Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:08 p.m. No.13569121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9138 >>9160


pb #13419769


the Murderr smear campaign led to an INTENSE infection of Scabes


I callled 911

the police and paramedics showed up and refused to treat me without and E.R. visit


the police were going to arrest me AGAIN for intox when I needed help for the scabes


i could hear him talking to the paramedics


my neighbor has all surveillance; and God Bless; has been in contact.


the paramedics asked me "if I knew that yterribium was radioactive" during a questioning of me. wtf. i told duh.


I created a device. it is 2 grams of yterribium on both ends of a melted ceranium rod and the entire this is wrapped in tin foil. a geodesic dome of 2in fresnel lens heat the first "dome" of yterribium, the melted ceranium transfers the heat to second "dome of yterribium when is directly inserted into a pot of water which boils steam for a steam-piston engine


i ordered all metals from amazon[]com

about 1k from lucreticia[]com

ceraniun, 2 kinds of europium, yterribium, ceranium, seranium


i called the atomic agency and asked if i need a license. no response.


i sent joe and jill biden a nice breakfast from uber eats and ordered the metals


the device is built at about 6in long for xperiment of 2g yterribium on each side and a few grams of ceranium as heat transfer "rod"



i placed 1oz europium "true metal" in a safe deposit box at the midfirst bank with all harddrive MATERIALS and critical printed information on trademarks.


the rest of the metal is here at my house as it is LEGAL and PURCHASED on amazon.



i had to combat a severe scabes infection which is taking a dying breath


nearly lost my foot and a finger to the infections before i SELF-EDUCATION on treatments. after 5 days off ALL-DAY intense treatment. antibody systems have been in control most of the day with one small scabes attack


the scabes is SOOO fastening as an animal. flesh-eating diseases for the win. scariest thing I have ever encountered in nature


what IMPRESSIVE actions and re-actions from a HIGHLY INTELLIGENT and REACTIVE bacterial force that has one goal; KILL THE HOST. and it will


i gained a new respect for gaia and the scabes COLONY SYSTEM



working on Global Infrastructure Management and getting []prisontopresident[dot]c.o.m back online cause I am lacking some stupid e-mail verification


anyway. getting back online with an old computer cause i fried my MOBO and my house is a FUCKING WRECK.. but


besides that

i opened American Prrosperity Unit as the Domestic "entity" with legal authority in the US cause global infrastructure management is registered in the foreign state of georgia for offshore banking.


i also registered 2 associated trademarks. i attached global infrastructure management rights in case you are interested.


i am taking over the OPERATION of the DEPARTMENT OF CORERECTIONS with my domestic entity PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX LLC


will attach associated trademarks in next post.

they are from [][]i9y[][] and work developed in free-speech forums from 8kun.


p.s. love you all and the TRUTH WILL BE TOLD


they cannot william copper my shit no matter how much they try

Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:14 p.m. No.13569155   🗄️.is 🔗kun



bless all you who do what you do



speak LOUD or DIE;

fuck the illuminati

fuck the USFG and their revolving door COROPRATE CAMPAIGN of TREASON


attempt on life/freedom… i dunno fucking ENGLISH R1b NEADRATHAL FUCKING NIGGERS.

go suck some more kike pharaoh cock from haplogroup T


keep it one under

ez-e and the 213





Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:20 p.m. No.13569172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9176 >>9182


thank you

not only to the active members of 8kun

but all those that help me

@UN <hungarians/polish/czechfor holding my satelllite systems under your command and keeping me safe from R1b and their UN super-power ELITE governments of western europe

@codemonkey/dotcom/etc - for real




i just know i am a human rights victim from the trafficking of intellectual property<way more profitable than pussy>


i have applied to UNHCR for asylum outside the United States.



[govern] is search try

match with "govern" on google trends

for sauce

Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:23 p.m. No.13569182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9186 >>9200


i have multiple contacts with some entity via survellence within my home by all CONTACTED authorities

@gangtaskforce @fbi @cia @whitehouse @UN


i have CALLED ATTENTION to myself for PROTECTION and I use my microphones for…. discussion rather than; fear.


i update here though as much as I can now since [Q] has faded and many within the Institutions of Government receive "second-hand surveillance based conversational/situational data.

Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:31 p.m. No.13569200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9240


p.s. i treated SEVERE scabes infection that was eating my flesh


1.) keratol foot cream to release moisture from swollen areas

2.) dr. sholl foot powder to SUFFOCATE the spore systems of the scabes infections

3.) 1/4 box of baking soda with a couple cups of h20 and apply to ALL scabs. the Ph and soda will EAT the SCABS. it fucking hurts. do not apply relief to the pain in any way or this would indicate ALTERATION of Ph which attacks the scabes system infection

4.) lance/remove all scabs and remove content/wash/rinse; INSTANTLY apply a POWDER.

5.) apply baking soda + powder to all new growths

6.) SUPER IMPORTANT - i am not a health freak either. i drank some OJ and noticed INSTANTLY the response from my antibody system and have been consuming oranges/OJ each day for 3 days and when I eat it… literally. the spores of scabes start disappearing.


prescription permithren cream DID NOT treat the severity of the scabes after I went to the doctor about 4 days for some kind of treatment.

tried over the counter permithren rinse too


they are great for "killing eggs"


but at the point you have an infection threatening to force amputation… you gotta try new shit… immediately.


to foot swells to 4-5x the size. the feeling in toes is lost and the limb will be lost without reduction in infection rate


ib profin was RARELY consumed


the scabes systems are FASCINATING; there are like 5-6 different types of "growth" within the COLONY system which serve different FUNCTIONS to take over the human body..

Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:41 p.m. No.13569240   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i instantly felt better PHYSICALLY after stopping the infection RATE; however, the infections are still EVERYWHERE and must be REMOVED through violent lancing of skin tissues.


the SCAB growth continued for another 1.5 days without SEVERE threat to limbs/appendage


but the treatment of contined growth of the system continues to this moment; however, the attacks are less off and MUCH less threatening; however, must be treated equally with atttention and care or NEW COLONIES of growth will take over new areas of the bodies that are NOT receiving treatments.


i could move around a bit yesterday and treatment went from 24hr to about 6hr


i treated for about 2hrs today? not much. powder only and a small application of baking soda


i feel 100% except the scabs still exist a bit <about 75% of original state when I began to treat>


i expect the scabs to be GONE by the end of tomorrow and i cam go to the store and get some damn beer to celebrate my science, education, and success in treatment AGAINST the wishes of the "officials"


p.s. this is my yterribium device… looks like nothing and it is :)

just free solar energy for a steam system… what petroleum/pharma industry likes a productive schizo who is PISSED @abunchofstuff = see you in court

-signed a federally disabled mother fucking from the transcontinental state of FUCK YOUR SHIT UP

Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:48 p.m. No.13569261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9276


the first image on the left spread MORE on on the foot after I started treating it. it also moved in that FASHION and INTENSITY to my left hand and threatened a finger




right hand was getting REAL bad too; and the left foot was infected equally


as well as the right shoulder had a colony and my FACE had the spores on it :)

Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:54 p.m. No.13569283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9287 >>9290

cube of europium is first image

  • beginning of new book collection


i got like 40 new books for my business operating department of correction systems [IF I CAN WIN THE CONTRACT FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA]


I CAN OPERATE PRISONS; much better than the existing OPERATORS

Anonymous ID: 9b4313 May 2, 2021, 10:56 p.m. No.13569294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9299 >>9300


hmmm. see previous posts.


i am experimenting with rare earth metals and i was able to create a device that i KNOW will work based on heating temps of the metals i used.


i started a global infrastructure business that manages the PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX LLC and GARDENING INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX LCC


the PIC and GIC go hand-in-hand using prison labor to PRODUCE FOOD instead of BULLSHIT CORPORATE PRODUCTS….