Anonymous ID: 6d3a2e May 3, 2021, 2:27 p.m. No.13573748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758 >>3850 >>4006

More Democrat Insanity: Green New Deal Mastermind Claims Saving the Planet Requires Eliminating Police and Changing Power Relationships


Green New Deal mastermind Rhiana Gunn-Wright, director of climate policy at the Roosevelt Institute, says a clean environment includes a police-free environment.


This is the type of BS coming from the American left today.


And Joe Biden is basing US policy on this idiocy.


Rhianna Gunn-Wright argues that the Green New Deal “is about changing power relationships.”


That’s batsh*t crazy.


Who voted for this garbage? Who?


Natural News reported:


The true purpose behind the so-called “Green New Deal” is finally being revealed, and it has nothing to do with saving the planet and its ecosystems.


Green New Deal mastermind Rhiana Gunn-Wright, director of climate policy at the Roosevelt Institute, says that a big part of achieving “environmental justice” involves dealing with “police brutality,” which she says is an “environmental justice issue.”


“It’s not just about how close or far you are from a fossil fuel facility,” Gunn-Wright admits. “It’s also about what makes up your physical environment, including policing, public safety, education, clean water. All of that is part of a person’s physical environment.”


Gunn-Wright is not actually concerned about simply reforming corrupt police departments, though. Her Green New Deal agenda admittedly aims to abolish all police and institute a system of “community” policing where people basically police themselves.


This will ensure that “black” and “brown” children can not only grow up breathing “toxic air from steel smoke stacks spewing polluted particulates,” to quote a recent Frontline report about the agenda, but also grow up in “a future without police,” which would result in “less crime and more safety.”

Anonymous ID: 6d3a2e May 3, 2021, 2:30 p.m. No.13573765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Boystown' child sexual abuse website shut down in multi-national police operation==


More arrests expected in operation against online paedophile 'communities'


So if they have 400K members they would have all their IP's and should be able to go after all of them right?

Anonymous ID: 6d3a2e May 3, 2021, 2:33 p.m. No.13573787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas AG's Fugitive Apprehension Unit Announces Noteworthy Arrests


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's Fugitive Apprehension Unit announced making several noteworthy arrests recently, including two wanted men in Dallas.


In Dallas County, Tamarion Stewart was arrested in Dallas on April 28. Stewart had an outstanding warrant for murder by the Mesquite Police Department. It's not clear if Stewart has obtained an attorney.


In Dallas County, Juan Carlos Lopez was arrested on April 27. This arrest was made after a request from the Little Elm Police Department. Lopez had an outstanding warrant for four counts of sexual assault of a child issued by the Denton County Sheriff's Office. Lopez is being held in the Denton County Jail on $200,000 bond; it's not clear if Lopez has obtained an attorney.


In Harris County, Christopher Michael Roth was arrested in Houston on April 28. Roth, who was on parole for two separate convictions of aggravated sexual assault of a child in 2008 and 2011, violated the terms of parole and a corresponding parole violation warrant was issued by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Roth is being held in the Harris County Jail and bond is being withheld. It's not clear if he has obtained an attorney.


The mission of the AG's Fugitive Apprehension Unit is to locate and arrest convicted child sex offenders who violate conditions of their parole and to arrest sex offenders who fail to comply with the state’s mandated sex offender registration requirements.


Through regional offices in Austin, Arlington and Houston, the unit provides a localized and rapid response to the threat of these wanted individuals and other violent offenders who have a high probability of re-offending. The Fugitive Apprehension Unit also participates in four of U.S. Marshal Fugitive task forces (Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas/Ft. Worth).


The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit made several noteworthy arrests last week.


In El Paso County, Kathy Maria Caraveo was arrested and indicted on two counts of medical fraud and one count of theft of property. She was arrested by the Lawton Police Department on April 23. Caraveo allegedly billed for counseling services that she did not provide. The overpayment amount is $666,730.55.


To learn more about the Criminal Investigations Division and its efforts to keep Texans safe, visit the attorney general’s website at

For more information about protecting your children online visit

Anonymous ID: 6d3a2e May 3, 2021, 2:36 p.m. No.13573814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hillary Clinton: Islamic terrorism and 'huge refugee outflow' could be consequences of Biden leaving Afghanistan


Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton raised concerns over President Joe Biden's withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, warning of "two huge consequences" of leaving the war-torn region in an interview Sunday.


The first consequence is "the potential collapse of the Afghan government and a takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban," Clinton said.


She warned that civil war might resume in the country if American troops leave, a concern shared by U.S. commanders in the region who opposed the withdrawal over fears the Taliban could overrun Afghan armed forces without American military support.


Clinton added that the United States has an obligation to protect "many thousands of Afghans" who worked with the U.S. and NATO, those who "stood up and spoke out for women's rights and human rights."


"I hope that the administration in concert with the Congress will have a very large visa program and will begin immediately to try to provide that channel for so many Afghans to utilize so that they are not left in danger," she said, predicting a "huge refugee outflow" if Afghanistan spirals into civil war.


The second major consequence of U.S. withdrawal, according to Clinton, is the "resumption of activities by global terrorist groups, most particularly Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State."


Acknowledging that there has been a "sharp drop in both capacity and action on behalf of Islamic terrorist groups," Clinton said she wouldn't count on that "downward spiral" lasting if the Taliban retakes power and provides refuge for Islamic terrorist groups.


"The Taliban has never been willing to separate itself from Al-Qaeda," Clinton pointed out.


"It's one thing to pull out troops that have been supporting security in Afghanistan, supporting the Afghan military, leaving it pretty much to fend for itself, but we can't afford to walk away from the consequences of that decision," Clinton concluded.


The United States officially began to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan last week, with President Joe Biden's ultimate goal being a complete exit from the country by Sept. 11 — commemorating the 20-year-anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.


Biden's timetable for withdrawal broke an agreement between the Trump administration and the Taliban to have American military forces leave Afghanistan by May 1. In response, the Taliban said Friday it will "take every counteraction it deems appropriate against the occupying forces," possibly signaling new attacks on U.S. forces as they attempt to leave the country.


The real 2 huge issues are no more dead US soldiers and heroin production

Anonymous ID: 6d3a2e May 3, 2021, 2:37 p.m. No.13573824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3828 >>3834 >>3843 >>3950

NO VACCINE FOR HEARTBREAK: Bill and Melinda Gates Announce Divorce


The Foundation created by the couple has been instrumental in funding globalist activities


Bill and Melinda Gates, the billionaire couple who have used their fortune to push a globalist agenda, have announced that they are set to divorce after 27 years of marriage.


“After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage,” Bill and Melinda Gates said in a statement posted on Twitter about their divorce. “Over the last 27 years, we have raised three incredible children and built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy, productive lives.” They added that they will continue to work together at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but that they “no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives.”


Bill and Melinda Gates first met at Microsoft, the company that Bill founded, where she worked as a marketing manager. In 2000, they set up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a non-profit which pushed a radical globalist agenda across the world. As one example, National File reported in February that the Foundation is bankrolling activists who believe maths to be racist, and that showing your working is “white supremacy.” National File also reported last September that radical antifa rioters were linked to the Bail Project, an organisation that received millions from the Foundation.


Recently, before their divorce, Bill Gates and his wife had been pushing a pro-vaccination message, despite the serious and deadly side effects that could come as a result of taking it. Gates had said last year that the world should endure a devastation global economic collapse that would result from lockdown, rather than suffer any effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 6d3a2e May 3, 2021, 2:39 p.m. No.13573837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3850 >>3855 >>3931 >>4006

Obamas share intimate dinner with A-listers Hanks, Springsteen and Spielberg


Former President Obama and wife Michelle partied into the wee hours Monday with a few A-list pals — Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw and Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa.


The powerhouse pairs gathered at the Hanks’ $26 million Pacific Palisades manse in California around 7 p.m. Sunday — and kept the party going till well after midnight, according to Splash News.


But despite the long night, the well-heeled guests appeared no worse for the wear afterward.


The country’s former commander in chief, casually dressed in a blue blazer, gray polo shirt and khakis, sat in the back of one of the vehicles in his and Michelle’s six-car motorcade perusing his tablet as they were driven away.


Meanwhile, the ex-First Lady, stunning in a gold sequined dress, appeared to flip through e-mails on her phone next to him.


Legendary Hollywood director Spielberg also sat back as he was driven off — by his actress wife in their Land Rover.


Famous crooner Springsteen — who was arrested for alleged drunken driving in February — and his musician wife were both chauffeured away together.


The DWI rap against Springsteen was later dropped — after a blood-alcohol test showed his level was 0.02, far below the legal limit of .08.


The couples have all been longtime friends going back to at least when the Obamas were in the White House.

Anonymous ID: 6d3a2e May 3, 2021, 2:41 p.m. No.13573857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4006

Lawyer for Ashli Babbitt’s Family Says That Officer Who Shot Her Did Not Issue Verbal Warning


Terry Roberts says witnesses did not hear "any kind of warning"


Terry Roberts, the lawyer for the family of Ashli Babbitt, has said that the Capitol Police officer who shot and killed her did not issue any kind of warning before doing so.


Ashli Babbitt, the Air Force veteran and election integrity protestor, was shot and killed by a as-of-yet unnamed Capitol Police officer during the protests on January 6th. Video footage shows Babbitt climbing through a window, where she was then shot by the officer. The lawyer for the officer in question, Mark Schamel, said that he had issued a verbal warning to Babbitt before he fired.


“It’s a false narrative that he issued no verbal commands or warnings,” Schamel said last month, claiming that witness statements corroborated his version of events. “He was screaming, ‘Stay back! Stay back! Don’t come in here!'” Schamel argued. However, in an interview with Sharyl Attkisson aired on Sunday, Terrell Roberts, the lawyer for Babbitt’s family, argued the exact opposite, saying that they had “interviewed several witnesses on the same side of the door,” as Babbitt, and that they “didn’t hear any kind of warning”:


I think a reasonable officer would know, given the noise on the other side of the door, that anything that he’s saying would not be heard. In fact, if you watch the video carefully, there’s an officer in a suit that strolls across the hallway at the time that he is supposedly yelling an announcement, who doesn’t even seem to react to that. So those are three important factors why we think he didn’t give an announcement.


As National File reported last month, Roberts said that Babbitt’s family would be pursuing civil action against the officer, after the Department of Justice announced that they would not be pursuing criminal charges against him, claiming that there was “insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution.” He later announced that they would be looking for civil damages of at least $10 million.


“For someone to say, ‘well, she got what she deserved,’ without understanding what the law is, is not an informed decision, I would say,” Roberts told Attkisson. “If this case happened out in Minneapolis or some other place, and it wasn’t politically charged, I think that most people would see this as an obvious case of excessive force.”