The Lord will execute lying Jews on the Day of His Wrath.
Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day
for ever, and ever, and ever.
The Lord will execute lying Jews on the Day of His Wrath.
Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day
for ever, and ever, and ever.
thanks Baker!
Geopolitical Mega Quake Ready to Blow
Benjamin Fulford 5/3/21
While the Western world wanders through the dystopia of a fake Joe Biden presidency and a manufactured pandemic, something huge is brewing. A thousands-of-years-old regime is facing systemic collapse and secret negotiations about its replacement are ongoing. We cannot talk in detail about the negotiations yet for security reasons. All we can say is that it will be the biggest thing since monotheism began in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. When it happens it will be on all the screens and news outlets. Until then operational secrecy is vital, so let’s look at the signs of systemic collapse.
The biggest thing visible is hyper-inflation emerging in the U.S. This is something commonly seen during regime collapse. The cause is the people behind the Biden avatar printing money like there is no tomorrow (for them it is probably true). Government hand-outs exploded in March to an annualized $8.1 trillion, double the $4.1 trillion from February and $5 trillion above the pre-“pandemic” level of $3.2 trillion.
This is what it has done to commodity prices over last year, even though the party has just barely started: Lumber: +265%, WTI Crude: +210%, Corn: +84%, Copper: +83%, Soybeans: +72%, Silver: +65%, Sugar: +59%, Cotton: +54%, Platinum: +52%, Palladium: +32%, Wheat: +19%, Coffee: +13%.
Supply-chain experts say they have never seen anything like what is now happening.
“There is a total, global log-jam; goods cannot be shipped in some cases; and supply-side inflation on a scale we have not seen for a long, long time looks imminent.”
There is also a food shortage emerging in the U.S. with food prices rising and basic items like chicken meat running in short supply.
As of last December, one in seven U.S. households was suffering food shortages. By January 41.8 million Americans were on food stamps — 13%, more than a year earlier.
“How do we get enough drivers, I don’t know,” was the answer Covenant Logistics CEO David Parker gave analysts last week when asked about the labor shortage.
Uber insider Nathaniel Rothschild has given public hints – to those who pay attention – tweeting such things as:
“What if tomorrow the world changes as we know it?” and “The next crisis will hit you during your sleep, and you will wake up poor. It will happen lightning fast. Music is still playing. Few do realize that every market is deep faked. So prepare. Buy physical #Gold and #Silver!!”
The question that needs to be asked in these circumstances is why is the U.S. dollar so strong? The answer, of course, is that the Biden funny money is only being accepted inside the U.S. In other words, the U.S. dollar is no longer American.
The Chinese are lending the Biden regime real money to buy their stuff because Chinese American Katherine Tai, the U.S. Trade Representative, is the de-facto president of the United States, according to Asian secret society sources.
Here is the avatar they are using for day-to-day interactions with the corporate propaganda media Jen Psaki, aka David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg.
What this family that sold the U.S. corporate government to China fails to realize is that, according to a senior European Royal, “all of the world’s military intelligence agencies are allied and know…
It's really easy to tell. the Jew shills scream at any post that's unflattering to Jews. You can tell where their loyalty lies.
What part of CABAL Jews did you not notice?
What part of Organized Jewish RICO-Level Subversion did you not notice?
Are you part of the Jewish Mafia?
Expose the Organized Jewish Subversion of America and watch the Jew recoil "as if" it means AALLLllll da Jews.
So tiresome.