Anonymous ID: 9bca8f May 10, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.1357401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7602 >>7650



Who writes article for Iran Daily?

>News ID: 202615 Published: 0704 GMT October 18, 2017


This goes all the way back to the beginning of the Q clearance patriot.


Hunting the past, present, and future.


Democrats: their minds so twisted and warped with satanic rituals and 'spirit cooking', they think evil is good, they think good is evil, and they're in power… Hussein, HRC/JK, etc. (Treason is 1/10th)


Hey, you're doing the world a favor by making SUM OF ALL FEARS into reality, basically. Don't worry, here's some more "pizza" and "hot dogs" to put your mind at ease if you have any qualms…


Fake news covers it up with "Politics". Corruption in DOJ/FBI covers it up with "Tarmac". C_A covers it up with shills.


So it seems.


They never thought she would lose. They really believed in the lies, they really believed that if they reported fictional polling numbers, that would change the outcome of the election. They couldn't accept DJT as serious POTUS.


DJT wins election. Official narratives immediately shift, from the moment Podesta says to HRC supporters on election night to GTFO… muh 17 intelligence agencies all say the same thing: "Russian Collusion" (aka Liberal Projection)


It's getting ridiculous. No, strike that, it's beyond ridiculous, has been for a very long time. It's ludicrous speed.

Anonymous ID: 9bca8f May 10, 2018, 4:26 a.m. No.1357580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No, no, no… not gonna memory hole that shit, not gonna play BerenstEin bears on my head. The whole "Russian Collusion" began with some fake news circle jerk about some fake report about 17 intelligence agencies. Reporter A says "sources", reporter B links to reporter A as source, reporter C links to reporter B, reporter A links to reporter C as Confirmation. Suppose Q was the original "sources", but the MSM wasn't interested in finding truth, but distorted everything to say DJT is a Russian bot instead? Thus, Q has to resort to the chans, drop the crumbs directly. That's just a theory, of course, but still, it's better than the damned merry-go-round.