Anonymous ID: c160aa May 10, 2018, 1:07 a.m. No.1357216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7223

This may be long Anons, so follow with me here and please if graphic anons can recreate this in visual form it'd be greatly appreciated, tired. Apologize if formatting is bad. Regarding recent [5:5]'s


Eric's Tweet 7:20 AM (07:20) - 4 May 2018 (5:5 clock hands) (possibly red castle)

capitals (w/ retweet caps) GTCATH

(w/o retweet caps) GA (Great Awakening)

GTC = Global Tour Coin (crypto 'GTC')

ATH = All Time High, which is a finance term used to describe its namesake for a given currency or coin (values taken from their respective coinmarketcap pages).


The ATH of GlobalTourCoin in BTC was on July 17 2017 14:49:17, and in USD was on Tues Jan 9 2018 3:09:12 (difference of +11:+40:+5, 4+5= 9; 11/9 MIRROR) as well as there being 176 days between these two ATH dates, or 5 months 23 days [5: (2+3=)5] [5:5].


Pence's Tweet 4:02 PM (16:02) - 7 May 2018 (5:5 clock hands)

(disregarding caps for now)


Eric [5:5] on [5/4] @ 07:20, Pence [5:5] on [5/7] @ 16:02.

May [4] + 3 days = May [7] + 3 = May [10]



17622 (176 days = between GTC all time highs; 22 = 11:11)

0 & 1 = 1 difference

7 & 6 = 1 difference

2 & 0 = 2 difference

0 & 2 = 2 difference



Applying patterns. Paraphrasing Q, "whats missing" which means focusing on subtraction for primary timestamp calcs.


(1 0 9) (1+0+9 = 10 = 1) (109 +/- 10 = 119/100) (10 x 9 = 90)

(1 1 9) (1+1+9 = 11 = 2) (119 +/- 11 = 130/108) (11 x 9 = 99)

(2 2 8) (2+2+8 = 12 = 3) (228 +/- 12 = 240/216) (22 x 8 = 176)

(3 3 7) (3+3+7 = 13 = 4) (337 +/- 13 = 350/324) (33 x 7 = 231)

(4 4 6) (4+4+6 = 14 = 5) (446 +/- 14 = 460/432) (44 x 6 = 264)

(5 5 5) (5+5+5 = 15 = 6) (555 +/- 15 = 570/540) (55 x 5 = 275)

(6 6 4) (6+6+4 = 16 = 7) (664 +/- 16 = 680/648) (66 x 4 = 264)

(7 7 3) (7+7+3 = 17 = 8) (773 +/- 17 = 790/756) (77 x 3 = 231)

(8 8 2) (8+8+2 = 18 = 9) (882 +/- 18 = 900/864) (88 x 2 = 176)

(9 9 1) (9+9+1 = 19 = 10) (991 +/- 19 = 1010/972) (99 x 1 = 99)


-109 difference between primary 3 digit values in first column

-110 difference between post-addition values in third column

-108 difference between post-subtracted values in third column

-111 difference in days between 11/9 and 2/28 foundational dates used to plot matrix


Difference between 07:20 and 16:02 by columns is +9:-18, 9/18/2017, the most recent 9/18) On this day Trump's tweets are mainly talking about UNGA as well as Netanyahu & Macron - both of whom have been recently in the news again w/ him in regards to Iranian Nuke deal. Coincidence?


Additionally, applying +1+1+1 pattern (rather than +1+1-1) to derived 9/18 date arrives at 10/29. The date Q began posting.


Now mainly, 1602-0720 = 882; Refer to matrix, 882 and its mirror: 228, are numbers in the sequence while 882 and 228=176. Post 882 is simply Q quoting another poster that states, "Q HAND GESTURE WAT". Q's post 882 was made on 3/8/2018 18:48:12.

We take this Q post 882's timestamp 18:48 and subtract from it (separately) the values of both [5:5] signal tweet timestamps and we discern the following values:


P=Pence[5:5], E=Eric[5:5], Q=QAnon, n=Post number, t=Timestamp of post, L#=Line/Row # in matrix, Qp=Derivative of QAnon + Pence Timestamp value


{Pt[5:5] - Et[5:5]} 1602-720 882 == Qn | MIRROR=228, both lines 2 and 8 = 176.


{t(Qn) - Pt} 1848-1602 246 Qp L2 {(228)=176} & L4 {(446)=264} & L6 {(664)=264, values 2 4 6 match}, 176 = days between GTC ATH. Digits 246 match L2 & L6 value 264. I suppose we use this value again since it appears twice! Both Q values (n,p) are secondary products of primary operations, combined to form a tertiary value. Tertiary values produced are used again down the chain it would seem.


{t(Qn) - Et} 1848-720 1128

{Qn + Qp} 882+246 1128 VALUE MATCH

{t(Qn) + Et} == 1848+720 = 2568 (2+5=7, 6+8=14, 1+4=5; 7/5 MIRROR=[5/7] VALUE MATCH)

{Pt + Et} == 1602+720 = 2322 (2+3=5 2+2=4 = [5/4] VALUE MATCH)

2568-2322 = 246

882-264 = 618 = 6/18 = 111 days after 2/28 = 111 days after 11/9 VALUE MATCH.


OR examine the first column values as both come up 7, and both have a 2 and a 0 in the second column. I believe 0s are ignored in some cases.

0+7 = 7

1+6 = 7

2+/-0 = 2

Post 772 = 2 15 2018 15:02:33 (feb 15, 3:02:33 PM)


[incoming sig]


Taking date of this post, 2/15=

Row 2 (176) plus row 1 (99), equals row 5 (275, apex value third column)



Another [5:5] SIG coming 5/10?