Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:40 a.m. No.13571905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1919 >>1935 >>1996 >>2101 >>2251 >>2364 >>2375 >>2406 >>2418 >>2513

CIA Recruitment Ad Ridiculed For Overdosing On "Woke" Talking Points


A CIA recruitment ad featuring a “cisgender woman of color” who rails against the “patriarchy” and announces she has been diagnosed with “generalized anxiety disorder” has been ridiculed for its woke pandering.


The promo went viral on Twitter, racking up almost a million views, prompting ‘The CIA’ to start trending.


In the video, a Hispanic woman regurgitates glib social justice mantras, explaining how she is a “daughter of immigrants” while bragging about being “perfectly made.”


“I am a cisgender millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder,” she states.


“I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box checking exercise,” she adds, after having ticked a whole raft of ‘diversity’ boxes and showing off her ‘Donald R. Cryer award for diversity and inclusion.’


She then begins rambling on about not allowing her inflection to rise at the end of her sentences and having “earned her way in” (but not by checking diversity boxes, surely?).


“I used to struggle with imposter syndrome, but at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be,” she states, once again definitely not trying to tick diversity boxes.


She then continues to stroke her own ego before declaring herself to be “a proud first generation Latina and officer of the CIA.”


Respondents to the clip expressed a mixture of disgust and bewilderment at the utter state of the CIA to be forced to resort to such pandering.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:43 a.m. No.13571920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1935 >>2101 >>2364

'Vicious' sanctions are hurting Russia, but Moscow has plan to ditch US dollar & axe dependency on West, Foreign Ministry tells RT


Facing harsh economic measures imposed by Washington and its allies in Europe, Russia is working to cut Western influence out of its economy, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in an exclusive interview with RT.


In April, US President Joe Biden unveiled a new package of sanctions against Russian businesses and officials, while, at the same time, effectively banning American financial institutions from buying shares in Russian sovereign debt. Officials in Washington described the restrictions as a "proportional" response to alleged meddling by Moscow in the 2020 US presidential election, and assertions Russia was behind the colossal SolarWinds cyber-espionage breach detected last year. The Kremlin has strongly denied both sets of claims.


The UK and the EU have both since rolled out their own sanctions, and there is talk in European capitals of more measures to come. Few moves have been as extreme, though, as the decision to target national debt bonds, which the White House says was designed to hit the country's economy while minimizing the impact on world markets. However, some economists claimed the package of measures was mostly "symbolic," and the new rules could simply be "circumvented" if buyers still wanted to pick up shares in Russian debt.

'A gesture of desperation'


The characteristically blunt Zakharova told RT over the weekend that new economic barriers were "having a complex negative impact on both Russian and Western economies." According to her, the price of playing out hostilities through the financial markets is high, and "estimates of the damage vary, but are well within the hundreds of billions of dollars."

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.13571931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1945 >>1985 >>2364

Nasty Never Trumper Liz Cheney Lashes Out at Trump’s Explosive Statement on Fraudulent 2020 Election “Known as THE BIG LIE”


Wyoming RINO Rep. Liz Cheney needs to be tossed out of the GOP NOW.


Liz Cheney escalated her attacks and lashed out at President Trump on Monday in response to his explosive statement on the fraudulent 2020 election.


President Trump wrote, “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!”


“The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system,” Cheney said.


Liz Cheney should just join the Democrat party now and become a CNN analyst.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:46 a.m. No.13571936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>2117 >>2153 >>2264 >>2364 >>2375 >>2387 >>2406

‘Most severe sexual abuse’: German police bust darknet child-porn platform boasting 400,000 users worldwide


German police have raided one of the world’s largest child-porn platforms, a darknet site called ‘Boystown’, arresting several suspects believed to be its administrators. The site had some 400,000 users at the time of its closure.


The shutdown of the platform was announced in a statement by Frankfurt prosecutors together with the Federal Criminal Police Office on Monday.


Law enforcement officials said they had caught three suspects believed to be the administrators of the now-defunct platform, which reportedly had over 400,000 users at the time the police operation took it offline.


Police described it as “one of the world’s biggest child pornography darknet platforms” and said it has been active since at least June 2019. Several other chat platforms dedicated to sharing child pornography were also taken offline during the raids.


Two suspects, a 40-year-old man from Paderborn and a 49-year-old man from Munich, were arrested during police raids in mid-April. Another suspect, a 58-year-old man from northern Germany, was arrested in Paraguay where he has resided for years. Germany has requested his extradition.


The police have also detained a fourth suspect, a 64-year-old man from Hamburg, believed to be one of the platform’s most active users. They said the man has allegedly uploaded over 3,500 posts containing highly illegal content to the platform.


A large cache of pornographic materials, including imagery of “most severe sexual abuse of toddlers”, has been seized during the raids.


The takedown of the child pornography network was hailed by top German officials who said the successful police action shows the authorities able to effectively protect the most vulnerable and punish the sexual predators who prey on them.


“This investigative success has a clear message: Those who assault the weakest aren’t safe anywhere,” German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer stated. ”That’s what investigators work for day and night, online and offline, globally.”


We’ll do everything within our power to protect the kids from these disgusting crimes.


The bust followed a months-long probe that was coordinated by Europol. Law enforcement officials in the Netherlands, Sweden, the US and Canada have also contributed to the investigation, German police said.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:48 a.m. No.13571948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1960



4 arrested in takedown of dark web child abuse platform with some half a million users


Four have been arrested in a multi-agency operation sparked by a German investigation into one of Europe’s most prolific child sexual abuse platforms on the dark web.


These arrests were made in Germany (3) and Paraguay (1) earlier this month. The arrested individuals – all German nationals, had various roles in relation to the site seized.


The dark web platform, known as Boystown, has been taken down by an international taskforce set up by the German Federal Criminal Police (Bundeskriminalamt) which included Europol and law enforcement agencies from the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, Canada and the United States.


This site focused on the sexual abuse of children and had 400 000 registered users when it was taken down. Several other chat sites on the dark web used by child sexual offenders were also seized on the same occasion.


The case illustrates what Europol is seeing in child sexual abuse offending: online child offender communities on the dark web exhibit considerable resilience in response to law enforcement actions targeting them. Their reactions include resurrecting old communities, establishing new communities, and making strong efforts to organise and administer them.


The image and video data seized during this investigation will be used for Victim Identification Taskforces organised on a regular basis at Europol. More arrests and rescues are to be expected globally as police worldwide examine the intelligence packages compiled by Europol.


The following authorities took part in this investigation:


Germany: Federal Criminal Police (Bundeskriminalamt)

The Netherlands: National Police (Politie)

Sweden: National Police (Polisen)

Australia: Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE), Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Queensland Police Service (QPS)

United States: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Canada: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:49 a.m. No.13571964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2101 >>2251 >>2364 >>2371 >>2375 >>2406

Taliban Declares Open Season On Americans As Weekend Fighting Erupts, Scores Dead & Wounded


Fierce fighting between US-allied national Afghan forces and the Taliban broke out Saturday into Sunday, the day after the May 1st American pullout deadline set under the Trump administration. It included the Taliban immediately attacking a government base in southwestern Ghazni province.


Afghanistan's defense ministry counted over 100 Taliban insurgents killed over the prior 24 hours in a statement on Sunday, at a moment the US is said to have started the process of withdrawal. The statement counted a further 52 Taliban wounded. Separately an attack on the Ghazni military outpost left at least 17 national soldiers dead and some 25 captured, according to international reports.


And elsewhere in the country "Afghan officials Saturday raised the death toll to at least 30 from an overnight truck bombing in Pul-e-Alam, the capital of eastern Logar province," VOA News reports. Over 100 more were injured, with all or most of the victims being civilians.


Amid the flare-up in fighting the US military said it launched a "precision strike" against Taliban positions in the restive insurgent hotbed of Kandahar.


Meanwhile as expected the Taliban has now declared 'open season' on all remaining American troops following President Biden's new Sept.11 full withdrawal deadline. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid issued the following statement: "As withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan by agreed upon May 1st deadline has passed, this violation in principle has opened the way for [Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan] Mujahidin to take every counteraction it deems appropriate against the occupying forces."


"The Mujahidin of IEA will now await what decision the leadership of Islamic Emirate takes in light of the sovereignty, values and higher interests of the country, and will then take action accordingly, Allah willing."



As withdrawal of foreign forces from #Afghanistan by agreed upon May 1st deadline has passed, this violation in principle has opened the way for IEA Mujahidin to take every counteraction it deems appropriate against the occupying forces.

— Zabihullah (.. ) (@Zabehulah_M33) May 1, 2021


But US troops do appear to be drawing down in earnest, while also beefing up security to protect withdrawing forces during the dismantling process. For example on Sunday US forces handed over a Helmand camp to national forces. Senior officers representing both sides attended a handover ceremony on Sunday morning at Camp Antonik as fighting raged elsewhere in the country. The base is home to Afghan Special Forces.


"The Afghan military will intensify anti-terrorism operations and will target strongholds of the terrorists in any area of the southwest of the country (from this base)," a statement said.


Likely this is only the beginning, as indicators suggest Monday…

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:51 a.m. No.13571975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2101 >>2251 >>2364 >>2375 >>2406

‘Unlock Michigan’ Sues Michigan Bureau of Elections after State Officials will Not Accept Petition to Repeal Gretchen Whitmer’s Emergency Lockdowns


The Michigan grassroots group “Unlock Michigan” is suing the Michigan Bureau of Elections after the state agency refused to accept their petition to repeal Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency lockdown.


“Unlock Michigan” launched their campaign as the hypocrite Democrat Governor continues to ruin small businesses and lives across the state with her failed draconian lockdown policies.


Unlock Michigan released this video starring barber Karl Manke who was arrested during Whitmer’s unlimited lockdown policies.


This same agency approved of the fraudulent elections in the state but won’t approve a people’s petition!


They are openly flaunting their tyranny. reported:


A group that sponsored a petition drive to repeal a state emergency law asked the Michigan Supreme Court Friday to order a state elections panel to certify its efforts.


Unlock Michigan went to court after the Board of State Canvassers deadlocked 2-2, along partisan lines, on certifying its petition to repeal the Emergency Powers of Governor Act of 1945.


“In refusing to act, the board failed to fulfill its clear duty to certify and violated plaintiffs’ constitutional rights,” Unlock Michigan and two voters who signed its petition said in a court filing. Disputes over certification of ballot proposals now go directly to the Supreme Court, which is where they have generally ended up anyway.


The emergency law became a hot button issue last spring after Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer used it to issue a stay-home order and other restrictions to address the coronavirus pandemic, over the objections of the Republican-controlled Legislature.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:54 a.m. No.13572000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2101 >>2364

Neuralink co-founder quits weeks after hinting brain-tweaking software could reanimate dinosaurs in Jurassic-Park situation


The co-founder of Tesla tycoon Elon Musk’s controversial neural implant project quietly left the firm last month, only revealing his departure on Saturday via Twitter. Max Hodak had actually left the company in early April.


Hodak, who co-founded Neuralink with Musk, was most recently seen speculating about the potential for the project to semi-reanimate dead dinosaur species a la ‘Jurassic Park’.


✨Some personal news:✨ I am no longer at Neuralink (as of a few weeks ago). I learned a ton there and remain a huge cheerleader for the company! Onward to new things.

— Max Hodak (@max_hodak) May 1, 2021


The engineer has thus far remained silent about his reasons for quitting, insisting he “learned a ton [at Neuralink] and remain[s] a huge cheerleader for the company!” However, an individual questioning Hodak on his future projects seemed to have inspired him to eat his words. Asked what was next for him, Hodak tweeted “not Jurassic Park.”


we could probably build jurassic park if we wanted to. wouldn’t be genetically authentic dinosaurs but 🤷‍♂️. maybe 15 years of breeding + engineering to get super exotic novel species

— Max Hodak (@max_hodak) April 4, 2021


Hodak and Musk launched Neuralink in 2016, with Hodak bringing a background in biomedical engineering while Musk brought his bottomless well of ideas. Prior to climbing on board with Musk’s invention, Hodak founded a company called Transcriptic, which has been described in the tech press as a “robotic cloud laboratory for the life sciences.”


In the hyper-competitive aura of Silicon Valley, some have speculated that Hodak may have enjoyed working on Neuralink so much that he opted to build something along those lines himself. However, others have suggested that “troubles at the management level” are responsible – and certainly Musk is accustomed to being the sole man in charge at his other companies, Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:56 a.m. No.13572010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

More anti-Russia psy-ops? BBC gets government funding for global crusade against ‘fake news’


UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has given the BBC World Service an £8 million funding boost to “tackle harmful disinformation.” What that means is unclear, but the BBC has a history of waging infowars for the UK government.


Broadcast in more than 40 languages to 350 million listeners per week, the BBC World Service brings news and debate from London to the furthest reaches of the globe. Funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), the British taxpayer, and some limited advertising, the service gives the British government worldwide messaging power via a news organization Raab described on Saturday as “unbiased and impartial.”


Behind the veneer of impartiality, the World Service is viewed by the British government as a tool. This year’s ‘Integrated Review’, a document that lays out London’s foreign policy and defense priorities, identified the World Service as an instrument of “soft power” for Britain – one of a range of tools to be used against “systemic competitors like Russia and China.”


Based on that report, Raab announced on Saturday that the World Service would receive £8 million in extra funding to “tackle harmful disinformation, challenge inaccurate reporting around the world and improve digital engagement.” The fresh funding comes on top of the £378 million the service has received from the FCDO since 2016.


Raab accused “some states” of producing “harmful content” and “fake news around the coronavirus pandemic,” including content “encouraging scepticism around vaccines.” Promoting vaccines has been a key goal of the British government for several months now, to the point where military intelligence units and Government Communications Headquarters spies have reportedly been deployed to wage “information warfare” against anti-vaxx internet posts.


The messaging war around the coronavirus is the only clear example cited by Raab, and his announcement speaks of a broader war against “global disinformation,” “inaccurate reporting,” and “states and criminal gangs” who “twist the news to exploit others.” These terms are not backed up with examples, and are contentious in their own right. “Fake news,” for instance, was a term made famous during Donald Trump’s presidency, and was used by both Trump and the press to describe each other’s messaging.


The BBC’s funding, as well as its vague mission to fight “fake news,” may indicate that it will engage in an information campaign for the geopolitical benefit of the British government. The broadcaster reportedly has a history of doing this, and documents leaked in March revealed that BBC Media Action, the outlet’s charitable arm, overtly cultivated Russian journalists, established influence networks within and outside Russia, and promoted pro-Whitehall, anti-Moscow propaganda in Russian-speaking areas, all at the FCDO’s behest.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 10:58 a.m. No.13572024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2035 >>2130 >>2364

‘Unfortunate human error’: CNN makes case for trusting anonymous-source echo chamber despite steady stream of fake news


CNN took a holier-than-thou approach to explaining away mainstream media's penchant for telling anonymously sourced stories that later prove to be false, saying that unlike “MAGA media,” it tries to get the news right.


“There are safeguards in place,” CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy told ‘Reliable Sources’ host Brian Stelter on Sunday. “Unfortunately, human error is still at play, and news organizations sometimes do get burned like this.”


A news org’s true colors are revealed when they make an error. Do they issue corrections and own up to their mistake or do they try to pretend it never happened? This week we saw examples of both.

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) May 2, 2021


Darcy was referring to the latest correction debacle involving multiple MSM outlets that supposedly confirmed each other's anonymously sourced reports – only to later issue corrections admitting that their central claim was completely false. The New York Times, NBC News and the Washington Post said on Saturday that their reports claiming that US law enforcement had warned Rudy Giuliani and One America News that they were being targeted by a “Russian influence operation” were not true.


The false claim was so integral to the story that correcting it was not as simple as changing a name or recasting a sentence. “The premise and headline of the article below have been changed to reflect the corrected information,” NBC said in its correction.


Some pretty big Ls here by NBC News, WaPo, and the NYT.

— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) May 2, 2021


Stelter lamented that “a bogus report of this magnitude” tars all mainstream outlets and allows “bad-faith actors” to lump them in with less credible outfits. Darcy argued that “responsible” media outlets set themselves apart by correcting their mistakes, whereas publications such as the New York Post avoid admitting their errors.


“Sometimes, it seems like they are intentionally promoting falsehoods and moving on, some of those folks in MAGA media,” Darcy said.


The Post last week removed an article from its website that said copies of a children's book written by Vice President Kamala Harris were being put in the welcome kits given to migrant children being held at a shelter in California. In an updated version it issued a correction, saying it turned out there was only one known copy of the book at the shelter.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.13572049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2053 >>2101 >>2251 >>2364 >>2375 >>2406

Former Security Adviser: John Kerry Undermined Trump in Unapproved Iran Talks


Former Secretary of State John Kerry repeatedly undercut President Donald Trump’s foreign policy towards Iran during unauthorized talks with senior Iranian officials, according to Keith Kellogg, the former chief of staff for the National Security Council under President Donald Trump.


“He did it all the time,” Kellogg told Just the News when asked if Kerry sent a conflicting message to Iran. “By just the very fact that he went over there, and the fact that he talked to [Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad] Zarif, sent a very, very strong counter-message to what we were trying to do out there.”


“We read cables and we understand what’s going on,” Kellogg added. “We talked about it in the Oval Office several times. It was not helpful what he was doing, because he was basically countering every message we were putting out there and trying to push them into some type of negotiation.”


Trump reimposed tough sanctions on Iran after exiting the multilateral nuclear deal with the Islamist regime. The measures crippled the oil-rich nation in a bid to force Iran to commit to denuclearization.


“I was in there many times when the president would reach out to people like Macron of France, he would reach out to Boris Johnson in U.K., and trying to get them to be an intermediary to talk to the Iranians to get us into some type of discussions. And we always had a pushback,” Kellogg said. “Because we had people like Kerry out there talking to Zarif and others.”


It appears the Trump administration did nothing to hold Kerry back, causing a headache to Kellogg and others.


“We knew what he was doing and the frustration we had is that it was basically acknowledged by everybody and nobody cared about if one of us has [sic] done that,” Kellogg said.


In late 2016, President-elect Trump’s incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn came under the scrutiny of the FBI for discussing U.S sanctions against Russia with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. The bureau contemplated charging Flynn with an archaic law prohibiting individuals from conducting unauthorized diplomacy.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:03 a.m. No.13572063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

A Top U.S. Teacher Training Org is Partnered With A Chinese Communist Group Promoting ‘Socialist’ Nursery Rhymes.


The Erikson Institute – one of America’s premier graduate schools training teachers and influencing classroom curricula – is engaged in a “long-term cooperative relationship” with a Chinese Communist Party group overseeing the regime’s Communist Youth League and publishing books including “nursery rhymes embodying the core values of socialism” and magazines praising Xi Jinping and Karl Marx, The National Pulse can reveal.


The Erikson Institute offers academic programs and degrees for educators and social workers and notes “individuals who influence early childhood policy and create programs for children and families, including government officials, program administrators, advocates, and grant foundation officers” rely on the group’s research.


In 2017, however, the Erikson Institute signed a partnership with the China Children’s Press & Publication Group (CCPPG).


Chinese Communist Party Consul General Hong Lei attended the event, praising the “long-term cooperative relationship” as representing “a new channel of cultural and educational exchange” between the parties involved.


CCPPG publishes the official magazine of the Young Pioneers of China, a branch of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.


The communist rag’s mission statement instructs readers to “Serve the Young Pioneers organization, meet the needs of team cadres” and develop an “active grassroots level.” The publishing house also runs the Young Pioneers of China central news website in addition to over a dozen other Chinese Communist Party-run newspapers and magazines for children such as China Youth Daily.


Additionally, CCPPG has published “Think Like A Great Mind – Karl Marx For Young Readers,” which carries out the government-stipulated goal of “disseminating and upholding the doctrines of Marx, Lenin, Mao, and Deng.” The publishing house also distributes “100 Core Values ​​Nursery Rhyme,” which describes itself as “a collection of inspirational nursery rhymes embodying the core values ​​of socialism.”


“The connotation of the core socialist values ​​allows children to understand and practice the core socialist values ​​from an early age,” a summary adds.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:04 a.m. No.13572070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2161 >>2364

Zuckerberg and George W. Bush Partner in Far Left Immigration Push.


Two organizations owned by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg have partnered with Former President George W. Bush to push for mass migration and amnesty for illegal aliens, policies which favor the political left and Big Tech corporations.


George W. Bush told radio host Hugh Hewitt, during an April 22 interview, that “the Bush Center is spearheading a reform movement” concerning mass migration. The former president added, “And you know, we’re talking to people about, you know, what needs to be done.”


The Zuckerberg-owned organization listed on the George W. Bush Presidential Center’s webpage for immigration policy under “Program Partners” is the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.


“The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative was founded in 2015 to leverage technology, community-driven solutions and collaboration to help solve some of society’s toughest challenges. Our mission is to build a more inclusive, just, and healthy future for everyone,” says the Initiative’s official website. Part of its “mission” is working with Bush to encourage amnesty for illegal migrants.


The Chan Zuckerberg group is the very same that dubiously pumped private cash into the 2020 election process in order to secure a “victory” for Joe Biden. They were rewarded with a position in the Biden administration.


The other Zuckerberg charitable organization Bush has worked with,, has condemned America in the past for what it calls the US’s “harmful immigration and criminal justice systems [that] have locked too many people out from the American dream.” – also partnered with Rupert Murdoch’s open borders group “Project for a New American Economy” – celebrated the passing of the American Dream and Promise Act by the US House of Representatives in a March 18 statement, asserting, “This vital legislation would create a pathway to citizenship for millions of Dreamers and TPS holders who have called the United States home for decades.”


This is not the first time Zuckerberg has partnered with “moderate” establishment Republicans to push for leftist immigration policies.


“A group led by GOP establishment leaders and funded by Mark Zuckerberg wants to sell immigration reform to conservative skeptics. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wants to sell immigration reform to conservatives, and he’s enlisted members of the GOP establishment to do it,” a 2013 report from ABC News stated.


The left-corporate obsession with mass migration is due to three key factors:


Cheap, migrant labor;

Importing votes;

Changing America’s demographics, politics, and culture.


No one on the left denies such charges.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.13572078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2087 >>2364

Report: Biden considers using private firms to surveil 'extremist chatter' online in response to domestic terrorism, Capitol riot


The Biden administration is considering partnering with outside firms to surveil "extremist chatter" online as part of an effort to combat domestic terrorism in the country, CNN reported Monday.


The move — which comes in apparent response to the growth of far-right extremism in America and, specifically, the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol — would enhance the federal government's ability to gather intelligence from conversations happening in private spaces online.


As it stands, the Department of Homeland Security is legally limited in how it can surveil citizens online without justification and prohibited from assuming false identities to breach private messaging apps, CNN noted. Instead, federal authorities can only browse through information shared on social media and other open platforms.


But under the new plan, which is currently being discussed inside the department, federal officials would be able to "circumvent those limits" by partnering with "research firms who have more visibility in this space."


"A source familiar with the effort said it is not about decrypting data but rather using outside entities who can legally access these private groups to gather large amounts of information that could help DHS identify key narratives as they emerge," the report stated.


Essentially, private researchers who already monitor such activity online would act as middlemen in the new scheme, providing DHS with "broad summaries or analysis of narratives" emerging in private groups operated by groups such as the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers.


DHS officials reportedly insisted to CNN that any information obtained by the department would "not be used to target specific individuals."

What else?


The plan aims to close an intelligence gap which allegedly contributed to a failure to prepare for the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, experts and officials argued, despite claims that warnings were given to the FBI well in advance of the riot. Notably, even as concerns grew ahead of the day, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser discouraged additional federal law enforcement.


One DHS official reportedly told CNN that by the time narratives are appearing on Facebook, it is usually too late.


"Domestic violent extremists are really adaptive and innovative. We see them not only moving to encrypted platforms, but obviously couching their language so they don't trigger any kind of red flag on any platforms," the official said.


"There was only limited awareness before January 6 of what violent extremists were planning through social media," added Tom Warrick, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council who served as DHS deputy assistant secretary for counterterrorism policy from 2008 until 2019.


He said he expects the DHS is exploring "whether contractors could help them understand plots and trends" emerging online.

Anything else?


The Biden administration has been outspoken about its intentions to combat the growth of white supremacist extremism in the country.


Last week, during his first address to a joint session of Congress, Biden claimed that white supremacists have replaced jihadists as the "most lethal terrorist threat" to the U.S.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:09 a.m. No.13572106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2131 >>2348 >>2364

Obama Participates in Tik Tok Video Encouraging Young People to Get Vaccinated: Do It ‘As Soon As You Can’


Former President Barack Obama participated in a Tik Tok video to encourage young people to get vaccinated for the Chinese coronavirus.


In a Tik Tok posted by Yahoo! News, the former president urged young Americans to get vaccinated, branding vaccines as “safe,” “effective,” and “free.”


“Hi everybody. It’s Barack. Now that every American over the age of 16 is eligible to get the vaccine, I want to talk about you getting yours,” he said.


“The vaccine is safe. It’s effective. It’s free. I got one. Michelle got one. People you know got one. And now, you can get one too,” he said, pitching it as the “only way we’re going to get back to all the things we love — from safely spending time with grandparents to going to concerts and watching live sports.”


“So get the vaccine as soon as you can,” Obama added.


While the vaccination effort is well underway in the United States — with over 104 million Americans being “fully vaccinated,” per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) May 2 data — U.S. health officials have shown no signs of the country returning to pre-pandemic normalcy. Even those who are fully vaccinated are recommended to wear masks in certain social settings and to avoid large gatherings, per the CDC’s most recent guidance released this week.


A well-circulated CDC chart also shows fully vaccinated people wearing masks for most basic activities– from going to the hair salon to riding on public transport — seemingly giving them little edge over unvaccinated individuals in terms of mask liberation.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:10 a.m. No.13572114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2159 >>2165 >>2223 >>2364

ABC’s Hostin: ‘We Need to Shun Those Who Refuse to Get Vaccinated’ — No Vax, No Entry


ABC News legal analyst and co-host of “The View” Sunny Hostin said on Monday’s broadcast that “we need to shun those that refuse to get vaccinated” from public businesses and modes of transportation.


Hostin said, “It’s a public health issue. It’s not a political issue. This is just a vestige of the prior administration’s position on the mask. The prior administration was an anti-science administration. I think we’re seeing the fallout of the bungling of the pandemic where it led to, you know, the death of over 500,000 people. We now know that studies show, had the pandemic been dealt with in a different way, in a public health manner, and had these masks and efforts not been politicized the way they were, we could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, including the lives of my in-laws.”


She continued, “When you look at the folks that are not getting vaccinated because it’s a quarter of Americans that are not getting vaccinated, white evangelicals, 45% said they won’t get vaccinated according to Pew Research. Republicans, almost 50% of Republicans, are refusing to get the vaccine. We won’t reach herd immunity because of those particular groups.”


Hostin added, “I say we need to shun those that refuse to get vaccinated. Just like now in certain states, many states, I know in New York there are signs on storefronts on businesses all across the state no mask, no entry. I think if you have not been vaccinated, no entry. You want to get on a plane. You have to be vaccinated. If those people don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s fine for you, but you can’t spread it to other people that are vaccinated. You can spread it to other people— rather that aren’t vaccinated. You don’t get the liberties that come with immunity. Something has to break. If that’s your personal choice not to get vaccinated, you don’t then get to infringe on the rights of those who have chosen to protect their fellow citizens.”

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:11 a.m. No.13572120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2148 >>2364

Biden’s DHS Imports Migrants’ Families to End ‘Trump Separations’


Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced Monday he will use an obscure migration rule — humanitarian parole — to import families into the United States because a parent was temporarily separated from one of their children by Donald Trump’s immigration enforcement policies against illegal migration.


Despite this announcement, open-border activists say it is not sufficient because the humanitarian parole status is technically temporary.


Describing Trump’s policy to secure the U.S. border with Mexico with a wall and an agreement with Mexico to keep migrants in that country while their refugee claims were being litigated as one of Trump’s “most widely condemned legacies,” Forbes magazine reported.


Four families will be “reunited” when parents are brought into the U.S. to be with their children later this week, according to the report:


Among them is at least one child who was separated from their parent at age three, as well as “teenagers who have had to live without their parent during their most formative years,” according to Mayorkas.


Though he didn’t identify the families, Mayorkas said two of them—one Honduran and another Mexican—were separated in late 2017 as part of a pilot program for the “zero tolerance” policy former President Donald Trump instituted a year later.


The parents will be returned to the U.S. on humanitarian parole for the reunifications while authorities consider longer-forms of legal status, explained Michelle Brane, the executive director of the Biden administration’s Family Reunification Task Force.


The Biden administration claims about 1,000 families who were separated during the Trump administration remain apart and that 5,400 children were separated altogether, according to the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).


CBS reported on a call Mayorkas had with reporters on Sunday when he called Trump’s policies a “tragedy:”


“The first families reuniting this week are mothers. They are sons. They are daughters. They are children who were three-years-old at the time of separation. They are teenagers who have had to live without their parents during their most formative years,” Mayorkas added.


“We are very excited that these parents will finally be able to hug their children after years of forced separation,” Lee Gelernt, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawyer representing separated families in a federal court case, told CBS News. “But we are not about to celebrate given that there are thousands of families who need help.”


“Our team is dedicated to finding every family and giving them an opportunity to reunite and heal,” Mayorkas said.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:13 a.m. No.13572140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

New Jersey School District Suspends Nurse Who Called Mask Mandate ‘Harmful’ to Children


A New Jersey school nurse who refused to endorse universal mask-wearing as a viable way to protect students from the Chinese coronavirus — and who went to work without one — has been suspended by the Stafford Township School District.


Erin Pein came under fire after participating in a video for Republican gubernatorial candidate Hirsh Singh in which she spoke out against the practice of forcing students to wear masks.


“I have just seen horrible things with these masks for the kids. In every school, I have not seen a single child wearing them correctly or staff and I’ve seen so much–so much pain with them and suffering with, just on a multi-faceted level,” she said, giving some examples of the psychological and physical effects universal mask-wearing has had on children.


“We see the kids who are also having anxiety and having, you know, depression in kindergarten in first, second grade,” she said, explaining that some kids come in crying. She offered one specific example of a first grader coming to her and saying “she felt like something really bad was gonna happen and that the mask made her feel scared and when she thinks about it, her stomach starts to hurt and she throws up.”


“So she was sent to me because she threw up in class, and she told me, ‘I’m not sick,’ she said. ‘I’m just really nervous.’ So, I mean, to hear that from a first grader is just–it’s just heartbreaking,” Pein said.


But what really appeared to get her in trouble, it seems, was her fundamental doubt of the efficacy of masks and her decision to go to work without one.


“The masks, unfortunately, don’t prevent them from getting COVID because viruses are so small that you–it can’t be stopped with a mask, with a cloth mask or surgical mask.” She went on to say, “Even an N95 mask is not effective in catching COVID, so making these kids wear them for six or seven hours a day is awful” and noted that the masks are not being worn or used correctly and increasing the risk of more harmful bacteria.


“It’s really dangerous to these kids to wear them physically,” she said, “besides all the emotional and developmental and emotional damage that’s being done, so that’s where I took a stand.”


She ultimately detailed her concerns to her supervisor, who responded that Gov. Phil Murphy (D) mandated the masks. Pein told the supervisor that, as a nurse, she did not feel comfortable enforcing the mandate and asked if she could follow up with the superintendent to discuss.


Ultimately, Pein messaged the superintendent, principal, and supervisor. She said, “[I] let them know I was no longer going to be wearing a mask at work.” Indeed, she did. Consequently, she was suspended and “escorted out of the building.”


The nurse added that her main goal is to get people to “wake up and to realize that this mandate isn’t safe” for kids or adults, referring to forced mask-wearing as a form of child abuse:

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:18 a.m. No.13572160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

What Pfizer Just Said About Its Own Vaccine Is Absolutely Frightening!



For months, I have said that the cure is often worse than the actual sickness and that is what we are seeing now. No one is saying that the virus isn’t bad or that it can’t be deadly, but so is the flu and most anything. However, rushing to create a vaccine in record time not knowing exactly what is in it or how it was created is troubling. First off, and this needs to be addressed right off the bat is this is not a vaccine in the traditional sense. This is not a deactivated virus being introduced but actually, gene therapy and this “vaccine” is the first of its kind.


The ramifications of this “vaccine” have not been tested and those who take this experimental jab are the test subjects.


This is not a wild conspiracy theory which is just a derogatory term people use to demean a subject that they do not know about but it is fact.


In fact, Pfizer’s own documents show how dangerous this vaccine is and this needs to be read, saved, and shared with everyone who is considering taking the jab and to those who have already received it. In the documents, Pzier states that both inhalation and skin contact will transmit whatever is in the vaccine from those who receive it to those who have not received it.


Sadly, with this new “vaccine” at this time, there is no way to naturally detox from its poison as in traditional vaccines, but hopefully, we will find a way to at least lessen the blow for those who want to.


Here is what just this small portion of this Pfizer document is saying:


  1. If a man who was not vaccinated touches a vaccinated woman or breathes any of the air she breathes, (in other words, walks by her in the office) and he then has sex with his wife, his wife can have an adverse event and she should avoid having children.


  1. If a woman who was never vaccinated gets exposed to a woman who was vaccinated, she can:


A: miscarry,

B: spontaneously abort,

C. poison a baby via her breast milk

D: Have babies that have cognitive difficulties.


This is universal and very bad. Here is a small section of text I translated to English: Occupational Exposure


“An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event. These people may include health care providers, family members, and other people who are around the trial participant.


When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer safety within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse event. This must be reported using the vaccine secondary adverse event report form. SINCE THE INFORMATION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO A PARTICIPANT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY, THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT SEPARATE FROM THE STUDY.”


TO CLARIFY: Vaccine study participants become super-spreaders of something, they don’t say what it is, but it triggers secondary adverse events in people that never had the vax when they are exposed to people who did have the vax.


THIS IS SO BAD that right here, in this little bit of quoted text, it warns that un-vaccinated men who have been exposed to a woman who was vaxxed will then pass whatever is in the vax to another woman.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:19 a.m. No.13572168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2340 >>2363 >>2364

Hacking incident exposes shocking extent of global surveillance network


Image Matrix tech Editor Djuro Sen says a recent hacking incident revealed how easy it is to access “really sensitive” surveillance camera footage through the internet.


Businesses and consumers are being warned to improve their cyber defenses after hackers accessed thousands of cameras to expose the extent of surveillance around the world.


Mr Sen urged businesses to build up their cyber defences and ensure they would not be left unprotected.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.13572189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364



The Salk Institute came out with a study on April 30th saying the actual spike protein (key part of COVID vaccines) is a driver of disease. Also, COVID is primarily a vascular disease, not respiratory. In other words, researchers kinda knew nothing when they made the vaccine being shot into millions of humans….


They (supposedly) thought the spike protein was harmless…it isn’t and it’s in the jabs

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:27 a.m. No.13572231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths


3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious injuries reported between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, 2021


One of the world’s most prominent medical doctors with expertise in treating COVID-19 has gone on the record with a scathing rebuke of the U.S. government’s approach to fighting the virus. He says the government’s strategy, carried out in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations World Health Organization, has resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and is now being followed up with thousands more deaths caused by a mass-injection program.


Dr. Peter McCullough, in a 32-minute interview with journalist Alex Newman, said if this were any other vaccine it would have been pulled from the market by now for safety reasons.


McCullough holds the honor of being the most cited medical doctor on COVID-19 treatments at the National Library of Medicine, with more than 600 citations. He has testified before Congress and won numerous awards during his distinguished medical career.


Between Dec. 14 and April 23, there were 3,544 deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS], along with 12,619 serious injuries.


One might expect these numbers would trigger an exhaustive investigation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. But the opposite has occurred. According to McCullough, the government has taken what amounts to a passing glance at the alarming numbers and dismissed them with a bare minimum of scrutiny.


“A typical new drug at about five deaths, unexplained deaths, we get a black-box warning, your listeners would see it on TV, saying it may cause death,” McCullough said. “And then at about 50 deaths it’s pulled off the market.”


The U.S. has a precedent for this. In 1976 during the Swine Flu pandemic the U.S. attempted to vaccinate 55 million Americans, but at that point the shot caused about 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths.


“The program was killed, at 25 deaths,” McCullough said.


Compare that type of response to the government’s reaction to much higher reported death numbers related to the Moderna and Pfizer shots and the contrast is alarming, McCullough said, especially when the shots have not even been granted full FDA approval and are only being allowed on the market under an Emergency Use Authorization.


“In the U.S. today [as of late March] we have approximately 77 million people vaccinated for COVID and we have 2,602 deaths reported, so it’s unprecedented how many deaths have accrued,” he said.



Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:28 a.m. No.13572248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

The end of free speech: Why is Britain handing huge new powers of censorship to tech giants to control what we write and say?


The UK is turning its broadcast regulator into the Hatefinder General, with a new law compelling social media companies to enforce an authoritarian crackdown on our behaviour that’s ‘unprecedented in any democracy’.


As the British nanny state widens its scope with the government’s new Online Safety Bill it is a sign that the German concept of wehrhafte Demokratie – or militant democracy – has arrived on our shores, dictating that some of our rights are sacrificed in the interests of order.


Once enshrined in law, the bill will ensure that true, online freedom of speech will follow the dial-up modem and those once omnipotent AOL subscription CDs into the dustbin of internet history. According to the authors of ‘You’re on Mute”, a briefing document from the Free Speech Union (FSU), the government’s plans “will restrict online free speech to a degree almost unprecedented in any democracy”.


But I have to admit, I’m a bit sceptical how this brand new plan is going to work. So far, it seems that Ofcom, the broadcaster regulator, will be asked to draw up a code of practice setting out the rules which social media companies will be legally obliged to follow. Ofcom will then enforce the rules with fines of up to £18 million or 10% of turnover levied on those who break them.


And what are the rules? Well, taking the guide to what constitutes hate speech as a starting point, it means not saying anything that might spread, incite, promote or justify hatred based on intolerance on the grounds of disability, ethnicity, social origin, sex, gender, gender reassignment, nationality, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, colour, genetic features, language, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth or age. Phew!


Under the new bill, however, alongside the no-go areas, it will also become an offence to deliberately create and disseminate “false and/or manipulated information that is intended to deceive and mislead audiences, either for the purposes of causing harm, or for political, personal or financial gain”.


As well, the yet-to-be-revealed code will also insist that “legal but harmful” activity be blocked. How “harmful” that might be is to be judged upon the psychological impact it might cause. So be careful of those clown pics you’re posting on Facebook.


If someone told me these were the rules governing access to the internet in China, I would not bat an eyelid, so authoritarian and freedom-smothering they are even at first glance. But look at them a little closer and, well, they’re even scarier.


Ofcom’s list of hate speech minefields now includes one of the gender gestapo’s favourite areas of victimhood – gender reassignment, apparently putting a cordon around it so it may no longer be debated – and also “political, personal or financial gain”.


So how is this ever going to work in the realm of political campaigns, where the whole point is to offer flip-side views diametrically opposed to each other? As the authors of the FSU briefing point out: “No UK Government or Opposition should support proposals which give internet censors, whether this be a state regulator or ‘fact-checkers’ employed by social media companies, the power to censor the sometimes-offensive free speech which is part of any democracy. Political parties should also note that this will inevitably result in the censorship of their own activists.”

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:30 a.m. No.13572263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

Verizon Strikes Deal To Dump Remnants Of AOL & Yahoo To Apollo For $5 Billion


Last week, the first whispers emerged that Verizon was in talks with Apollo to dump its media division, which includes the remnants of Yahoo and AOL, for a pricetag of roughly $5 billion - a tiny fraction of the $300 billion combined valuation for AOL and Yahoo during their prime 20 years ago, as Bloomberg's Tara Lachapelle pointed out in a tweet.


After reports piled up over the weekend, Bloomberg and others have has confirmed Monday that a deal had been struck. Reports put the pricetag at $5 billion, then high end of the $4 billion to $5 billion range reported over the weekend.


Verizon Communications Inc. is nearing an agreement to sell its media division to Apollo Global Management Inc., according to people with knowledge of the matter, a move that would jettison once-dominant online brands like AOL and Yahoo!.


A deal for Verizon Media could be announced as soon as Monday, said the people, who asked to not be identified because the matter isn’t public. Verizon will keep a stake in the business, they said.


No final decision has been made and discussions could fall through. The assets could fetch as much as $5 billion, Bloomberg News has reported.


Verizon and Apollo declined to comment.


Furthermore, Verizon will maintain its minority stake in the new entity, which will be known as Yahoo.


Verizon already dumped the Huffington Post to Buzzfeed (which proceeded to fire 1/3rd of the site's staff after it failed to hit certain traffic benchmarks) last year, and it has been reportedly searching for a buyer for the rest of its ill-fated media assets for some time. Whatever proceeds it manages to raise from the sale will likely be immediately invested in buying more 5G wireless spectrum as it competes with rival AT&T to dominate the new generation of wireless.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:33 a.m. No.13572288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

CBC features author who writes about blowing up and gassing white people during 'race war'


The CBC host then explained that she was Jewish, but apologized to the author that his experience of the world made him feel this way.


The CBC invited an author who wrote about "detonating" white people, while "the exits are locked and the air vents [are] filled with gas" to be interviewed on their flagship arts program.


The CBC host then explained that she was Jewish, but apologized to the author that his experience of the world made him feel this way.


Ben Philippe appeared on Q where he discussed his newest book and racial issues in North America.


AUDIO: Author Ben Philippe talks to CBC about his book, where he writes about trapping white people in a room, where they would then be blown up and gassed.— Roberto Wakerell-Cruz ?? (@Robertopedia) April 26, 2021


During this program, an excerpt from his book was read where he considered what his actions would be in a race war.


"When this race war hits its crescendo. I'll gather you all into a beautifully decorated room under the pretense of unity. I'll give a speech to civility and all the good times we share; I'll smile as we raise glasses to your good, white health, while the detonator blinks under the table, knowing the exits are locked and the air vents filled with gas."


After the host read this passage aloud, she responded by saying: "I mean that's… I'm a Jewish person, and my grandparents survived the holocaust. I can't tell you how it felt to read that sentiment, and I wanted to say to you that I'm so sorry that your experience of the world made you feel that way."


Q is the highest-rated show in its time slot in CBC history and is known for generating a younger audience. Q was hosted by Jian Ghomeshi until he was accused of sexual misconduct in 2014.


Philippe's new book (the one with the excerpt about gassing white people) is called "Sure, I'll be your Black Friend."


The CBC host asked the author about his imagined race war. In his book, the host said that Philippe asked "what would happen if there was a race war and what side you would be on. And you took it to a place that I found really shocking," she said.


In response to this, Philippe said "fun fact: that section used to be so much longer, so thank you to my editor for, like, condensing it."


"I guess I was wrestling with the question that, isn’t the end result of that, all-out warfare? Like, ‘Game of Thrones’-style warfare? and what does that look like? And I lived in that sort of stray thought for a few pages. And it was disturbing to write, too. Because I'm not a violent person, I love all my white friends," he said.


Ben Philippe is a French-Canadian author who moved to the United States in his High School years. He has written two other books: Charming as a Verb (2020), and The Field Guide to the North American Teenager (2020).

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:36 a.m. No.13572317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2364

From Mind Control to Viruses: How the Government Keeps Experimenting on Its Citizens


“They were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until it’s too late.” — Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children


The U.S. government, in its pursuit of so-called monsters, has itself become a monster.


This is not a new development, nor is it a revelation.


This is a government that has in recent decades unleashed untold horrors upon the world—including its own citizenry—in the name of global conquest, the acquisition of greater wealth, scientific experimentation, and technological advances, all packaged in the guise of the greater good.


Mind you, there is no greater good when the government is involved. There is only greater greed for money and power.


Unfortunately, the public has become so easily distracted by the political spectacle out of Washington, DC, that they are altogether oblivious to the grisly experiments, barbaric behavior and inhumane conditions that have become synonymous with the U.S. government.


These horrors have been meted out against humans and animals alike. For all intents and purposes, “we the people” have become lab rats in the government’s secret experiments.


Fifty years from now, we may well find out the whole sordid truth behind this COVID-19 pandemic. However, this isn’t intended to be a debate over whether COVID-19 is a legitimate health crisis or a manufactured threat. It is merely to acknowledge that such crises can—and are—manipulated by governments in order to expand their powers.


As we have learned, it is entirely possible for something to be both a genuine menace to the nation’s health and security and a menace to freedom.


This is a road the United States has been traveling for many years now. Indeed, grisly experiments, barbaric behavior and inhumane conditions have become synonymous with the U.S. government, which has meted out untold horrors against humans and animals alike.


For instance, did you know that the U.S. government has been buying hundreds of dogs and cats from “Asian meat markets” as part of a gruesome experiment into food-borne illnesses? The cannibalistic experiments involve killing cats and dogs purchased from Colombia, Brazil, Vietnam, China and Ethiopia, and then feeding the dead remains to laboratory kittens, bred in government laboratories for the express purpose of being infected with a disease and then killed.


It gets more gruesome.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.13572333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2379

Biden Tells Mossad US Not Close to Iran Deal


Biden promises to keep seeking Israeli input on Iran process


While Israel’s delegation came to the US having been warned by the Biden Administration that it won’t allow Israel to dictate the Iran nuclear talks, President Biden certainly seems to be continuing to give the Israelis the impression that this is their prerogative.


Israeli officials say Biden told the director of Mossad that the US has a “long way to go” before any deals with Iran on the nuclear process can be reached. Israel was openly opposed to the 2015 nuclear deal, and is opposed to the US returning to it.


Perhaps more concerning, Biden “assured” the director that the US will continue to seek Israeli input on the Iran process in the future. This seems to support the Israeli delegation’s impression that they can direct the US on what to dog.


Talks involving the nuclear deal resumed in Vienna in April. The first day of such talks saw Israel sabotage the Iranian site at Natanz. The US was said to have warned Israel not to undermine the diplomacy with such attacks, but signs are that Israel still considers this their business.

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.13572341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2379

US Ends Visa Services for Most Russians, Reduces Moscow Embassy Staff by 75%


Russia blames 'unfriendly steps' by US for souring relations


On Friday, the US embassy in Moscow announced that it was cutting consular services and reducing its staff by 75 percent.


As part of the cutbacks, the embassy will no longer process non-immigrant visas for Russians. So any Russian citizens that want to travel to the US that aren’t seeking a green card would have to obtain a tourist visa through a third country.


The announcement came after Russia put limits on the amount of staff the US embassy could hire locally, a response to recent US sanctions and the expulsion of Russian diplomats. Russia’s foreign ministry pointed out that the Russian embassy in the US was still issuing visas to American citizens within 10 days despite limits they have had to deal with.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the US move won’t change much since the embassy has not been processing many visas lately. “I think that only a handful of Russian citizens were able to obtain a visa at the US Embassy in Moscow during the last year, or maybe a bit more. These visas were next to impossible to get. So, nothing will change on this score,” he said.


Peskov also blamed actions from Washington for straining US-Russia relations. “If we rewind this thread of unfriendly steps, it would become apparent, that it all was caused by the unfriendly actions of the US,” he said.


The Biden administration has taken an incredibly hostile approach to Russia. Besides expelling diplomats and imposing sanctions, the US has expressed “unwavering” support for Ukraine amid tensions with Russia. The rhetoric has also been harsh, with President Biden agreeing in an interview that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a “killer” who has “no soul.”

Anonymous ID: 6c052f May 3, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.13572370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2379

2 arrested in Western Pa. human trafficking investigation


Harrisburg, Pa. – Attorney General Josh Shapiro recently announced the arrest of two individuals for allegedly seeking sexual contact with undercover law enforcement agents posing as minors.


These arrests are the result of an undercover investigation conducted by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and Robinson Township Police concerning online child exploitation and human trafficking throughout western Pennsylvania.


“Our Organized Crime Unit has been very active in investigating human trafficking cases across Pennsylvania, and will continue to prosecute offenders who exploit children and create a market for human trafficking,” said Shapiro. “Thanks to strong collaboration with our local law enforcement partners, we will hold these individuals accountable for their crimes, and uncover child predators – wherever we find them.”


On April 22, agents from the OAG and Robinson Township Police arrested John Carter, 58, for his alleged efforts to solicit sexual services from an agent posing as a minor boy and an adult male trafficker. He was charged with one count of unlawful contact with a minor, one count of attempted patronizing a victim of sexual servitude, one count of attempted involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and one count of criminal use of a communications facility.


The next day, as part of a similar investigation, agents and Robinson Township Police also arrested Simon Whaby, 55, for his alleged efforts to solicit sexual services from an agent posing as a minor and an adult trafficker. He is being charged with one count of unlawful contact with a minor, one count of attempted patronizing a victim of sexual servitude, one count of attempted statutory sexual assault, and one count of criminal use of a communication facility.


The cases are being prosecuted by Senior Deputy Attorney General Summer Carroll. All charges are accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. Both preliminary hearings will be held on May 11, 2021. This investigation was assisted by the OAG’s Child Predator Section. When any individual is involved in or benefits from selling a minor for sex, that is considered human trafficking under state and federal laws. These defendants allegedly agreed to pay a minor for sex knowing they were a victim of human trafficking.


Earlier this month in Washington County, the OAG announced the guilty verdict in a separate human trafficking case. The defendant, St. Patrick Earl Levy, was found guilty of two counts of felony human trafficking of a minor and all underlying counts of promoting prostitution, corruption of minors and living off of prostitutes. The case was prosecuted by Senior Deputy Attorney General Katherine Wymard.