>>13576185 lb
Only thing is,
Jesus Christ is not a "perpetual victim" for sin,
to be "re-presented" at every mass,
where the priest makes calvary "present".
Christ finished the sin sacrifice,
completing the justification of all those whom the Father had given Him (John 6).
It cannot therefore be "re-presented".
To do so is another "christ",
"another" in Latin being "vicarius",
in Greek "anti".
And one more thing,
eucharist means "thanksgiving".
Under Jewish sacrifice laws,
the sin sacrifice and the thanksgiving sacrifice were two entirely different sacrifices.
The sin sacrifice was with no utterly no leaven,
and leaven had to be removed from the land.
The thanksgiving sacrifice had to include a loaf of leavened bread.
This prevented the two from mingling.
No believing Jew in the days of the Apostles would have called any sin sacrifice the "eucharist".
He would have called the Thanksgiving Sacrifice the "eucharist".
That's the Supper Christ instructed the Apostles to conduct in the congregations after His ascension.