Anonymous ID: 6f8942 May 10, 2018, 2:05 a.m. No.1357359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797



Whoa there!!!!

What NXIVM scar? I see no NXIVM scar at all there. I do see what looks like a strange scar, but it is very clearly not the NXIVM scar which is an artistic


KRAM because when you apply satan's rules and spell that backwards it spells MARK which is what the con-artists call their victims.


This is probably a doctored photo by somebody who did not really understand what the real NXIVM branding looks like. Only real solution is to get another high res photo of Stormy's abdomen.


And given the back and forth between Stormy and another person on Twitter, I really think she would model for such a photo if she was asked respectfully.

Anonymous ID: 6f8942 May 10, 2018, 2:28 a.m. No.1357398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7409 >>7539 >>7567 >>7602 >>7650



You betcha it is way more important than most people think. The whole NK thing is far, far more important than almost anything else Trump has been doing abroad. It had to be to justify having Q lie to us. We have been hoodwinked and fed a whole line of disinfo and we all fell for it too, which is good because it was the PATRIOTIC thing to do.


In a magic show, the magician used sleight of hand, and distraction to direct our attention to something that is not very important. While our attention is distracted the other hand is doing vitally important things that need to be done.


That is the whole NK story in a nutshell. Trump could have wrapped up NK in the first few month of his Presidency. But he didn't. Why?


Simply put, he want all of us to be looking at NK, worrying about NK , and going apeshit over NK. Meanwhile he calmly set up the who Iran thing with actions in Saudi, in Jordan, in Qatar, in Syria, in Russia and in Turkey and Armenia. While we moaned and groaned and hoped about NK, he was setting up the real deal in Iran. By the time the DeepState realized Iran was in trouble, it was too late. All the pieces were in place and they just had to be played through. The DeepState partners had nothing in play in Iran by that time.


You see, NK was a very minor nuclear threat. They could have fired all missiles, which hit their targets and destroyed various bits of the USA and left maybe 10% of the territory as a radioactive zone. But the USA would have gone on and recovered. The NK bombs were just too small and too few. And of course, we would likely have shot down all of them anyway.


But Iran was serious. That was where Hillary was going to kick off WW3. They had many more bombs and bigger ones and seriously good missiles. And remember, the USA was deeply infiltrated and sabotaged. It took time for Trump's people to repair all the anti-missile systems and other components of defense against a missile attack like GPS.


So Trump played a drama queen with Korea. He met Kim in the Forbidden City and got him to agree on his role. Dennis Rodman had already set the stage for reunification of the Koreas way back. There was lots of thunder and lightning in Korea to take people's minds of other flashpoints. And now that the Iran plan is coming together, the veils are coming off, the deep state is panicking. Because now they can see that the lever that they wanted to use in Iran are not responding or are gone. They don't know how or when. But they are helpless.


That is such an important thing. To make the DeepState helpless in Iran. This is the only way to really prevent WW3. And it is coming together nicely now. As a result, the DOJ and corruption and prosecutions can move up the the main stage now. Iran still needs time to bake, but the recipe is made and in the oven. Patience is all that is needed. The pieces will still play out for a while. They are not all in Iran which is why the Pope and some others will have a bad month.


Just remember. Most PEOPLE are good. Even in bad organizations, there are lots of good people. The enemy does not work through force of numbers but through deviousness. This means that they work by INFILTRATING organizations and putting a few bad people in charge of the levers of power in those organizations. If we identify the blackhat INDIVIDUALS they can be removed, changing the whole nature of the organization. For instance the Supreme Court, the Republican Party, the FBI, the DOJ, the government of Israel, and so on.


BEWARE THE CLOWN WHO WILL TRY TO HIDE as individuals by painting whole organizations as BLACKHATS. This is rarely ever true. And it creates a ruckus that makes it much harder to find and remove the blackhat INDIVIDUALS.


The USA was built based on rule of law, and a fundamental principle is that the individual who perpetrates a crime, pays for it. Not his father, not his brother, not his children, not his church. Remember this well.

Anonymous ID: 6f8942 May 10, 2018, 2:37 a.m. No.1357407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7425 >>7446



Everybody know she is a witch. But what about the other ones. I think Trump has been asking us to help in hunting all the other witches in Hillary's coven, and in all the other affiliated covens. Clearly there is one in NZ. Look at this photo with Hillary in GOLD and Gillard in King Tut blue/white stripes just like Epstein's temple.


What happened in India. Three witches on tour… Who did they meet.


Follow the wives is part of the puzzle but the hunt for the witches requires finding connections between women who may be in the same coven, special roles that certain covens may have.


Was Laura Silsby in a coven?

Anonymous ID: 6f8942 May 10, 2018, 2:42 a.m. No.1357411   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sorry but NWO is in English nowadays. The Illuminati have decided that English will be the one world language. So if NWO is not New WO then it has to be another English word, and Wirtschaft is Business in English.


Noetic World Order fits the drops where Q said it had to do with a SUBSET of the Nazis. As sunset of them were occultists who developed NOETIC SCIENCE.


This is a form of magic where you use STARS to hypnotize the masses and get them to agree with your demonic plans of their own free will. Then the mental energy of the hypnotized sheep MAKES IT SO!


Noetic World Order is what they have been building with Hollywood stars to hypnotize us and entice us.

Anonymous ID: 6f8942 May 10, 2018, 2:48 a.m. No.1357418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7528



They keep it all in the family, and like the Pharaohs they practice incest. Brother-Sister marriages aren't as common as they used to be as they learned the problems that can arise like Hemophilia, the Habsburg jaw, and so on. So they do more 1st cousin marriages and use 2nd cousin marriages to bring in fresh genetic material to keep the bloodline from going stale.


Also, any mistakes can be used for sacrifice rituals and I mean both kinds of mistakes. Unplanned pregnancies do not need to be aborted because babies are valuable as a sacrifice. And if a child is born with physical issues, they can just kill it.


I think that important births like that of Prince William's children are all shadowed nowadays. There is another breeding pair that is part of the family bloodline who get pregnant at the same time. That woman is in the hospital at the same time as Kate, and gives birth at the same time (induced). If Kate's child is not perfect, then they use the other one.