Prayer call anons. Don't dig til you've armored up! I love you all. #GloryAndHonorToGod #GodWins
Father lay waste to the evil interfering in your will being done by anons here. In Jesus we claim in prayer, amen.
mocking God doesn't hurt me Mr. or Mrs. McShillsalot, it is your soul that will answer to that! I'll lift you to Him as well…apparently you need it! I love you too!
I've heard similar from a certain "SEC" in other platforms. Has a Lokish sound to it. Any relation? Just curious if I'm seeing this accurately.
He/she is just antagonizing hillbilly anon cause love is uncomfortable to asshoe anon cause asshoe anon won't let go and let God. Love asshoe anon anyway kek! I love you
I know the reference. I can enjoy it as banter as well. No hate from Hillbilly anon. Only love. I love you too kek. Now go tell someone that you love them. Infect the world!!!