Anonymous ID: 635f32 May 10, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.1357262   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thats delusional.


Trump is moving the embassy to Jerusalem and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, just so he can do nothing and let it fall. Phffft.


President Trump is a God send. He will pave the way for the building of the Third Temple. Iran is moving to pre-empt the building of the Third Temple. The nazi EU and merkel-hitler and nazi family juncker are trying to stop it. The vatican wants to stop it. Go read Revelations, it reads like ragnorock for the rc church.


The forces against the Third Temple are aligning. Soon Turkey's erdogan will join with Iran.


This is the beginning of the war of gog and magog. President Trump is not going to shy away from this.


President Trump is one of the greatest presidents of all time, already. He is going to facilitate the building of the ThirdTemple and he will be known as one of the greatest leaders in world history, on a Biblical scale.


The newly reformed Sanhedrin in Israel put out a letter calling on all nations of the world to join with them in building the Third Temple and ushering a new era of peace. The Saudis appear to have heeded that call. The saudis are sunni and sunnis make up 80% of the muslim world. The sons of Ishmael are going to stand and be counted.


The sides are aligning on the one side are the sons of Jacob, Esau and Ishmael.


On the other side are Iran mulahs, antichrist Erdogan, the false prophet black pope, the nazis in europe, and anti-God communists.


The undecided or unknown is putin whose eastern orthodox christian that believes in the replacement theory that christian repkaced Jews. And there is the rumor that putin had a baby with his girlfriend and she is a muslim. So putin could slide either way.


Of course china the dragon is communist atheiest


That is what is developing.


Pray for our President

Pray for peace

Pray for God's Hedge of Proection