Anonymous ID: 50f68d May 3, 2021, 7:23 p.m. No.13575893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Earthing is free healthcare. Faster healing, reduces inflammation, increases antibody production, normalizes cortisol levels, sleep better, improves mood, and THINS BLOOD.


Your body runs more efficiently when you put your bare feet on clean soil or damp concrete for 30 mins a day.


Shills, skeptics, and bots will gas light you and say it's a placebo. It's not.


There have been 40+ studies done - many double-blind and placebo controlled. They show a physiological response. These are very simple measurements that anyone can repeat.


Jalepeno plants don't have placebos. These grounded plants produced double the yield of ungrounded plants.


Pre-term infants don't have placebo effects either.


Doctors have even tried earthing on COVID long haulers in Iraq with some good case reports: