The structure of the world is quite simple.
For the time being, the devil is the god of this world.
The devil has a billion or more demons that are all placed over towns, cities, states, and countries, hierarchically.
The people the devil allows into positions of influence and power are people who quite literally worship the devil, and accept the things of this world in return for serving the devil.
Mostly by lying.
The devil does most of his work by lying.
So the famous, rich, powerful, elite, cabal members not only work for the devil, but they know him, have met with him, and take orders from him, directly.
And he doesn't care what role they're in, only that they do his work.
Which is to hide, distract, and if possible, destroy the bible, the word of God, which is powerful against him, so that he can continue on his quest to regain heaven by any means necessary.
Everyone who works for the devil, worships the devil, and is following the devil's plan for their lives, is naked, poor, wretched, and lost.
And need to be saved.
And can be saved.
There are none so ill they cannot be saved, and none so good they need not be saved.
The devil thinks that humanity is his key to winning the war against God.
He has nothing to lose.
He knows he is going to an eternal lake of fire, because it's in the bible that he goes into an eternal lake of fire, and never comes out.
So there's his motivation; he wants the bible to be not true, so that his end in an eternal pitch black lake of fire is not true.
And yet it remains true, because God is the Almighty, and made satan, and made an eternal lake of fire, for just that purpose.