” Ministry of the Attorney General spokesperson Brian Gray said in an email. “The doors are ordered to be locked, before midnight May 1, 2021, for one week.” Next week, the matter returns to court “to speak to continuation or variance of the Order if appropriate,” Gray said.


“The Attorney General wanted locks put on the doors until all restrictions were lifted,” Lisa Bildy, a defense lawyer with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, said in an email. “The judge would only give them one week for now, and we will return to court next week to review the status and consider whether there are ways to keep other parts of the church available for the good works they do throughout the week.”


“It’s very sad that our government chose to take a coercive approach to public health, ignoring all prior pandemic plans and public health principles,” Bildy said. “They have put law-abiding citizens in a situation where they have to exercise civil disobedience and risk draconian fines just to exercise basic civil liberties that are supposedly guaranteed to us in a free and democratic society.”


The Star reported that last Sunday nine tickets were issued to people for attending a gathering that exceeded the government’s attendance limit.


The media outlet said that church elders and the church have been charged with violations “several times” in recent weeks. This is the first time parishioners have been ticketed.

Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:34 p.m. No.13560860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930 >>1054 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

The Latest: 10% of Washington town positive for COVID-19


About 10% of the population of Republic, a small city in north-central Washington, has tested positive for COVID-19 in an outbreak traced to large indoor events last month at the local Fraternal Order of Eagles hall


The Latest: 10% of Washington town positive for COVID-19By The Associated PressThe Associated Press


REPUBLIC, Wash. — About 10% of the population of Republic, a small city in north-central Washington, has tested positive for COVID-19 in an outbreak traced to large indoor events last month at the local Fraternal Order of Eagles hall.


Ferry County Memorial Hospital officials have confirmed more than 100 cases, with one reported death, since the April 9-11 events, including a membership drive that featured dinner, live music and a 1980s-themed karaoke night.


Some patients have had to be transferred to Wenatchee and Yakima because of a lack of capacity. Less than one-quarter of the county’s residents have received a vaccine, according to the health district, but officials said the outbreak has increased interest in it

Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:39 p.m. No.13560896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930 >>1054 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

Dershowitz: FBI’s Raid of Giuliani ‘Unconstitutional’


The FBI’s recent raid on an apartment owned by Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, violated the Constitution, according to constitutional expert Alan Dershowitz.


“This was just a misuse of the search and seizure power. Initially, it was turned down; now it was approved, both by a judge and by the attorney general of the United States, so it wasn’t lawless action, but I believe that they acted inconsistently with both the spirit and the letter of the Constitution and that there should be remedies for it,” Dershowitz said on Newsmax on Saturday.


“It should be done through subpoena, and that is the constitutional route to getting evidence,” he added.


A search warrant being executed points to officials believing the subject would destroy evidence if the search was not carried out. But the lawyer knew that he was being investigated for months, so there’s no basis for a search unless a subpoena was obtained, Dershowitz argued.


“The 4th Amendment demands a subpoena in these situations, not a search warrant. What they did in this case was unconstitutional,” he said.


Agents obtaining information that is covered by attorney-client privilege would taint prosecutors who may try to prosecute Giuliani, Dershowitz added, saying that he has advised Giuliani’s lawyers on a pro-bono basis to move to get the material back, have the government subjected to subpoena analysis, and force anybody who goes over the material to be from outside the prosecutor’s office, such as a judge.


The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Federal agents searched Giuliani’s home because of accusations he failed to register with the Department of Justice, which includes the FBI, according to the former New York City mayor. He disputed the allegation, saying he never represented a Ukrainian national or any foreign national.


Dershowitz sees the allegation as a way for investigators to continue to try to obtain damaging information against Trump.


“I don’t think they have anything on this registration because, really, Giuliani was representing an American; he was representing the president. He was doing investigations in the Ukraine to see if it can help his president,” he said on Newsmax.


The White House has said it is not involved in the situation. The Department of Justice “is independent now” and “they’re going to make their own decisions,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.


Trump lamented the raid on Fox Business, calling it “very unfair.”

Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:40 p.m. No.13560905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930 >>1054 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

House Republicans Question Biden Administration on ‘Questionable’ Census Results


A group of House Republicans questioned whether political interference contributed to what they describe as questionable results from the recently completed 2020 Census.


The group on Friday pointed to the discrepancy between projections of census numbers last year and the final figures and the fact that the Census Bureau referred them to the White House when questioned about the apportionment count.


“While Democrats falsely accused the Trump Administration of using the Census process for political gain, President Biden has done just that,” the group wrote to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo.


“Even as President [Donald] Trump sought to ensure the accuracy of the 2020 Census apportionment results by excluding illegal aliens from the apportionment count, President [Joe] Biden reversed course, deciding to dilute American citizens’ representational interests by rescinding this commonsense measure. Several liberal states with sanctuary policies may have lost more congressional seats if illegal immigrants had not been included in the apportionment base,” they added.


Population numbers for each state garnered through the census, a once-a-decade query of Americans, is used to tally how many seats in the House of Representatives each state receives.


The newly released figures show Texas gained two seats and five others gained one seat, while New York, California, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia will each lose one seat.


But final population numbers for multiple states diverged widely from estimates the bureau released late last year.


New York, for instance, was estimated to have 19.3 million residents. The state’s final tally was 20.2 million. Texas, on the other hand, was estimated to have over 29.3 million residents, but its final tally was under 29.2 million.


“Remarkably, the differences benefit traditionally blue states—which gained population compared to the estimates—over red states which tended to lose population compared to the estimates,” House Republicans said in their letter.


“This trend calls into question whether there was any political interference with the apportionment results released by the Census Bureau,” they said.

Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:42 p.m. No.13560915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0930 >>1054 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

Day 91: Biden White House Relishes Racism Rhetoric—Unless It’s About Biden.


On Day 91, the White House deals freely in race-based rhetoric—until the questions turn to Biden’s own background.

200 Million Coronavirus Vaccines Administered.


The United States has passed the 200 million Coronavirus vaccinations mark, which was President Joe Biden’s updated pledge as of March 25 after initially underselling U.S. capabilities by 100 million.


Supply of shots will soon outpace demand, and the Biden White House is looking for ways to urge more Americans to get the jab. In remarks Wednesday, Biden previewed a program to extend additional tax credits to companies who give their employees time off to get the vaccine and recover from side effects.


“I’m calling on every employer, large and small, in every state, to give employees the time off they need, with pay, to get vaccinated and any time they need, with pay, to recover if they are feeling under the weather after the shot,” Biden said. “No working American should lose a single dollar from their paycheck because they chose to fulfill their patriotic duty of getting vaccinated.”

White House Entertains Racism Rhetoric—As Long As It’s Not About Biden.


In Wednesday’s press briefing, press secretary Jen Psaki weighed in on the death of Ma’Khia Bryant, an Ohio teenager who was shot by police as she swung a knife at another teenager.


Psaki referred to the incident as “police violence” and linking the event to “systemic racism” and “implicit bias.” The officer involved in the shooting has been targeted and threatened on Twitter, despite having saved the life of Bryant’s would-be victim.


“The killing of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant by the Columbus Police is tragic. She was a child,” Psaki said. “We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino people in communities, and that Black women and girls, like Black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence.”


Psaki continued:


“We also know that there are particular vulnerabilities that children in foster care, like Ma’Khia, face. And her death came, as you noted, just as America was hopeful of a step forward after the traumatic and exhausting trial of Derek Chauvin and the verdict that was reached. So our focus is on working to address systemic racism and implicit bias head on and, of course, to passing laws and legislation that will put much-needed reforms into place at police departments around the country.”


It is not evident that race or police misconduct were factors in Bryant’s death, but that did not stop the Biden White House from applying racialized and accusatory rhetoric in its statement on the incident.


However, Psaki took less kindly to the topic when a reporter asked to what extent Biden “acknowledge[s] his own role in systemic racism,” calling the president “an architect of multiple federal laws in the 1980s and ’90s that disproportionately jailed black people and contributed to what many people see as systemic racism.”


Psaki replied:


“One of the President’s core objectives is addressing racial injustice in this country not just through his rhetoric, but through his actions. And what anyone should look to is his advocacy for passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, for nominating leaders to the Department of Justice to address long-outdated policies, and to ask his team—leadership team here in the White House to prioritize these issues in his presidency, which is current and today and not from 30 years ago.”


When the reporter tried to ask again about whether Biden accepts his own culpability, Psaki cut the question off.

Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:44 p.m. No.13560938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1054 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

Homeland Security to repair damage created by border wall


The Biden administration says it will begin work to address the risks of flooding and soil erosion from unfinished sections of the wall on the U.S. border with Mexico


Homeland Security to repair damage created by border wallBy ELLIOT SPAGATAssociated PressThe Associated PressSAN DIEGO


SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Biden administration said Friday it will begin work to address the risks of flooding and soil erosion from unfinished sections of the wall on the U.S. border with Mexico and provided answers on how it will use unspent money from shutting down one of President Donald Trump’s signature domestic projects.


Construction under the Trump administration “blew large holes” into the flood barrier system of low-lying regions in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, the Homeland Security Department said. It said it will “quickly repair” the flood barrier system without extending the wall.


Hidalgo County, Texas, officials have expressed alarm about flooding risks during the hurricane season starting in June from breaches in a levee system after Biden halted border wall construction immediately after taking office in January.


The department said it would also fix “improper compaction of soil and construction materials” along parts of a 14-mile (22.4-kilometer) barrier in San Diego and soon unveil plans to address additional “damage” from border wall construction during Trump’s presidency. The San Diego wall is largely in unpopulated stretches in areas restricted to Border Patrol agents.


Biden ordered a pause on all wall construction on his first day office, leaving billions of dollars of work unfinished — but still under contract — after Trump worked feverishly last year to build more than 450 miles (720 kilometers), a goal he said he achieved eight days before leaving office.


Biden gave aides until late March to determine how much it would cost to cancel contracts and whether money could be spent elsewhere. Answers began emerging Friday.


The Defense Department said it in a statement that it would use unobligated money for military construction projects for its initial purpose. It is reviewing which of the billions of dollars in delayed projects would get priority.


As of Jan. 15, the government had spent $6.1 billion of the $10.8 billion in work it signed contracts to have done, according to a Senate Democratic aide with knowledge of the contracts who spoke on condition of anonymity because details have not been made public. The full amount under contract would have extended Trump’s wall to 664 miles (1,069 kilometers).


Publicly, the Trump administration said it secured $15 billion for the wall. The Senate aide said it was actually $16.45 billion, $5.8 billion of which was appropriated by Congress and the rest diverted from the Defense and Treasury departments.


Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez recently told Border Report that there were at least four breaches in the levee system protecting Hidalgo County’s low-lying region from floods during a major storm.


The dirt levee was built under 2006 legislation to protect the delta region from flooding but was also a staging ground for Trump’s border wall. Cortez said the areas were left vulnerable when Biden halted work.

Anonymous ID: 654ac9 May 1, 2021, 6:46 p.m. No.13560950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1054 >>1156 >>1223 >>1360 >>1383

University of Minnesota student leader caught on video telling peers to place fake police calls to make life hell for cops


A member of the University of Minnesota's student government was caught on video imploring her peers to make the lives of police officers "hell" by placing bogus calls for help.


Lauren Meyers is the chief financial officer of the Minnesota Student Association and the co-chair of the Office for Student Affairs Mental Health committee. During a video conference with fellow members of the MSA, Meyers instructed her fellow student government members to use several tactics to "annoy the s*** out of" campus law enforcement.


During the video call, another student asked Meyers, "When you say disrupt UMPD, what exactly do you mean by that?"


Meyers replied, "Make their lives hell. Annoy the s*** out of them. Like, use up their resources, make their officers show up to something."


Here it is. We received a copy of the video that was deleted from Reddit. #UMN Student Association Rep Lauren Meyer…

— CrimeWatchMpls (@CrimeWatchMpls)1619482141.0


The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association and Law Enforcement Labor Services issued a joint statement on Tuesday, where the police unions called for an investigation into the situation and warned that making phony 911 calls can be a felony.


"Minnesota law prohibits using emergency calls to report a false emergency or crime, and claims that lead to serious injury or death is a felony publishable by 10 years imprisonment and/or a maximum fine of $20,000," the letter reads.


Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association Executive Director Brian Peters added, "Actively planning to thwart UMPD by generating false calls for help is insulting to the overwhelming majority of the campus community that rely on public safety services."


"Last month the campus community had 13 incidents of aggravated assault, 52 burglaries, 22 car thefts, 4 sexual assaults, numerous thefts, and a murder on or near campus," Peters continued. "We're frustrated that elected student leaders would purposefully choose to stir further division to make the campus less safe."


Law Enforcement Labor Services Executive Director Jim Mortenson said, "Everyone deserves to be safe, and advocating to impede police from assisting victims of crime is mindboggling."


The police unions called for an outside agency to "conduct a criminal investigation into this incident to determine if charges are warranted."


Meyers' comments were reportedly made while MSA members were discussing a recent letter the student government sent to University of Minnesota president Joan Gabel. The letter demands the resignation of University of Minnesota Police Department Chief Matt Clark.


The letter alleges that Clark has failed to increase "campus safety and wellness" for students of color and allowed the "utilization of UMPD as a physical arm of the oppressive state to subjugate and silence community members."