>CO2 feeds plants and makes them grow faster.
>More co2 is good.
The real problem is pollution in all its forms.
Climate change is a masonic psyop for their agenda
>CO2 feeds plants and makes them grow faster.
>More co2 is good.
The real problem is pollution in all its forms.
Climate change is a masonic psyop for their agenda
>Meme up the following and make it spread on social media: “If you can smell smoke while wearing a mask, it won’t protect you against a virus.”
>Scientific explanation: Smoke particles are 300-500nm (nanometers). Covid ranges from 50-140nm. The average covid is FOUR times smaller than a smoke particle and THREE times smaller than the smallest smoke particle. Case closed.
Are we still debating this anon? Really?
There are masks that protect you from a virus others don't.
If some don't want to wear a mask that's fine (we have treatments for this virus and it doesn't affect all age groups) but please don't say that masks don't protect people from virus because it's not true (not all masks are created equal).