Anonymous ID: 95304a May 10, 2018, 12:46 a.m. No.1357150   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7151 >>7168

David: If we're looking at us evolving and becoming a spacefaring race, which . . . We already have the technology. It's just not being disclosed to the majority of us.


Then much in the same way that we have different races on Earth that actually . . . From what some insiders tell me, the races we have on Earth are much more different looking from one another than most other ET planets, that they're often very similar looking to each other.


Would you say that's true?


Emery: Absolutely, that's true. We're a very diverse society. So we have many different lineages from many different extraterrestrials, but we're still all able to mate and have children. But we still have very different lineages.


You're correct.


David: So as we grow up and become more of a galactic family, how does this work in terms of sexual reproduction with other humans that might have evolved on other Earth-like planets?


Is that possible based on your knowledge?


Emery: Based on my knowledge, absolutely possible, 100%, and it's kind of like the dog theory. Like, there are many different kinds of dogs, there's many different kinds of humans, but guess what? We all come from one.


David: So how do you think this could play out in terms of maybe the greater plan of how we evolve through the changing conditions on Earth?


I mean, I don't know what you've heard about this, but we've talked a lot about the changes in the Sun, the changes in the Solar System, and that life on Earth, that the conditions will be very different.


Have you heard about the idea that our Solar System is undergoing some sort of change?


Emery: Yes, I think you're probably referring to the Solar Flare and different other planets nearby.


There IS a huge change in the Solar System. Absolutely. And we WILL be affected.


Our light bodies WILL be affected by this.


David: So do you think that if we start to meet other races and we begin to have this sort of cross-cultural coupling take place, that this could be part of how humanity evolves in some way?


Emery: Not only evolves, it's how humanity survives.


David: What are some of the positive aspects that might happen? Like, let's say that we meet up with a race that's much more spiritually adept.


Like, if we coupled . . . Like for example, you look at Greek mythology, right? You have โ€œgodsโ€. You have what they would call โ€œmenโ€. And then you have โ€œheroesโ€.


And the heroes are the offspring of gods and men.


But heroes would be like Hercules. These are people that have stupendous superpowers. And they're not even full gods.


So are you aware of there being humans out there that have abilities like what the gods would have had in the Greek mythology?


Emery: Yes, I am.


David: And this would include what kinds of superpowers?


Emery: Well, powers that we would look in our history of like levitation, not having to eat, things like that, able to produce light and fire, able to travel in space, able to not have to worry about temperature, not have to worry about oxygen.


David: Bilocation?


Emery: Yeah, bilocation.


David: Telepathy?


Emery: Yeah, telepathy is a big one. A lot of cognitive function powers that we don't have that is just so far above us we wouldn't understand, because they're able to connect to the cosmos.


David: Do you think that at some point people like this might deliberately want to start coupling with us in order to . . . for the greater good in some sense, like the idea of heroes being born?


Emery: I do believe that. We ARE the superheroes of the universe . . .earthlings, believe it or not. They look upon us as the superheroes, because if we don't exist, they don't exist.


And they also look at us like, โ€œWow! They get to taste and hear and smell and see.โ€ And they don't know. Some of them don't know what that is.


You know, some don't have full digestive systems because their planetary atmosphere gives them everything they need.


So we ARE looked at as heroes, believe it or not.


We look into the movies and look at these extraterrestrials in the skies above like, โ€œWow! That's so amazing.โ€


But really, they're looking back saying the same thing.

Anonymous ID: 95304a May 10, 2018, 12:46 a.m. No.1357151   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


David: There's a lot of talk about the pineal gland. So many ancient cultures . . . This gland in the middle of the brain . . . And I studied the physiology.


Emery: I know you have, right.


David: And it's got retinal tissue.


Emery: That's right.


David: And there's this water in there. And so we're hearing that . . . From various insiders, I've heard that the pineal gland functions as a stargate, and that if we have a fully activated pineal gland, that we would be like gods. We could go wherever we want.


So don't you get the sense with all these humans out there, and how advanced they are, that we're spring loaded?


There's something about this that we're not using.


Emery: No. We have everything that everyone else has. We're just not activated yet.


David: Ha, ha.


Emery: You know? And it's silly because that's why we are the superheroes. We have more than everyone else, believe it or not.


So it's like if we could just figure out that code and get that download and ascend properly, then we could be a flash of light or take this form or any form we want.


David: One of the interesting things that Corey Goode has shared with us is this concept that a variety of different ET groups, and a lot of which are more human like that in his program they call genetic farmers, were apparently taking the very best ascension type of DNA and then mixing it all together here . . . that they had 22 major different programs on Earth.


So do you think it's possible that . . . I mean, because you kind of said that.


Emery: Yes.


David: Something not quite as specific as I said, but do you think that Earth might be sort of like a garden in which these advanced super powers have been stored inside of us for future activation?


Emery: Yes. That's exactly right. It's the womb that we're still growing in, and still evolving in, and waiting to be activated, and reaching out, making the intention to reach out, to be activated, and to ask for other cultures to visit and to be part of that.


David: When I read the โ€œLaw of Oneโ€ material, I started to have psychic experiences. I started to hear voices that were benevolent, positive, giving me positive guidance. And they call that tuning.


And so I'm curious if you feel that even apart from the sexual reproduction thing, just simply being exposed to advanced humans, simply talking to them or being in their presence, would start to activate.


Emery: It would totally activate. Your field that you put off is everywhere. And it's, of course, right here most concentrated.


So being in another person's field, someone comes home angry, and then everyone else gets angry in the house.


Or someone comes home laughing and giggling, the angry person at home starts laughing and giggling.


It's the same concept, but it actually does a frequency change to modify DNA by being around people that you want to be around and being around beings that have a little bit more, let's say, energy and frequency than you do, because it ups your frequency, because you have to get to that frequency.


David: I remember talking to Henry Deacon, who was the first really heavy duty space program insider who I got to talk to.


Unfortunately, he's never been willing to come forward now. He did come forward a little bit back in 2009 in public after talking to me for two years. We had extensive conversations.


And he said that the feeling of love and peace around some of these extraterrestrial humans was so amazing that it was literally . . . it would bring you to tears.


Emery: Yes, overwhelming. First hand experience is the most overwhelming feeling of love and compassion, and you can't even speak.


You're just so overwhelmed with this joy feeling, and you do. You start crying. You might fall to your knees. You might just pass right out. It's THAT intense.


Because what these . . . not all extraterrestrials, but most of them have this ability and compassion for us, and they love us so much that if you get next to one of these extraterrestrials, you cannot even . . . you'll just get all teary eyed and laugh and cry at the same time.


It's a beautiful, beautiful thing.

Anonymous ID: 95304a May 10, 2018, 1:07 a.m. No.1357219   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7233 >>7265



From previous Q post:


Anonymous ID: 3569c9 621807 ๐Ÿ“

Mar 10 2018 21:22:56 (EST)

Anyone mention NWO referencing Natรผrliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d91044 621887 ๐Ÿ“

Mar 10 2018 21:26:30 (EST)


We went too deep.

Attempted a pullback.

Not ready.


Anonymous ID: 95304a May 10, 2018, 1:27 a.m. No.1357268   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7283


I'm learning too.


My speculation is that they openly call it the New World Order (NWO) but NWO could actually be an acronym for something else. Similar to how they always misuse certain symbolism. Or there could be multiple NWO plans, with each of them representing something different.


Again, purely speculating here.

Anonymous ID: 95304a May 10, 2018, 4:32 a.m. No.1357590   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7603 >>7659


U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., apparently has no regrets about his role in the release of the so-called Steele dossier, which is said to contain salacious allegations about then-candidate Donald Trump.


In excerpts of his forthcoming book, โ€œThe Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations,โ€ the 81-year-old senator โ€“ who is recuperating at home following recent cancer treatment and surgery โ€“ acknowledges that he delivered the information to then-FBI Director James Comey.


โ€œ(A)nd I would do it again,โ€ McCain writes, according to excerpts published by the Guardian.


โ€œAnyone who doesnโ€™t like it can go to hell,โ€ McCain adds, saying he did โ€œwhat duty demanded I do.โ€