what are you going to do? post this nonsensical bullshit every fucking bread?
what are you going to do? post this nonsensical bullshit every fucking bread?
>Have you even bothered to red the book
no, i didn't RED the book. i don't need to eat an entire bowl of horseshit to know what it is. the theory can be expressed in a few short paragraphs. likewise, the results of every failed attempt to find petroleum in non-sedimentary geologic formations can likewise be summarized in a few sentences. THEY ALL FAILED. now you can go on putting all your money on one book, written by a guy who wrote it to SELL BOOKS AND MAKE MONEY. i will continue to put MY money on all the research articles in peer review journals, for which NO ONE gets paid. they ALL agree that abiogenic oil is a thoroughly debunked piece of pseudoscience pipedream. one book does NOT equal proof or even evidence. there is ZERO evidence for abiogenic petroleum. get over yourself.
>but the change must occur from the grass roots up.
WHY? where is YOUR sauce? what evidence do you have for such an asinine statement?
the revolutionary war was NOT a popular war.
the colony of NY fielded TWICE as many volunteers for the british forces as for the american rebels.
given the mil tech of today, a grassroots uprising will only get a lot of us killed, with zero effect.
the normies will wake up, and those already awake will shepard them once the mil takes action.
MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY. grassroots your ass.
>peer review is also comped by big lobbyist pharma and nasa, maybe do some further research?
that's right. anyone who disagrees with YOUR half-assed hair-brained theories is "comped"
GTFOH, asshole.
i've spent a LIFETIME dealing with peer review research and publication, and i understand the flaws FAR better than you can imagine.
> I can't even point you to find your ass on a map
and you could find your own dick if you were in a locked closet. not sorry.
>military can't wait til EVERYONE is on board..
ahhhโฆ. the voice of common sense. waking the normies can't be a real reason for the delay. the only reason that makes ANY sense is they have not yet eliminated all of the samson options. these sick fucks would burn the earth to cinder before they go quietly.
>deep drilling done by companies like Burisma
BURISMA! now THERE'S a corporate name that's synonymous with honesty. hell, NOW i'm convinced.
>It's just not going to unfold the way you think it will.
i have NO FUCKING IDEA how it's going to unfold. don't claim to. just getting AWFULLY fucking impatient.
>anons all around you have it right and are detailing it.
anons have NO FUCKING IDEA how it's going to unfold, either. the fact you think you do only demonstrates your stupidity.
it's all good, fren. sometimes my patience wears thin with anons who post as tho they have "inside info" re "the plan."
when the SHTF moment arrives, all petty squabble among anons will be forgotten. just hope i live long enough.
systemic racism is an extraordinary claim. anyone making extraordinary claims bear the burden of proof. it's NOT up to us or anyone else to disprove it. either THEY furnish proof, or the assertion is baseless.
>Biden lost, not only lost, but lost by 14 million votes.
are you fucking kidding? i doubt joe&ho GOT 14 million LEGITIMATE votes total. they lost by 100 million.
>Who is Geronimo Podesta?
not whoโฆ what. it's a new chain of italian fast food restaurants.
i drove across seven counties in heavily democratic PA in 2016, counting signs in front yards.
i gave up counting trump signs when the total passed 500, and that was only one county.
the total for killary was THREE, all in allegheny county, near pittsburgh.
i actually ate there onceโฆ julio chang's polynesian spaghetti house. the specialty was haggis.
remain calm and stay right where you are. a nice young man in a clean white coat will be coming to take you away.
> Would love to hear that Belgian fellow Ronald Bernard's input on this
i thought i heard he ded now. suicide or accident, no doubt.