>>13568416 lb
>>13568193 lb
>>13568193 lb
Not clear.
Which one do we do the link for the next bread?
Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [02.05.21 23:37]
From @mattbraynard:
Look Ahead is hiring field staff in Arizona ($35k salary) to lead our voter reg and community org efforts.
It'll be the hardest job you've ever had but the most rewarding. Leadership in a college student organization a big plus.
Send res and ref to jobs@lookaheadamerica.org.
I'll add that anyone who goes through with working for us through the 2022 General can pretty much write their own ticket onto any presidential campaign staff.
Arizona Conservatives Take Action
TGP EXCLUSIVE:What I Witnessed on the Arizona Auditing Floor – The Ballots Are Scanned, Tested and Documented – The Process is Well Organized and VERY Secure
The first thing I noticed was the videographer, who documents and records everything (ex. any issue with ballots upon opening box). I observed teams of three “counters” checking each ballot on a rotating table and adding a timestamp to each tally sheet. It was a smooth process.
After a box of ballots was counted, the ballot box chain of custody is then updated.
Then the ballot is taken to a forensic scanning station to test the weight, texture, ballot watermarks, and vote bubbles. These tests are used to authenticate the ballot. Each ballot is photographed; a forensic scan is taken, ballots are numbered and issues are recorded on the paper examination log. After this process is completed, the chain of custody is updated again and the box is sealed with the tape color of the team who counted. Everything that happens in this room is recorded and documented – Everything! This process may have more checks and balances than our current executive branch or any branch of government!
The Republican leaders are pulling off an auditing miracle.
Read more:🔗Gateway Pundit https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/tgp-exclusive-witnessed-arizona-auditing-floor-ballots-scanned-tested-documented-process-organized-secure/
TGP EXCLUSIVE: What I Witnessed on the Arizona Auditing Floor - The Ballots Are Scanned, Tested and Documented - The Process is Well Organized and VERY Secure
On Saturday The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson observed the forensic audit of the Maricopa County el
Lin Wood
Gen Flynn (4:34)
Fight for the Bible, Bullets, and Babies.
Fight for the rule of law.
Yeah kraken is a bit behind, but it could be comms and I was the one that loaded the first drop, kek
was too late when I push enter