Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 3:56 p.m. No.13574401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4463 >>4470 >>4479 >>4491 >>4504 >>4506 >>4526


check out this scabes infection i have been treating with neuroplastic mechanism.


i was attacking the foot infection for a final stand it was making and my blood starting changing from all the changing CONTENT from the war between scabes and white blood cells.


i got super dizzy. and the condition lessened with water and lowering heart rate for increased metabolism. i needed it all out of my blooodstream faster cause i was still experiencing minor faintness from the "war"


anyway. check this out. I knew the white cells were storing "dead scabes" in the stomach and pissing/pooping it. i needed to get more of the infection out faster cause of the intensity of the WIN <a dead scabe is more toxic than a live one>


anyway. i stuck my finger down my throat and puked up this "thing"


holy fuck america


do not mess with nature

she will fuck you up

intel style lol


it all starts somewhere…

reversed it over 6 days

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:06 p.m. No.13574463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4493


see how it changed from this morning


it started expressing its' true "geometric defenses" in which were walls like a castle with keeps guarded by solders in which the mother infection was protected.

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:10 p.m. No.13574493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4498 >>4502


i dont have any worst case piictures of anything because I was in such a panic at the spread to other limbs that I couldn't sit around and take pictures for memorbilia.


but I almost lost the ring finger in the first pic <along with my right footdue to intense swelling and infection.


i probably wouldn't have lost it cause maytbe E.R. could treat, but the infection expands so rapidly; their treatments for it would have wild…


fucking crazy shit

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:12 p.m. No.13574506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4511 >>4543 >>4555 >>4607 >>4648 >>4875



fucking assholes

i do keep my house clean.

i can't fucking move for a week with a nasty flesh eating disease which much be treated 24 hours a day.

it literally expands when i sleep cause nobody is managing the infection.


wanna clean my fucking house? go for it


i can barely walk to the fucking kitchen to cook for 3 minutes before the infection swells. much less pick up the fucking mess I threw everywhere .


i smoke pipe tobacco and shit.

it gets everywhere

what am i supposed to do? walk to the fucking trashcan


i dont even have any dishes and i am eating off tubaware lids cause i can't stand long enough to do SHIT

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:30 p.m. No.13574653   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i will for sure


i reversed the spread 3 days ago


but that reversal doesnt…. just in the process


the scabes continues to battle you back, but it is fighting a losing battle if you treat well with baking soda and foot powder apparently. no more lancing and peelings/rinsing in hot showers and peeling scabs and shit.


it has been a life altering experience as my respect for the power of nature grew as the infection rapidly covered my body and threatened my limbs and shit


it all started with a swollen foot. the fuck do i care. i took some ibprofin. well, it all started with getting arrested in the yard 3 doors down from my house for "public intox". fucking illegal. he just parked his cruiser, got out and told me to put my hands behind my back


held me in a county jail for 4 days with no shoes or shoes or bed to sleep on except the floor. what do you except? it is all a result of one bed bug bite during that jail trip in which i coulld not be bailed out.


anyway. thanks for concern. if your foot ever swells randomly to twice the normal size, see a doctor immediately.


it will be [slayed] by the end of the today. my system is in total control and most the problem involves the elimination of dead toxic material which is being stored in the scabs themselves until they can be removed through condensing the dead material and pusihing it throug the cuticles in the epidermis.


little black "rods" come out of your skin all over the place. i expect it to be ENTIRELY eliminated before I goto bed tonight.


peace anon

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:38 p.m. No.13574709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4721 >>4778


if it is polyp related. i could help. maybe.



fucknig moron. you dont know what a disease like this does. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WALK FOR MORE THAN 10 ft and the leg needs to be elevated or it swells.



bro. i am a hospital. the doctors would have fucked me up so bad lancing shit all over the place. no thanks. no cig/weed in hospital either. want a nurse picking your wounds and scrubbing them with soap and water real hard? no thanks, i'l;l take care of it



great. I have $8 and my SSI check comes in 9 days. wanna send me a loan on venmo or paypal?



maybe you are not

but it is a fascinating disease

multiple elements and colony structures with different functions designmed to systematically destroy the human body as an infested parasite.


there are NO BUGS. i have ZERO BUGS. i just got bit by one but they are trying to breed their children through my FACE. only my FACE


it tracks the blood stream from right foot<arteryand does one production, then to left hand for another type of production, and then to the ear conolony to be transferred into "finished eggs" for adult bed bugs in the face/hair.


it is a fucking insane and systematic.


you have to clear it and clean it in a certain order to get the "important scabs" that do spicializd functions. like there are these small black rods that just make TINY dots and they are vertical in the skin, but they are directly inserting their roots into the bloodline for battle and communication.


several kinds of egg nests. different "breeding centers" and then "spore wells" where completed "offspring" are held for tranfer to the facial colony which is WAY different than the others.


it is more like a "tick" and only the head is attached. it hurts like hell to pull off but I just keep them removed. it is the last part that heals forever cause all "production centers" are focused on providing for that one facial scabe that produces a bed bug when it falls to the ground and hatches with appropriate conditions.

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:39 p.m. No.13574719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4733 >>4735


good job moron


i did go to the doc and got prescption cream.

it is great for BASIC INFECTIONS and does nothing for ADVANCED cause all it does it kiill the eggs but if their are egg producing facilities all over your skin. it doesn't even go beaneath the scab itself to treat well.


i had to [BURN] the scabs off with baking soda. fucking a

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.13574735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


even better


when you put ANY treatment on the scabes they INSTANTLY start building NEW COLONIES as a defensive mechanism.


you gotta treat a moving target that just make counter-moves against you

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.13574746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4762 >>4764


that is 13.99 grain alcohol lol


i drank that shit in 5 days.


i havent had any since. i dont drink really.


well. wtf? what do you care for my lifestyle


i have presented you with badass scabes pictures with explainations of their coloniizing behaviors.


you are a faggot shilll.


i am gonna neuter you and take your daughter as my wife if she is of the age 18.

fucking pissant waste of human skin

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:51 p.m. No.13574798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4808



okay buddy

i am trying to operate the prison complex systems in america


i am sharing my discoveries about organic treatments that are effective for highly advanced scabes infections. i like to open source on Qresearch cause Q is dead and always will be. welcome to public forum dicksucker of your dad.



original anon, original.

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:53 p.m. No.13574817   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thanks mayo clinic


did you dig real hard for that


fucking moron




they require removal of scabs and scrubbing of wounds and that happens over and over and over until they eggs quit spawning and the colonization returns


thanks mommy.

Anonymous ID: 1cf9ed May 3, 2021, 4:55 p.m. No.13574832   🗄️.is 🔗kun



i am not a foreigner.

i am a midwesterner

thanks pro-shill faggot that is going to the gas chambers when this is over with the rest of your fucking traitor friends. capitol punishment is a bitch and a nice gassy shower is halal


fuck you and your bloodline + wife

may you all perish in the volcanos of kahai and fuel the fire of gaia with your sick flesh of perceived self-righteousness