So I just name filtered someone and my phone went berserk. Went to a fake bread and fake catalog.
It's happened to me before but it's been months.
Typical hack shit,. you do this I do this, you do that I do this
Attacks from different fronts now and we not even talking about the crazy times carnival.
So they are circling but not the audit location. ?
Okay guize back to crazy times carnival dig.
That would be a tiny distraction shhhh
Ahh that makes sense. Plus they need to hide somewhat from the audit people.
Military outsourcing spying
Spy plane I believe is doing more than we think. To get the audit people info they don't need a plane if you think about it. Or they probably already got that info within a hour the first day. One person on the ground is all it would take to look at the license plate.
I don't know what tf they are doing really. Listening with some badass device ? Seeing through the fucking walls ?
That's true duh