Anonymous ID: d9dd39 May 3, 2021, 10:12 a.m. No.13571767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1843 >>1935 >>2101 >>2251 >>2375 >>2406

DeSantis Orders End Of Local COVID Mandates, Signs Emergency Bill That Bans Vaccine 'Passports'


An executive order, which takes effect immediately, and the law, which takes effect July 1, affect only government action and do not prevent businesses from issuing restrictions on patrons, the governor said.

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed legislation that limits local government emergency orders related to COVID-19 and creates a permanent ban on vaccine "passports."


He also signed an executive order that limits those local powers until the bill takes effect July 1.


DeSantis, at a St. Petersburg restaurant for the signings, said that while the fight against COVID-19 continues, “we are no longer in a state of emergency.”


He cited the effectiveness of vaccines in slowing the spread of the illness and a need for people to maintain personal liberties.


"I think this is the evidence-based thing to do," he said.


"I think folks that are saying they need to be policing people at this point … you really are saying you don't believe in the vaccines, you don't believe in the data, you don't believe in the science. We've embraced the vaccines, we've embraced the science on it."


The executive order, which takes effect immediately, and legislation affect only government action, such as mask mandates or fines related to restrictions. It doesn’t stop businesses from issuing their own requirements of customers, the governor said.


“In terms of a supermarket, Disney or a theme park, it doesn’t deal with that one way or other,” DeSantis said.


Individuals who wish to wear masks or follow personal protocols may continue, he said.


The bill prohibits businesses, schools and government agencies from requiring people to show documentation that proves they received a COVID-19 vaccination - so-called "vaccine passports."


It also allows the governor to override local orders during a health crisis, and places time limits on some emergency orders.


State and local orders for public health emergencies had be able to last up to seven days and extend indefinitely in seven-day increments. The measure caps the maximum extension at 42 days.


The limitation doesn’t apply to hurricanes or weather-related emergencies.

Anonymous ID: d9dd39 May 3, 2021, 10:26 a.m. No.13571838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The ongoing election audit in Arizona has led to increased calls for similar efforts elsewhere. The state is currently in the process of an Arizona Senate approved audit that is taking place after a judge ruled that all ballots must be turned over. The audit is exclusively focusing on two races — the presidential race and the U.S. senate race.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason ruled that state senate issued subpoenas were valid, which allowed the audit to go forward. This ruling came after a months-long conflict in which Maricopa County officials argued that said subpoenas were unlawful, and that they didn’t have to turn over the ballots.

The audit began last Friday and should wrap up sometime this week. It will include another signature check and is being led by the Florida based company called Cyber Ninjas, along with three other firms.

Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan stated that he hoped to find nothing. “If we go through here and we don’t find any fraud, I’m going to be ecstatic. I’m going to love that. And I want to be able to tell people about it. If we go through here and find fraud, I want to fix it,” he said.

As the Arizona situation unfolds, calls for a similar effort in Pennsylvania have been growing louder. Teddy Daniels — a candidate for Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District — recently called for an audit in the keystone state. “We need to audit the vote in Pennsylvania, we need to get it done,” Daniels said in a Facebook video.

Daniels — a Purple Heart Afghanistan veteran who narrowly lost in 2020 — then called out weak Republicans for their failure to stand up. “I am sick and tired of the politically connected and entitled not doing a damn thing to stand up for the men and women that they’re supposed to represent,”

Anonymous ID: d9dd39 May 3, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.13571898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913

Andrew Breitbart — Media War

Thanks "grunge music" for turning

him into a conservative.


Almost 10 yr delta.

Worth remembering anons.



A publisher, columnist, and blogger, Andrew Breitbart is the founder of the Breitbart network of investigative news websites including,, Big Government, Big Hollywood, Big Journalism, and Big Peace. Breitbart's new book is Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me while I Save the World!


Beginning with his college years at Tulane University, Breitbart unfolds his gradual awakening to conservativism, which culminates in an embrace of Rush Limbaugh. Taking on the challenge to combat the "Democrat Media Complex" he explains what he is fighting for. "I want a center-right nation to fight for its soul, and its soul is represented in the arts; its soul is represented in a world in which media is everything." He further explains his strategy. "My business model is to aim every one of our exposés straight at the mainstream media and say, 'Katie Couric, you are being dared not to cover this.'"

Anonymous ID: d9dd39 May 3, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.13572056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2101 >>2251 >>2375 >>2406


declines to say if he would welcome an investigation into nursing home deaths from

@TishJames says it’s already being looked at by Eastern District federal prosecutors.


Reiterates he will not resign, no matter what.

Anonymous ID: d9dd39 May 3, 2021, 11:29 a.m. No.13572258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gooday mates:


NFTs & Cryptocurrency: The new digital trends making Aussies millions | 60 Minutes Australia


You don’t have to be Pythagoras to understand this simple maths calculation: Ten years ago, if you’d bought one bitcoin for one dollar and kept it, it would now be worth $70,000. It’s a massive return on investment. Of course, back in 2011, buying highly speculative and volatile cryptocurrencies was an enormous gamble. But as Tom Steinfort reports, that’s no longer the case. Huge financial institutions like Visa and Mastercard, and even celebrated investors like Elon Musk, are now on board, giving legitimacy to the once-derided cryptocurrency sector. In turn that’s encouraged the tech-boffins to invent even more “out there” ways to make a buck.

Anonymous ID: d9dd39 May 3, 2021, 11:39 a.m. No.13572353   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BEIJING (AP) — China on Thursday launched the main module of its first permanent space station that will host astronauts long term, the latest success for a program that has realized a number of its growing ambitions in recent years.


The Tianhe, or “Heavenly Harmony," module blasted into space atop a Long March 5B rocket from the Wenchang Launch Center on the southern island province of Hainan, marking another major advance for the country’s space exploration.


China’s space program has also recently brought back the first new lunar samples in more than 40 years and expects to land a probe and rover on the surface of Mars later next month.


Minutes after the launch, the fairing opened to expose the Tianhe atop the core stage of the rocket, with the characters for “China Manned Space” emblazoned on its exterior. Soon after, it separated from the rocket, which will orbit for about a week before falling to Earth, and minutes after that, opened its solar arrays to provide a steady energy source.


The space program is a source of huge national pride, and Premier Li Keqiang and other top civilian and military leaders watched the launch live from the control center in Beijing. A message of congratulations from state leader and head of the ruling Communist Party Xi Jinping was also read to staff at the Wenchang Launch Center.


NASA Masony 2.0 kek

Anonymous ID: d9dd39 May 3, 2021, 11:52 a.m. No.13572465   🗄️.is 🔗kun



3 sec. Dan

Flashback PA Rally 2020