Anonymous ID: ae7d17 May 3, 2021, 11:23 a.m. No.13572197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons know what to do. I cant comment on the post. This is what information war looks like. hateful spiteful little man.

Jim Wright


America is unlikely to reach herd immunity.

When this pandemic began, the Holy Grail was herd immunity, that point when enough of the population was protected from infection via vaccine, so that the virus would starve of hosts and more or less die out – or at least infection would become rare, isolated, controllable, and would not spread very far when it did occur.

Developing a vaccine against the coronavirus was a priority of previous administration. Trump daily touted his "Operation Warp Speed" and bragged about how he, personally, should be given credit for curing the disease.

But, NOW that we actually have safe, effective, and widely available vaccines, perversely far, far too many Americans are refusing to take them.

Some are the usual idiot anti-vaxxers with the usual idiot excuses, pseudo science, and hysterical conspiracy theories.

Many are willingly the victims of an information warfare campaign waged by our enemies and assisted by collaborating pundits, celebrities, and self-appointed internet experts (start pulling the thread on this and see WHO benefits from an America crippled by a pandemic and you'll see just how effective IW can be. IW used to be my profession, I know an active campaign when I see one. Example: watch for mass automated responses to this very thread on Twitter and the furious DMs I'll no doubt get here).

But many more are refusing the vaccine (along with all other protective measures) as some sort of POLITICAL statement

They willing to risk not only their own lives, but all of our lives, deliberately prolonging the crisis simply to "own" their political opponents in some sort of mean vindictive small-minded petulance like spoiled miserable children who simply can't comprehend the consequences of their own selfishness.

The ironic part is that the vast majority of those pushing this mean-spirited screw-you narrative HAVE THEMSELVES BEEN VACCINATED.

And THAT, my shiny electronic friends, is a metaphor for modern America where the rich and powerful live in golden castles with their names on the side in 30-foot-tall golden letters and shit in golden toilets and tell the gullible fools down below that it's somehow the POOR AND DISENFRANCHISED who are keeping them down, that healthcare and a living wage are oppression, that education is indoctrination, that clean water and clean air are anti-American, and that they can attain the American Dream ONLY if they give rich people more money.

This is just more of the same.

Those who used to their fortunes and power to protect themselves FIRST, are right now telling Americans not to do the same, that getting the vaccine is dangerous, sheep-like knuckling under to authority, and unamerican. And far, far too many fools are willing to carry water for those who have, in all practicality, thrown in with our enemies to keep America in chaos, divided, and dying.

America is unlikely to reach herd immunity a condition we COULD HAVE ACHIEVED ALREADY because too many are willing to sacrifice not only themselves but also their fellows all in the name of a selfish spiteful political ideology.

This country once led the global effort to eradicate deadly diseases for the benefit of all.

It's a sad testament of our decline as a nation and the selfishness of who we've become as a people that we no longer lead the way in something as easy to do as getting a vaccine.

I fear this nation cannot long survive the miserable ignorant bastards we've become.

Somewhere, right now, our enemies those who have schemed for decades to bring American down are smiling small tight smiles of satisfaction.